For what little bit it's worth, a couple of days ago when I saw this thread and just took a quick impression to personally compare when the results came in, my mental picture was of a very long dinner table with lots of plates and places set, and was in an obviously very "wealthy" setting, but the room was completely devoid of people. The plates were all clean, no food had been there, it was obvious that it was prepared for an upcoming event. I had a feeling that the people in that would occupy the room were clueless about something.
I am not presenting this as "evidence", so much as wondering what kind of feedback the established remote viewers would have on having *that* kind of impression rather than bunches of descriptive words and shapes / lines (of which I got none).
I honestly have no idea if the images I saw were in any way related to the image, though they certainly *could* have been. I was very interested in the one random "scene" that Gulliver saw of the dancing.
Also, I am curious as to how all of these seemingly random descriptive words are turned into actual useful data when applied to cases... for instance, how would the military make use of all these words in defining a specific target?
Anyway, definitely seeing some interesting results here, no doubt... I am very much enjoying that people are taking the time / trouble to do these experiments and I hope it can turn into an ongoing thing, with many different approaches maybe, to see what can be done about perhaps even furthering / expanding the science beyond its present limits.
Hello Everyone,
Daz' interview on Paracast was posted on the International Remote Viewer's Association (IRVA) egroup and several of us were able to catch it. I'm impressed by it and this thread too; intelligent dialogue and good Q & A going on.
I joined here because E.T. asked for feedback and I think he / she deserves to know he remote viewed this target and had great site contact. E.T nailed something Joe McMoneagle taught us at the Rhine Research Center last summer. As a student of Lyn Buchanan and CRV, or controlled remote viewing, we don't try to get impressions of targets before we start our session. We get coordinates and follow a set structure. However, that day at the Rhine Joe asked us to close our eyes and see if we could get a mental impression(s) of the target and write them down before he pulled the feedback picture out of a manila envelope.
That is exactly what E.T. did. He / she "landed" in a dining room on the Titanic and began to get impressions about the target. If he were "in session" he would be describing what he saw: sketches and words describing the objects and the feelings of the people present. He could then cue himself with move commands and begin to describe any part of the target of his choosing.
The sessions logged in for the Multiple Universe Project at The Farsight Institute are examples of exactly what E.T. did. This project is ongoing and will last several months. March results are in and you can see several different viewer sessions from Lyn Buchanan's CRV group (Controlled Remote Viewers) and Glenn Wheaton's HRVG group (Hawaii Remote Viewers).
These viewers worked their targets blind during the month of March and sent them in for encryption before the end of the month. Then the entire month of April passed, and on May 1st the target was chosen at random and the viewers were given their feedback. The only criteria for the target selection was that it had to be an event that made it into the news. So of all the events that could have made it into the news during the month of April, check the target feedback and see how many viewers nailed aspects of a target they worked a month ahead of time (March) and more importantly,
had not happened yet. The sessions for April have been downloaded and encrypted; on June 1st the target for those April sessions will be chosen from an news event that will occur in May.
February sessions done & encrypted > March passes > April 1st target for February chosen from news event in March
March sessions done & encrypted > April passes > May 1st target chosen for March from news event in April
April sessions done & encrypted > May passes > June 1st target chosen for April from news event in May
Tasking and analysis are tricky in remote viewing too. This is why the
descriptions written down during a session are so important. The less information (pollution) during tasking given to the viewer the better.
Judging and analysis are not the same thing.
Example: the viewer describes a "cupboard" but the tasker / analyst wants to know about a "cabinet." If that person is unfamiliar and unqualified to analyze how information is communicated from the subconscious to the conscious mind during remote viewing and 1/ the viewer doesn't say "cabinet" or 2/ the tasker / analyst expects "cabinet" to be imbedded in the session somewhere and it doesn't happen, then in their opinion, that's grounds for throwing out the session.
analyst of a remote viewing session will understand that the physical descriptions of the cupboard / cabinet are the same.
That is the information they are looking for, not identifying words. The job of the viewer is to describe, not identify. Get a perception, write it down and repeat. Period.
That was pretty lengthy post, but E.T. nailed this target and he / she deserves to know. Nice work!
Hope this helps,