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Put bankers behind bars

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Paranormal Adept
Big banks have been caught in a massive scam to rig global interest rates, ripping off millions of people on their mortgages, student loans and more! We'd go to jail for this, but Barclays bank has only been fined, and just a fraction of their profits! Outrage is mounting -- this is our chance to finally turn the tide of the banks' reign over our democracies.

The EU finance regulator, Michel Barnier is standing up to the powerful bank lobby and championing reform that would put bankers behind bars for fraud like this. If the EU goes first, accountability could quickly spread across the globe. But the banks are lobbying hard against it, and we need a massive surge of people power to drive these reforms through.

If we can get 1 million people to stand with Barnier in the next 3 days, it will give him momentum to face down the banking lobby and push governments to bring reform. Sign the petition, and our growing numbers will be represented by adding mock bankers to a jail right in front of the EU Parliament.

sign the petition:

Avaaz - Put bankers behind bars

As citizens concerned about the wave of banking crises that are affecting our economies and our livelihoods, we call on you to take action to ensure that bankers are held responsible. This can only be done by introducing strong legislation against market abuse, including criminal sanctions for bankers who ride roughshod over regulations or break our laws.
Signed. This is long overdue. If any one of us went and stole something, we'd be behind bars as quick as they could catch us. What makes these shitbags above the law? Lock em up, though I like what Carlin says about executing a couple of them on the 50 yard line during the Super Bowl and watch how fast the white collar crime rate drops.....
Signed. This is long overdue. If any one of us went and stole something, we'd be behind bars as quick as they could catch us. What makes these shitbags above the law? Lock em up, though I like what Carlin says about executing a couple of them on the 50 yard line during the Super Bowl and watch how fast the white collar crime rate drops.....

Carlin had the right idea
Since 2008 were has there been change in the banking world? An online petition to change the banking 'status quo' is doomed to fail, truly trust me on that. The banking rich can't be stopped with talk alone. We must stop them with new laws, but policed effectively, if you do wrong you buddy will get a jail sentence no excuses any more. If we are lax on this the same practices and agendas will continue on. Me, i see no change, but i know there will come a time when the shit will hit the fan and people all across the world, will wake up to the fact our western financial system is diseased to the core.

Sometime in the future, America (not picking on this country for the sake of it) but America is the only recognised superpower left in the world. Now for me any country, who borrows money like they do and doesn't really paying their debts in a meaningful way, i can not class that country as a superpower. Having the best military in the world means 'jack shit' when you are a country with outstanding debts of 15 trillion.

The majority of Americans haven't felt real pain yet. Any country with 15 trllion of debt outstanding that country would be viewed as bankrupt. Their is going to come a time less than five years away perhaps two, this debt will cause the global financial system to implode. Fearmongering, rubbish wake up be a fool all you want know skin of my nose.

In conclusion i see no change happening until it gets so bad we the people force change, how likely that is thats unforseen.
Signed. This is long overdue. If any one of us went and stole something, we'd be behind bars as quick as they could catch us. What makes these shitbags above the law? Lock em up, though I like what Carlin says about executing a couple of them on the 50 yard line during the Super Bowl and watch how fast the white collar crime rate drops.....

this is a pretty cool routine but in a sense he was warning us, so it's less a routine than a wake up call. this video was almost prophetic given that I THINK it was done in 2005. But the machinations were in place even then and there were others warning us of this as well (not as funny though) back then, we were just too busy getting rich flipping houses to listen. speaking of funny, Its kind of funny when you think of all the "whoooooos" in the audience, people just thinking "all riiiight, george is ragging on the bankers" little did they know back then. Many of them were probably in bed with the bankers. I wonder how many people in that audience have since lost their homes. Given that george was not one to hold back, if he were alive today the people in the audience would be the target of his wrath more than the bankers.

fwiw: when I say "we"and "us", I am just generalizing, I an excluding myself and fellow paracast forum members. I would think that anyone smart enough to join a forum such as this,even if it was recently,would be smart enough to have known that bankers and politicians are not our friends..even in 2005.
Since 2008 were has there been change in the banking world? An online petition to change the banking 'status quo' is doomed to fail, truly trust me on that. The banking rich can't be stopped with talk alone. We must stop them with new laws, but policed effectively, if you do wrong you buddy will get a jail sentence no excuses any more. If we are lax on this the same practices and agendas will continue on. Me, i see no change, but i know there will come a time when the shit will hit the fan and people all across the world, will wake up to the fact our western financial system is diseased to the core.

Sometime in the future, America (not picking on this country for the sake of it) but America is the only recognised superpower left in the world. Now for me any country, who borrows money like they do and doesn't really paying their debts in a meaningful way, i can not class that country as a superpower. Having the best military in the world means 'jack shit' when you are a country with outstanding debts of 15 trillion.

The majority of Americans haven't felt real pain yet. Any country with 15 trllion of debt outstanding that country would be viewed as bankrupt. Their is going to come a time less than five years away perhaps two, this debt will cause the global financial system to implode. Fearmongering, rubbish wake up be a fool all you want know skin of my nose.

In conclusion i see no change happening until it gets so bad we the people force change, how likely that is thats unforseen.

I'm an american and as fast as I see it you're right on. The only thing that has probably saved us from the inconvenient facts you have stated above thus far ( imho) is that we still print the world's default currency...and with qe3 coming up more is on the way...and the number of counties holding our debt.

From the superlative authoritative resource of resources :p wikipedia

"... Printing money
Quantitative easing has been nicknamed "printing money" by some members of the media, [70][71][72] central bankers,[73] and financial analysts. [74][75] However, central. banks state that the use of the newly created money is different in QE. With QE, the newly created money is used for buying government bonds or other financial assets, whereas the term printing money usually implies that the newly minted money is used todirectly finance government deficits or pay off government debt (also known as monetizing the government debt). [70]
Only beef I have with Kierans post is that there are a ton of Americans who are most definitely feeling real pain. They've lost jobs, houses and their hope for a better future. More Americans are on food stamps then ever before. There are certain parts of the country where large masses of people who have been forced out of their homes due to fraud have begun to live in what are basically tent cities, from what I've heard. It makes me sick, when these banker assholes get in trouble they get bailed out and get to keep their multiple million dollar bonuses but when some poor sap applies to their bank or mortgage company for relief on their skyrocketing mortgages they get turned down and evicted? Despicable, and while I agree that in all likelihood a petition is going to get us nowhere, I signed it anyway. Hopefully some legislator somewhere will read it, take notice and propose some meaningful regulation that will stop these pseudo mafioso banker assholes from screwing another poor family out of their hard earned money or their homes or both.
Only beef I have with Kierans post is that there are a ton of Americans who are most definitely feeling real pain. They've lost jobs, houses and their hope for a better future. More Americans are on food stamps then ever before. There are certain parts of the country where large masses of people who have been forced out of their homes due to fraud have begun to live in what are basically tent cities, from what I've heard. It makes me sick, when these banker assholes get in trouble they get bailed out and get to keep their multiple million dollar bonuses but when some poor sap applies to their bank or mortgage company for relief on their skyrocketing mortgages they get turned down and evicted? Despicable, and while I agree that in all likelihood a petition is going to get us nowhere, I signed it anyway. Hopefully some legislator somewhere will read it, take notice and propose some meaningful regulation that will stop these pseudo mafioso banker assholes from screwing another poor family out of their hard earned money or their homes or both.

I would be talking about the 95% population who are not millionaires. The poorer of America have always suffered. There still a large proportion of middle class Americans who have not yet been effected, that will happen. Unless they move their cash elsewhere/ a non western country preferably.
To be honest, I was in line with kieran's thinking about the petition "what's the diff?" but cynicism aside, there's no harm that comes from it so I chimed in.and I did it on the up and up, I wanted to sign it mr. madashell aintgonnatakeitanylonger but I kept it real...this is not a place to get all "quippy."
I would be talking about the 95% population who are not millionaires. The poorer of America have always suffered. There still a large proportion of middle class Americans who have not yet been effected, that will happen. Unless they move their cash elsewhere/ a non western country preferably.

Where do you get the idea from what I wrote that I'm talking about millionaires? Besides what I wrote about the banker assholes, I'm talking about the middle class, these things have happened to friends of mine and I can assure you that I'm no millionaire. You're right that the poor have always suffered and it's going to happen to a lot more people in the future, but there are plenty of people for whom this is a reality right now.
Where do you get the idea from what I wrote that I'm talking about millionaires? Besides what I wrote about the banker assholes, I'm talking about the middle class, these things have happened to friends of mine and I can assure you that I'm no millionaire. You're right that the poor have always suffered and it's going to happen to a lot more people in the future, but there are plenty of people for whom this is a reality right now.

I was talking about 95% been effected by the debt crisis sometime in the nearer future. Got our wires crossed bit there. Ya saw a documentary about the tent cities there last year.
I'm an american and as fast as I see it you're right on. The only thing that has probably saved us from the inconvenient facts you have stated above thus far ( imho) is that we still print the world's default currency...and with qe3 coming up more is on the way...and the number of counties holding our debt.

From the superlative authoritative resource of resources :p wikipedia

"... Printing money
Quantitative easing has been nicknamed "printing money" by some members of the media, [70][71][72] central bankers,[73] and financial analysts. [74][75] However, central. banks state that the use of the newly created money is different in QE. With QE, the newly created money is used for buying government bonds or other financial assets, whereas the term printing money usually implies that the newly minted money is used todirectly finance government deficits or pay off government debt (also known as monetizing the government debt). [70]

Buyers worldwide buying your worthless treasury bills and your bonds is the main reason . Treasury bills are backed by the US government, so they are considered 'safe' by buyers but in reality they are not safe . The income from the sale of these bills is used to fund public services, pay military and government wages, and to service the current debt problem. When the shit hits the fan and it will. The ordinary folk will have to pay up and its not going to be a pretty sight this. The US government has no money of its own to finance this, the income tax that's coming in currently each year can not keep up with the spending. American is already in sovereign debt crisis ( spending more than in takes in in taxes for a full year) The signs are already there under the surface a global crash is coming.
What gnaws at me is that the american public had made great strides at lowering our personal debt, albeit having it forced on us by the economy and harder bankruptcy laws, and yet our government like the energizer bunny keeps going and going (spending) mostly in the form of new toys for the pentagon and military adventurism, given what's going on in the south china sea, I'll be working well past retirement (if I'm lucky) age not just for myself but to pay for a military build up and a nifty new military base in subic bay. The chinese won't even need to fire a shot, all they have to do is threaten to drop their u.s. holdings (which is NOT without risk for them) and the u.s. will probably think twice about coming to the aid of the south east asian countries that will be going at it soon in the south china sea. Who's going to blink first?
What gnaws at me is that the american public had made great strides at lowering our personal debt, albeit having it forced on us by the economy and harder bankruptcy laws, and yet our government like the energizer bunny keeps going and going (spending) mostly in the form of new toys for the pentagon and military adventurism, given what's going on in the south china sea, I'll be working well past retirement (if I'm lucky) age not just for myself but to pay for a military build up and a nifty new military base in subic bay. The chinese won't even need to fire a shot, all they have to do is threaten to drop their u.s. holdings (which is NOT without risk for them) and the u.s. will probably think twice about coming to the aid of the south east asian countries that will be going at it soon in the south china sea. Who's going to blink first?
Iceland Has Hired An Ex-Cop To Hunt Down The Bankers That Wrecked Its Economy

What with all the mash ups in todays pop culture, great expectations and zombies and lincoln fighting vampires what about alexander hamilton hunting todays international bankers :cool:
Since 2008 were has there been change in the banking world? An online petition to change the banking 'status quo' is doomed to fail, truly trust me on that. The banking rich can't be stopped with talk alone. We must stop them with new laws, but policed effectively, if you do wrong you buddy will get a jail sentence no excuses any more. If we are lax on this the same practices and agendas will continue on. Me, i see no change, but i know there will come a time when the shit will hit the fan and people all across the world, will wake up to the fact our western financial system is diseased to the core.

Sometime in the future, America (not picking on this country for the sake of it) but America is the only recognised superpower left in the world. Now for me any country, who borrows money like they do and doesn't really paying their debts in a meaningful way, i can not class that country as a superpower. Having the best military in the world means 'jack shit' when you are a country with outstanding debts of 15 trillion.

The majority of Americans haven't felt real pain yet. Any country with 15 trllion of debt outstanding that country would be viewed as bankrupt. Their is going to come a time less than five years away perhaps two, this debt will cause the global financial system to implode. Fearmongering, rubbish wake up be a fool all you want know skin of my nose.

In conclusion i see no change happening until it gets so bad we the people force change, how likely that is thats unforseen.

I agree with you.
No an online petition is not going to change things in and of itself, but what it can do is start people thinking and talking and coming together.
Together we stand, divided we fall has never been more prevalent than it is now.
Personally I agree that no real change is going to happen until the whole rotting edifice comes crashing down, the problem however is who will have the upper hand when the inevitable happens?

If there is not a large awareness of the people of this world to what is going on then we will be doomed to become nothing more than surfs in a true corporate take over of this world.

Freedom and democracy are not givens, but must be fought for and once obtained watched over vigilantly unless we would see it eroded away under the banner of keeping us safe.

Sorry my friends but we have all been asleep on the watch.

Look around you, this is more then just about the banking system, it is about our very rights to liberty, freedom, and privacy.

NDAA for you Americans should have been the wake up call of a life time, but nope it passed and people just tuned into the TV as normal to watch the unreal reality programs.

As long as people have food in the fridge and a roof over their heads they tend to ignore what is going on "just leave me alone with my toaster and my steel belted radials" to quote a famous movie.

We don't need to just wake up, we need to get out on the streets and demand justice, for is it not true that thanks to the bail outs of the to big to fail we have doomed our nations and our children's futures to save a very wealthy few?

What are we bloody stupid?

I shit you not that the writing is on the wall for all to see... this is not fear mongering but the simple truth of the matter in hand.
The system is not just failing, it has failed... it has failed you and me the average person, the worker, the people who's sweat, hard work, and determination built the nations that we live in.

Above all we have failed our future generations in who's trust we hold the capital and prosperity of the lands in which we live.

But if you are looking for the guilty I am sorry to say you need only look in a mirror.

I know why we let it happen ... fear and uncertainty, the terrorist boggy man and through the need to feel secure we have sold our freedoms one by one to the lowest bidder.

The political elite who in truth are more interested in getting re-elected than actually doing some real good.

Our political systems are a joke and the people in charge are nothing short of incompetent corporate stooges and the sort of people I would not give the keys to a cookie jar let alone the wealth of an entire people.

Is there a solution?

I am sure there is but first we need to come together and work it out.

Ok sorry for the rant but I am personally sick to death of watching the world get flushed down the toilet for the betterment of a very few.