Can we define your ability as: Being able to access information through nonstandard means? Nonstandard means being something outside of the commonly accepted operation of the five senses.
The problem here, Rick, is what you alluded to earlier in your post in regards to defining terms and definitions. Do i or we as humans have a sixth sense? I believe that we do. The problem is you and others may not believe that is so. Science can't even define consciousness let alone a "sixth" sense.
For example, when a friend or partner is having an emotional event, whether that emotion is sadness, anger or elation. What are we picking up from them? For sure body language and facial expressions are clear give aways, but what else are you getting? Do you ever "feel" their angst or anger as well? Especially if that person isn't particularly animated about whatever they are going through.
I believe that i am able to perceive things about that person by using that "sixth" sense. Now I personally don't believe that doing this is something special or paranormal etc. I believe that ALL humans possess that innate sense and are able use it at will and do so on a daily basis. The difference is that the majority of people don't look at this as being anything special either or rather don't even realise they are using it. That;'s the real problem here.
What i do is take notice of feelings, impressions and emotions that i feel about my client and write them down on a piece of paper before the client arrives at my house. Now you and others may want to define that as other worldy or outside the boundaries of the known 5 senses but i consider it the heightened use of ALL of my senses.
When you say no working psychics made claims about their methods or abilities, do you mean they made no claims about how it works? In other words they made no claims about what the mechanism behind their ability to access information?
Yes the psychics I know make no claims as to the origin or cause of what they are doing. Those who i have talked to about it say the same thing as me, that is, it's a perfectly natural ability
Having said that i am sure that you are correct in the fact that there may be psychics who do claim to have "paranormal" or supernatural powers, possibly the TV or stage psychics. I don't watch any of them so i have to take your word for that.
As a psychic yourself, do you have any personal insight into the mechanism behind your abilities? By mechanism I mean whatever organs, processes, or what have you that produces the reading event when it occurs?
It's difficult to describe as it is tempting to use scientific type terms which are probably incorrect or misleading. It's like using your mind to analyze or translate the information that you are receiving from the client, such as emotions etc., into a meaningful or understandable description of those events. I have always felt that our language is somewhat inadequate for humans being able to describe these functions.
Angel of Ioren said:
Phil, you say you make no claims, yet you say you are a psychic that has a 50 - 80% accuracy rate. What exactly do you do?
What i said was my clients, during their feed back to me of their reading, indicate to me an accuracy rate between 50-80%. I make no claims of any accuracy rate to them or others or advertise any sort of success rate or claim to have any paranormal type powers. It is likely that in any given reading i could have a 0% accuracy rate or i could have a 100% rate. Every reading is different and unique to that person. I have indeed had a 0% reading at one time as i have had a 100% correct reading as i mentioned to you in our conversation.