Hi there.
I just got David's email and read through this thread. I haven't listened to the episode yet. I am ridiculously, almost hopelessly, behind in listening to the episodes.
The Independent Investigations Group has a standing Remote Viewing test that is open to anyone who wants to try it. BTW, this would not be for the IIG $50,000 Paranormal Challenge unless that person specifically applies for that using the form on the IIG website at
The IIG $50,000 Challenge
The Center For Inquiry-Los Angeles is located at 4773 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, California 90027. James Underdown's office is on the second floor. There are several items in the office with Jim's name on them so the person should be able to determine which office is Jim's. In the office there is a black bag with two envelopes in it. One envelope contains a number. The other envelope contains a word. All the remote viewer needs to do is tell us what is written inside each of the envelopes. The remote viewer should email their results to the IIG at
steering@iigwest.com and, in this case, they should probably cc Gene and David at whatever email they say should be used.