Paranormal Adept
ok we start with this:
Inside Source Claims "Shooting Bigfoot" Documentary Climax is Just a Big Hoax - Who Forted? Magazine
Bigfoot Evidence: The Last 5 Minutes of Shooting Bigfoot Is So Fake, LOL
ok here the vid is looked at and PROVED to be a mask
Bigfoot Tracker News: 'Shooting Bigfoot' On BBC Four...And A Bombshell
Shooting Bigfoot… The Squatchdetective Review Part 1 | Squatchdetective's Blog
sorry the evidence shows that the attack is a HOAX. Morgan Mathews may or may not be in on it.
The first video you posted i see is the homeless guy featured in the Matthews documentary. Ok, he has zero evidence it was staged and states categorically Matthews and Dyer had no Bigfoot suit or masks with them (watch the ending of the Matthews for prove of that!) He also claims something is out there in the forest?
If it was a mockumentary of a Bigfoot attacking a well known film director. The movie credits Why No listing for stunt men? Why No listing for special effects, masks, costumes, etc?
Proven to be a mask? I would say its 50/50 because the video still only shows the Bigfoot's hand near its face. People are making assumptions here. Mostly that the guy was adjusting the mask after his attack on Morgon?
The other links you posted just rehash stuff that don't prove anything either way.
Evidence shows that the attack is a hoax? If you mean Morgon was acting? I doubt that truly.
Dyer setting up Morgon ahead of time? I believe its a real possibility! Dyer for me would go to any lengths to scam people.
After watching the documentary. What i know for sure is. It was a genuine attack on Morgon Matthews. If you don't believe that well thats up to you.
Was it a real Bigfoot? I have my doubts, but I'm open minded to the idea Dyer got lucky and came across a real one. On the otherhand its more than likely was a hoax from the beginning, and it was Rick Dyer who got a guy to put on a fake Bigfoot suit and told him to go rough up Matthews.
The Bigfoot researchers are a joke and i see nothing wrong with the way Morgon portrayed them in his documentary. This is how they are.