Now that, I think, is a good idea. Blind acceptance of theories is never good. It's excellent that you are trying to conceptualize and make sense of the workings of the universe, even if it is based on something like the 'rope' theory. There are tons of excellent intros to general relativity (no math needed) and quantum mechanics; all fascinating stuff.softbeard,
My blind acceptance of the quantum business is over though. Clearly there has been a tremendous amount of nonsense generated over the years based on misconceptions about the subject. My attempts at sorting that out for myself as a layman has me thinking quite differently about it at this point. Not that that matters to anyone but myself.
I find the most fascinating thing about general relativity and quantum mechanics is that, while disparate theories, they are both correct. Correct at least as far as agreeing with observations from every physical experiment yet conducted (at least as far as I know).