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Project Camelot

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I think you have to trust your intuition. You can believe the message without believing the messenger, but not so often the other way around.

There's no easy answer.

But I think that a show like the paracast, the only one where this type of subject is even mentioned - is a GREAT start. Right now, the important thing is to question everyone and everything, and then the truth will shake out years down the road. But cynicism and paranoia are powerful tools in an insane world. Hold them close, cultivate them, and always question peoples motives - ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN. The ego is a tricky bastard.

I come from the school of Midwest Punk Rock, so I just blanket don't trust ANYONE over 30. ESPECIALLY myself.



I think you have to trust your intuition. You can believe the message without believing the messenger, but not so often the other way around.

There's no easy answer.

But I think that a show like the paracast, the only one where this type of subject is even mentioned - is a GREAT start. Right now, the important thing is to question everyone and everything, and then the truth will shake out years down the road. But cynicism and paranoia are powerful tools in an insane world. Hold them close, cultivate them, and always question peoples motives - ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN. The ego is a tricky bastard.

I come from the school of Midwest Punk Rock, so I just blanket don't trust ANYONE over 30. ESPECIALLY myself.


I am not quite following your logic. I do trust my motives most of the time I believe I am being honest to myself and others. So If I can't trust anyone especially myself what is the point of continuing?

As far as Dolan goes I don't think he suddenly became an untrustworthy person from one interview and a weird book review compared to everything else he has accomplished. I think I have plenty of paranoia and distrust in general and are they your best friends?
I am not sure what to think. I hope this is a temporary misguided side effect that happens to people who have been in this field too long. I haven't changed my mind about Dolan yet it is a wait and see kind of thing.

It is much easier to forgive someone taking a slight detour if the detour is unintentional. I have a big problem with intentional deception though.

So how many are left in the good guy category if Dolan is out?

Left? There hasn't been any I thought. Think you've found the perfect researcher? Give it time, you'll disagree with something from them. Good and bad are relative. Dolan is great compared to Sean David Morten and Greer. Poor compared to Stanton Friedman and George Knapp (who aren't perfect btw) imo. It's a matter of opinion in the end. You decide. Glean what you can from people. Hell, Sagan, "AMazing Randy", Klass and Oberg have occasionally brought something good to the paranormal table. I used to consider them "bad guys" til I recognized it's best to not do the whole good and bad thing. If you want to be objective that is.

Dolan has always struck me as niave. Not a slight detour imo. Is he a liar? Not that I know of. Capable of research and sharing it? Yes. His interpretations of the gathered facts? Well, you decide.
I am not looking for THE perfect researcher I know better. Obviously how people are judged is a subjective process for the most part. I am still reading( more like just sitting around at this point) Dolan's first book and I have heard him speak once or twice at UFO conferences. I like him and am not quite ready by my standards to put him in the FOS category. Once in my FOS category it is extremely difficult to get out of that category. I am curious how his new book will be recieved and reviewed. That will give some weight to what category he stays or gets into.
Hey Ally,

Thanks for the response. My tongue in cheek reply was merely meant as a way to say we need to be wary of our own desire for truth, as it can often get in the way of finding the truth.

I WANT to believe Dolan. I WANTED to believe Laura Knight and her Cassiopeians when I first read about her. I WANT to believe we are being visited by beings from another world because it would go a long way toward making the universe a less desolate and empty place. But in learning about the phenom of UFOs my beliefs have morphed and changed. It was the 'not letting myself get caught up in my own belief systems' that have allowed that to happen.

I love the metaphor of Anton Wilson's thought tunnels. In that you play with an idea for a while. Believe it for a while, then don't believe it for a while, do research and study it for a while. Play both sides of the coin. In doing that I come to a 'field' or 'range' of truth. The longer I do this, the more I learn about a topic, the smaller the field becomes.

It's by not trusting myself - being self-aware of my own belief systems and how I construct those systems - that I'm able to do that. This is especially true in a field as rife with disinfo and hidden agendas as the UFO field.

Does that make sense?


Yes that makes sense.I change my mind all the time about what I think or believe with this phenomena. I don't think I need Dolan to be legit as much as I am waiting to see where his research and talks go. I also think he has contributed to this field up to this point even if everything he has written about is wrong which I don't think.

My worldview includes a very mystical and abstract way of interpreting most of this phenomena. I also think it is important to balance this with the predominant western materialistic "facts" so I don't end up in the woo woo world too much. I am trying to make some point here and the words are not flowing at the moment.

I am not surprised the Dolan has adopted some of this fringe of the fringe element to his work and belief system. I honestly don't see how someone who has studied this for an extensive amount of time can not run into this and change their worldview somewhat. The people who try to force everything into the nuts and bolts category annoy me somewhat.

Maybe Dolan just is playing with certain ideas and will eventually end up balancing this out or not.....time will tell
Also I love Anton Wilson even though I have only read a small amount of his material. He was quite a remarkable writer and thinker.
Hey Ally,
I WANT to believe Dolan. I WANTED to believe Laura Knight and her Cassiopeians when I first read about her. I WANT to believe we are being visited by beings from another world because it would go a long way toward making the universe a less desolate and empty place. But in learning about the phenom of UFOs my beliefs have morphed and changed. It was the 'not letting myself get caught up in my own belief systems' that have allowed that to happen.

What is your experience with Laura Knight? I met her and her husband about 10 years ago in Florida.
If you want a terrific giggle go here:


And listen to the September 18th 2008 interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy.

You will never here so much drivel ... well since the last crappy interview you've listened to.

Some words mentioned: time travel, Montauk, Ed Dames, Dan Burisch ... 2012 ... pole shift ... Jim Sparks :eek: etc etc etc.

Ye gods ... how do people get away with this crap?
If you want a terrific giggle go here:


And listen to the September 18th 2008 interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy.

You will never here so much drivel ... well since the last crappy interview you've listened to.

Some words mentioned: time travel, Montauk, Ed Dames, Dan Burisch ... 2012 ... pole shift ... Jim Sparks :eek: etc etc etc.

Ye gods ... how do people get away with this crap?

Yeah its insane. I go there occasionally for a laugh. I was listening to one interview that was talking about portals to Mars and equally nonsensical crap.

And Bill and Kerry just accept everything they are told it seems.
And Bill and Kerry just accept everything they are told it seems.

Well not only that but from the sound of that interview, they're making crap up as well ... so no change there then from the usual nonsense and dodgy dealings we normally have to put up with in the wonderful world of ufology :cool:
Project Camelot is like ufology's own Springer show. Minus the topless women. Instead of blurred out boobs, you might get some blurred out photos from time to time.
A theory, but one that might be showing too much understanding: Dolan is just trying to be politically correct here, so he is more willing than he might otherwise be to just accept what people claim. That's particularly true if they are on the same conference venue. I don't necessarily disagree with many of his ideas, but I hope he isn't letting that attitude color his conclusions.

Since we don't allow political correctness to enter into our dealings with the UFO community, I suppose we just feel concerned about those who do, particularly when they seem to color their viewpoints about these matters.
I watched Dolan attack people on stage in Q/A. There was no political correctness. Stan Friedman, Robert Salasamoung others stateds that they would like the US govenrnment to release some stuff but that they didnt want to know everything. They were sure that there was some parts that it was not in the best interest of the military to release. He went on a tirad (im gonna paraphrase here) about how the people on stage were way too niaeve and trusting of an evil government and how the only way to release this information was to do so completely with nothing held back. He interupted Friedman to go on the rant. I have a hard time believing that he suddenly found the need to go politically correct.
This leads me to a sorrowful conclusion, and that is that I don't think he is being entirely straight-forward here. Something is going on and he's not telling. It's sorrowful because we ALL have been pounding the drum for his return to the show. And now I, for one, am a bit confused. I can only hope that he thinks there is a greater good to be achieved here, some sort of intelligence prize he has set his sights on that would justify his behavior if only we all knew and understood his purpose.

I don't get it, frankly; and I wonder WTF is going on.
Listen to his wifes radio show and you will. When momma's happy the house is happy. Start throwing people momma likes and agrees with under the bus and you stop getting desert. Just my opinion. I could be wrong.
What is your experience with Laura Knight? I met her and her husband about 10 years ago in Florida.

Excuse me for cutting in on this dance... LKJ = A towering Pandora's box of channeled paranoia. Cassipeoans = benevolent spiritual 6th Density beings which are essentially the future versions of ourselves. -Able to communicate through some brand of harmonic convergence and cosmic alignment, some hokey jazz like that. AND they alone hold the truth and in turn elaborate on infinite levels of deception, manipulation and outright hornswaggling perpetrated by malevolent "4th Density" beings (i.e. trumpet blows here - Reptillians!") LKJ of course being of immaculate spiritual constitution, is awarded with the task of vetting through vast global histories to reveal the truth behind eons of insidious lies. Free will is an illusion. We can't even delineate our own thoughts. Boodles of aliens baring down on us while surfing cosmic energy wave. I could go on, but why?...