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Questions for Dr. Jacques Vallee

Free episodes:

Kudos to D & G on the scoop!
(I wonder how many of us bombarded Anomalist books with begging emails after Dr Vallee's C2C appearance? Looks like it worked!)

Anyway, my question is...

I noticed Dr J was/is involved in Robert Bigelow's NIDS group. Could you ask the good doctor if he had any direct involvement in the Skinwalker ranch episode as described in the Knapp & Kelner book.

Many thanks.
(Any chance of a multi-episode with him?)
Loose Leaf Tea said:
I noticed Dr J was/is involved in Robert Bigelow's NIDS group. Could you ask the good doctor if he had any direct involvement in the Skinwalker ranch episode as described in the Knapp & Kelner book.

GREAT suggestion, I have a million questions about the whole skinwalker ranch scenario, anyone who could shed some light on it would be awesome.
OMG! :eek: this is great news! Great scoop no doubt! This will probably be the best interview of Vallee ever, period! Thanx Gene and David!
~Foo Fighter~ said:
I haven't checked the link...but here is JV's C2C audio from a couple weeks ago.


~Foo Fighter~

That wud be urs truly! :D thanx for mentioning my blog mate! i have many paracast related posts over there which attracted some dorks from the so called "serious" ufology community asking me if i were a govt. agent too advertising paracast in its disinfo efforts! :P
Loose Leaf Tea said:
Kudos to D & G on the scoop!
(I wonder how many of us bombarded Anomalist books with begging emails after Dr Vallee's C2C appearance? Looks like it worked!)

Anyway, my question is...

I noticed Dr J was/is involved in Robert Bigelow's NIDS group. Could you ask the good doctor if he had any direct involvement in the Skinwalker ranch episode as described in the Knapp & Kelner book.

Many thanks.
(Any chance of a multi-episode with him?)

Great one! I hope this time the skinwalker ranch can be brought up! in his interview for the dailygrail magazine sometime last year or the year before, he mentioned that he cudn't talk about the investigation since he was still a part of the advisory board. but even by that time NIDS had gone defunct! but it shud be also taken into account that he is also a Board member of Bigelow Aerospace! nevertheless i guess this question wud be great!
Ooo. Ooo. Just thought of another question...

Please ask Dr Vallee how he feels being introduced by lame media for the billionth time as the inspiration behind, "that French guy from the Close Encounters movie".

I'm sure he'd love that.

neuromancer said:
~Foo Fighter~ said:
I haven't checked the link...but here is JV's C2C audio from a couple weeks ago.


~Foo Fighter~

That wud be urs truly! :D thanx for mentioning my blog mate! i have many paracast related posts over there which attracted some dorks from the so called "serious" ufology community asking me if i were a govt. agent too advertising paracast in its disinfo efforts! :P

NP, I'll check out your site.

Join the disinfo agent club...I've been accused of being a "spook" from a three letter agency on some other board... http://fivebodied.com/index.php . (was a month or two ago)

Can't believe people can get that self obsessed that they feel they warrent such attention.

~Foo Fighter~
neuromancer said:
by that time NIDS had gone defunct!

Binnall did an interview w/ Colm Kelleher a while back and the way he explained it was that--and I may be paraphrasing a bit here--NIDS had been incorporated into Bigelow Aerospace and was essentially put into hibernation due to a lack of anything really substantial for them to work full time on. He expected that if anything really juicy came along NIDS would be reactivated. If that is the case I would expect Vallee to still be bound by his non-disclosure agreement but it's worth asking again. The Skinwalker ranch story would make a seriously great movie...too bad Kubrick isn't still alive to make it.
I see the interview has been moved to this Sunday, so glad! Look forward to it!

And I like the "his first visit to The Paracast", sounds like it went really well then!
Ask him to explain this observation he made when speaking to George Boory:

- UFOs are "bigger on the inside" (How totally "Doctor" of him...)
- The only thing we know as humans that is that way is the womb, e.g. bigger on the inside.

I don't get it. Does he mean stretchy? If so, then even a balloon qualifies. I don't find that a very strong statement at all. Pretty weak. Did I miss the meaning?
Loose Leaf Tea said:
Ooo. Ooo. Just thought of another question...

Please ask Dr Vallee how he feels being introduced by lame media for the billionth time as the inspiration behind, "that French guy from the Close Encounters movie".

I'm sure he'd love that.


The best way to deal with it is to never ask the question. Dr. Vallee is a fountain of knowledge and there are lots of legitimate questions to ask

The interview is in the can and ready to roll, and we do hope we can have him back for lots more questions.
Gene and David-
From what I understand there will be a future interview with Dr. Vallee. If this has not already been recorded, I know there is a bit of a time lag, I would be interested in hearing his thoughts of the case of the school children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe from the mid-90's.
Thanks for all you guys do. . .
Questions for Dr. Vallee:

1) Physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti, who knew Vallee, wrote about Jacques' '96 UFO novel "Fastwalker" thus:
"[Fastwalker] is an essentially factual report thinly disguised as sci-fi"...[and]..."Vallee's book is not really sci-fi. It is what Tim Leary called 'science fact-ion', allegedly thinly disguised top secret black ops."
--What aspects of the novel does Jacques believe are more fact than fiction?*

2) Since Vallee's '79 book "Messengers of Deception", he has warned about the potential threat to society posed by the rise of UFO contactee cults.
--Does Jacques see evidence that influence of such cults he warned about in '79 has in fact spread and grown in 30 years?
Or do they remain fringe groups with limited influence and small membership, not yet a growing threat?

3) (As Dorkbot mentions) Jacques has studied aspects of the occult, and has written of potential societal dangers posed by some occult groups and UFO contactee cults.
--But what forms of occultism or spiritual pursuit does he view as valid and positive, instead of dubious and worrisome?
* [The novel "Fastwalker" postulates a super-secret US gov't dept. devoted to UFOs, Vallee calls "Alintel". In the novel, Alintel infiltrates UFO cults and study groups, fakes UFO events, and manipulates the public UFO "message". Alintel captures a real saucer it investigates. The saucer demonstrates its inter-dimensional nature by apparently transporting the book's protagonists to an alternate dimension]
I would like to hear Jacques' views of Remote Viewing (RV).

I recently read that Jacques Vallee was involved in remote viewing during the early days of the research project at SRI, particularly with Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff. In particular, I understand that Swann credits Vallee for orienting him to the idea of coordinate remote viewing. He was states he was later formally trained in RV by Ingo Swann.

I am particular interested in hearing his opinions on:
a) underlying mechanisms that make it work?
b) Areas he thinks are worthy of research regarding RV?
c) Does he see any link between the UFO and RV fields?

Keep up the great work Gene and David - you guys are true skeptics - not just debunkers.
