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Rendlesham Forest?

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wake me up too... ::)
NSA - No Succinct Answers

Lol have faith.

This is precisely your problem. You have been asleep for far too long.
You didn't have to wait 30 odd years for the truth, sleeping through lies
and disinformation all your lives. Use your awake time to learn Remote Viewing
So you don't have to rely on the likes of me to do it for you.

The only thing evident here is your rudeness and ignorance.

I havent even told you what happened or what EXACTLY remote viewers were tasked against you seem to think we are talking about EVERY SINGLE DETAIL from the rendelsham story which is NOT what we tasked.Viewers were simply tasked against factual evidence such as the landing site and specifically what caused the radiation at the landing site at a specific date and time FULL STOP.

We dont care about your pet theory or whatever you have read in the past. Secondly if something landed it obviously must have been airbourne and data suggest the object which caused
those indentations and traces of high radiation was airbourne ....flying.


Holy crap, you are annoying and you are just jumping topics. I'm not even talking about remote viewers at all. You were talking about "Black Triangles" in the sense of aircraft (ie: Belgian Black Triangles) as if that what they described at Rendlsham. That was NOT what was described in the sky whatsoever. Lights were described over the forest and lights were described close to the ground the size of basketballs. Not once did they say there was a Black Triangle as you are describing in the sky. What landed was not the same Black Triangles you are talking about, it was some kind of smaller craft. At least do some research before stating: "Like I said we know what happened" and please stop being a smug know-it-all to everyone.
Oh by the way DVS
Just for the record, I never once said the triangular craft viewers saw was a Black triangle. I simply said it makes you wonder about modern day tales of Black Triangles and their origins. The craft that landed at rendlesham was not a black triangle as you know it, But it was a triangle non the less.

Once again the event Viewers are looking at concerns what landed ONLY.
which left physical traces of radiation and was photographed extensively.

If this is still annoying to you then i give up. I will forward the data to DB and he
can discuss it on his show at some point in due course.
I dont want to get banned or incur more daft points for getting into daft debates
so will back off for now.

Lol have faith.

This is precisely your problem. You have been asleep for far too long.
You didn't have to wait 30 odd years for the truth, sleeping through lies
and disinformation all your lives. Use your awake time to learn Remote Viewing
So you don't have to rely on the likes of me to do it for you.


I'd rather have facts than faith.

The only problem here is you're not saying anything and thereby not contributing to a discussion.

I'm not going to learn Remote Viewing just to get simple ideas out of your head.

No one is relying on the likes of you for answers.

What makes you think DB is going to give air time to your views of Rendlesham Forest? You don't even have the courage to discuss it openly here on the forum.