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Someone whose forum name is the bitter one calling out someone who is, from his pov , "mired in bitterness", a case of the pot calling the kettle black or irony ?
There is evidence. Just because you have not seen it does not mean it does not exist.
Believe me every time I visit Ray I push hard for it. I believe we will have it by August. I have seen it and the expert analysis and it is real and clear. I know waiting is hard but thats the way it stands right now. I will let everyone know when it is in hand and public.
Someone whose forum name is the bitter one calling out someone who is, from his pov , "mired in bitterness", a case of the pot calling the kettle black or irony ?

I don't know which.

Anyhow, I'm tipping there's already hundreds of UFO photos out there that are more interesting than the grainy, indeterminate blob that this 'evidence' will inevitably turn out to be.