Skilled Investigator
"Deconstruction is a form of cultural and literary analysis based on the supposition that language is inherently incapable of meaning."
I disagree with this summation. Deconstruction is a method of locating presuppositions in a text, for example, and questioning the givens that are hidden and hold up the entire structure.
"It has no direct relation to Romantic notions of wonder and inquiry, since any meaning gained from that wonder or inquiry would itself become meaningless under the suppositions of deconstruction."
I don't understand this sentence.
"My comments argue for the use of the scientific method"
That's news to me. Logic is not science. Logic has been your claim in this dialogue.
"...imagination is a key aspect of life: 'something evermore about to be..' as Wordsworth says. The cultural degradation of our time attempts to split science from creativity, to which I have a one-person argument: Leonardo da Vinci."
I agree and nicely stated.
"Can you write a symphony for me using deconstruction?...Logical method and structure can perform these things, along with the imagination to enjoy them."
One may hear, or rather interpret, the logic of a piece of music or symphony, but it is quite unknown all the variables involved in producing it. The imagination is most definitely involved in producing it, far from passively awaiting the enjoyment of the sounds produced by logic.
"Deconstruction's basic theory of language is wrong: language doesn't always perform glissage, or else this computer program we're using wouldn't work, and all the planes above us would fall out of the sky"
I've never read anything about deconstruction that promoted a "basic theory of language", only an investigation into assumptions about language. And I do not know what you mean by "glissage" (slippage?).
"You are confuting my comments about scientific method with my character, and since you have no knowledge of my identity, I know for a fact that you are utterly wrong in your remarks about me; also, if you're lookiing for an example of Ad Hominem, there it is: the imposition of constraints on a person's character. Stranger, what on Earth do you know about me?"(sic)
"You" are your posts to me in this dialogue, as "I" am my posts to you in this dialogue. And once again, your remarks on the meaning of the 'ad hominem fallacy', I do not share.
"You keep using the fallacy of accident and converse accident; but then that's just me being 'scared' of sophists!"
I don't understand this sentence.
"The works of deconstruction speak of the 'death' of the author"
Though I haven't read 'The Verbal Icon', The "author" is rightly questioned. As is the artist. In the matter of who possesses the work?. Why are people claiming to be artists when they are painters or musicians? Isn't it the spectator of the music the one who calls it art or not? After the painter has finished her painting, isn't she now the spectator divorced from "ownership"? How can she intend to create art? Philosophical inquiry into this question of essence, possession, and meaning, is fair. As for the author and her disappearance, there are certainly fruits to be had in the understanding from such complex inquiries. To call such inquiry inane is to call any thinking but the thinking you term "logical" inane. I disagree with you.
And of course, I disagree with your sixth and seventh point.
Yes, your position is becoming quite clear to me...
"Deconstruction is a form of cultural and literary analysis based on the supposition that language is inherently incapable of meaning."
I disagree with this summation. Deconstruction is a method of locating presuppositions in a text, for example, and questioning the givens that are hidden and hold up the entire structure.
"It has no direct relation to Romantic notions of wonder and inquiry, since any meaning gained from that wonder or inquiry would itself become meaningless under the suppositions of deconstruction."
I don't understand this sentence.
"My comments argue for the use of the scientific method"
That's news to me. Logic is not science. Logic has been your claim in this dialogue.
"...imagination is a key aspect of life: 'something evermore about to be..' as Wordsworth says. The cultural degradation of our time attempts to split science from creativity, to which I have a one-person argument: Leonardo da Vinci."
I agree and nicely stated.
"Can you write a symphony for me using deconstruction?...Logical method and structure can perform these things, along with the imagination to enjoy them."
One may hear, or rather interpret, the logic of a piece of music or symphony, but it is quite unknown all the variables involved in producing it. The imagination is most definitely involved in producing it, far from passively awaiting the enjoyment of the sounds produced by logic.
"Deconstruction's basic theory of language is wrong: language doesn't always perform glissage, or else this computer program we're using wouldn't work, and all the planes above us would fall out of the sky"
I've never read anything about deconstruction that promoted a "basic theory of language", only an investigation into assumptions about language. And I do not know what you mean by "glissage" (slippage?).
"You are confuting my comments about scientific method with my character, and since you have no knowledge of my identity, I know for a fact that you are utterly wrong in your remarks about me; also, if you're lookiing for an example of Ad Hominem, there it is: the imposition of constraints on a person's character. Stranger, what on Earth do you know about me?"(sic)
"You" are your posts to me in this dialogue, as "I" am my posts to you in this dialogue. And once again, your remarks on the meaning of the 'ad hominem fallacy', I do not share.
"You keep using the fallacy of accident and converse accident; but then that's just me being 'scared' of sophists!"
I don't understand this sentence.
"The works of deconstruction speak of the 'death' of the author"
Though I haven't read 'The Verbal Icon', The "author" is rightly questioned. As is the artist. In the matter of who possesses the work?. Why are people claiming to be artists when they are painters or musicians? Isn't it the spectator of the music the one who calls it art or not? After the painter has finished her painting, isn't she now the spectator divorced from "ownership"? How can she intend to create art? Philosophical inquiry into this question of essence, possession, and meaning, is fair. As for the author and her disappearance, there are certainly fruits to be had in the understanding from such complex inquiries. To call such inquiry inane is to call any thinking but the thinking you term "logical" inane. I disagree with you.
And of course, I disagree with your sixth and seventh point.
Yes, your position is becoming quite clear to me...