If I am a geneticist and devout (insert theistic title or nomanclature here) and in the course of doing my work I run into some problems. Despite my best efforts and those of my team, I can not technically figure them out, so I prey for divine inspiration to help me. I then stumble onto a major breakthrough.
Q 1 - Is this breakthrough attributed to the divine inspiration and a direct answer to my prayer or unabashed luck?
Now suppose that my original goal was to create living brain cells and nerve cells from inert material to help quadriplegic's use their limbs again or the blind see again.
Q 2 - If these cells are incorporated into the brain and actually help the person in the intended way, is this not part of "Gods Plan"?
Now, lets say that someone else uses this technology to grow an entire brain and hook it to eyes and a spine. Lets firther suppose that we are able, through further manipulations, to engineer that brain to function at a diminished intellectual capacity but at a high dexterous capability. We then use this new being to do the "dangerous" jobs thereby sparing the lives of honest parishioner's. (yeah, I know there are some leaps here but the tech stuff isnt the point.)
Q 3 - Is this part of "Gods Plan"?
Q 4 - Does this entity have a soul?
Q 5 - Does this not make us Gods?
Just curious of your thoughts.
Oh, and you need not be religious to take part.