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R U Sh*tting Me ??

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It seems to me that Webre is a very easy target to pick on. What I'd like to see from Ufoology, is to critically go after someone deemed super popular with unquestionionable authority. Now that! would take some real 'manhood'. I think of the lone Schuyler. (Annnnnd, Emma Woods?)

Nobody is immune from criticism here. That includes David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins, Emma Woods (or whoever she is), John Keel, Stanton Friedman, etc., etc.
Paul, it sounds like to me that when you talked to Webre the first time his drugs hadn't had a chance to kick in and by your second encounter he was in the zone so to speak.

I would say that the opposite was true - his drugs were working when I first talked to him, because he seemed relatively normal, and then had worn off by the time I talked to him again.
I would say that the opposite was true - his drugs were working when I first talked to him, because he seemed relatively normal, and then had worn off by the time I talked to him again.

Oh, I see your point. Medicinal vs. recreational. Of course, of course, I don't know what I was ....(umph) thinking.
Okay, we have gone from British Petroleum ( or BP ) trying to wipe us all out to keep from disclosure to now teleportation and more .... oh yes, Alfred has struck ... AGAIN...


From Alfred;

I see this began as another Colin Bennett-instigated thread to keep the sheep inside the intellectual pen.

Colin, you do the Devil's work daily.

FACT: The U.S. has had operational teleportation for 40 years.

I have reported on at least 4 independent whistleblowers that have testified to this, at great personal cost.

Three of the whistleblowers have themselves teleported as part of their duties in independent national security projects.

The teleportation is not ET-based. It is Tesla-based and was developed 1968-72 in DARPA's Project Pegasus.

Donald H. Rumsfeld, then a Nixon cabinet member, was Nixon's liaison to the Project.

Bill Richardson, a future Secty of Energy and Presidential hopeful was employed by Project Pegasus, as was Arthur W. Bell III (whom we have come to know and love as "Art Bell")

Read the facts, and let go of Colin Bennett's British snake oil.

Will the BP oil spill accelerate disclosure of teleportation, anti-gravity and ET/UFO presence?



On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:29 AM, JACK SARFATTI <[email protected]> wrote:

On Jun 14, 2010, at 2:48 AM, COLIN BENNET wrote:

Whilst we are talking about Webre, here's his latest bargain package. The first sentence alone is well worth contemplation.

"Examiner.com has documented the operational existence of Tesla-based teleportation as an operational technology for transporting goods and people over distances in the classified U.S. defense projects.

Science - Fantasy no evidence for that at all. It's impossible in terms of known physics. Only captured ET technology could possibly do it and there is no evidence that we have such advanced technology. Also, if we had it, no way it could be kept secret. Webre's allegations are ludicrous and no one in his or her right mind would take them seriously as fact. As TV sci fi - fine.

Likewise preliminary evidence has established the existence of U.S. space vehicles using anti-gravity energy and other advanced propulsion systems.


The U.S. government has historically classified teleportation exclusively as a weapons technology, for transporting troops to battle locations, or personnel and goods between secure military bases.
The environmental, economic and social impacts of the BP oil leak operation may mobilize public awareness and political will to transform this policy decision, and make teleportation available for civilian use, worldwide.
How the BP oil leak operation may affect extraterrestrial disclosure, either by governments or by specific extraterrestrial civilizations themselves, is an unknown “wildcard.”
One researcher has taken the view that a grey and reptilian-based extraterrestrial hyper-dimensional alliance is concerned about humanity because of our propensity to environmental degradation. The researcher highlights an environmental catastrophe as the trigger for open relations between humanity and the greys and grey-human hybrids. He states, “If these accounts of salvation are true, then the aliens' message is clear: After the catastrophe, whatever it is, takes place, the late-stage hybrids and perhaps the aliens themselves will engage in a general integration into human society. As one hybrid told [contactee] Claudia Negron, ‘Soon all life will be changed. People will be different.’ Presumably, we will all live in peace and harmony. The environment will be healthy and there will be no more war or conflict.”
This Examiner.com article examines whether the BP oil spill operation is likely to accelerate disclosure of teleportation, anti-gravity energy and/or the extraterrestrial and UFO presence."

Continues at: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner~y2010m6d11-Will-the-BP-oil-spill-accelerate-disclosure-of-teleportation-antigravity-and-ETUFO-presence

Colin Bennett
Author, London
Editor, The New Fortean Times

From: Mc <[email protected]>
To: JACK SARFATTI <[email protected]>

Re: EXAMINER - Evidence: BP oil spill is disaster capitalism by criminal elite to depopulate and stop ET disclosure

Who in their right mind cites Exopolitics and Webre? The same people that claimed HARRP caused Earthquakes. Wow, about as flaky as it gets....Rmc



It is likely that paranoid mass hysteria will be a real political issue if the BP spill gets worse - as it seems it will. Obama will not get a second term and extremism on both left and right will increase. We are like Weimar Germany in the late 20's. Note what I wrote in 1979 during the Carter-Iran crisis.
some of it is out-dated of course. One can expect armed insurgency in the Gulf States (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida) as the Federal Govt becomes more and more ineffective with an increase in Confederacy symbolism - the real civil war will probably start there if Obama is ineffective in getting BP to pay the victims off in a timely way.

On Jun 13, 2010, at 3:32 PM, Paul Murad wrote:


A new twist to an old tale...


Now, if I only knew how to get off this list after repeatedly asking to be excluded .....

Okay, we have gone from British Petroleum ( or BP ) trying to wipe us all out to keep from disclosure to now teleportation and more .... oh yes, Alfred has struck ... AGAIN... Decker

Independant wistleblowers! Shades of Project Camelot! It simply boogles the mind ... the gulliblity of some people.

Sometimes I think people want to believe in the strange far too much.

BP are responsible for the accident by cutting costs. The people on the rig died while suits earnt a fortune. Do not let them get away with it , the truth is simple , it all goes back to greed, apathy , and taking the cake.

Alien bases and depopulations - cmon people there are better ways to achieve the goals and if aliens could be neutralised by a slick that easy then we would be squirting oil everywhere (hmmm we are). Depopulation !! World of warcraft is getting more people to zone out of real life than this slick could ever do.

If we are going to get the evidence we seek then as well as reporting observations we also have to look at the tell tell clues of its interaction with a great deal of intelligence.

Next you'll be saying the Titanic was torpedoed for the insurance money and to silence Céline Dion.