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Robert Hastings...

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Skilled Investigator

This guy lost me at 9:25 P.M. EDT. when he said he knew why they killed his missles. Look, like, say what? Come on man. You don't know why they are here.
I thought the show was excellent. I hope you guys have him back to talk about how some people are affected after a UFO encounter where they do not talk about the incident.
Great episode this week! When you consider all the data with regard to UFOs and nukes it really starts to paint a picture. Fascinating stuff.
I don't get the purpose behind either disabling or enabling nuclear missles. I'm sure it happened, but why do it?
Why show off for the natives, "Hey look what we can do to your little rockets!"?

I would argue that they have scanning/sensor devices that may have had an unintended and unfortunate side effect of making the systems "appear" to be in shutdown or launch. Could be wrong, probably am, yet it begs the question of why impress the earthlings? They fly around our skies, over major cities (Phoenix for one) without a care of who sees what, So, if they don't care who sees them, why would they care what we thought?
I don't get the purpose behind either disabling or enabling nuclear missles. I'm sure it happened, but why do it?
Why show off for the natives, "Hey look what we can do to your little rockets!"?

I would argue that they have scanning/sensor devices that may have had an unintended and unfortunate side effect of making the systems "appear" to be in shutdown or launch. Could be wrong, probably am, yet it begs the question of why impress the earthlings? They fly around our skies, over major cities (Phoenix for one) without a care of who sees what, So, if they don't care who sees them, why would they care what we thought?

Well theres a few problems that I see with your argument. What does 'them' not caring whether or not we see them have to do with a potential demonstration of power and technological superiority through the enabling and disabling of nuclear weapons? One has nothing to do with the other. I The argument could also be made that when they allow themselves to be seen its done on purpose with the intent, again, of demonstrating clear superiority over us.

Also, when you have the account of the disc that shots beams of light into a missile that goes tumbling into the ocean its hard to argue that all UFO related interactions are 'accidental'.
Why show off for the natives, "Hey look what we can do to your little rockets!"?

Because humans are dumb and actions speak louder than words. The point of messing with the nukes is simply to demonstrate that they CAN... at every level, active, inactive, in transport, even in flight; they can take our most dangerous toys and render them harmless. That teaches us two important lessons right off the bat:

A) You can't beat us, so don't even try.

B) We can destroy you anytime we feel like it but we haven't... yet.

Most of the time UFO/alien motives are ambiguous but in the case of nukes it seems they've dumbed the message down to a level so obvious we'd be hard pressed to miss it.
i really enjoyed the show too,
messing with our nukes is a fascinating aspect to the UFO question.
and there does seem to be a sense of "message" in the behaviour.
its a definate interaction with us, but what can we do, we cant disarm and hope the nice aliens will make sure no one drops one on us. the knowledge is there and the reality of using this process to make a big bang is never going away.
its a definate interaction with us, but what can we do, we cant disarm and hope the nice aliens will make sure no one drops one on us.

I don't think the demonstrations are trying to dictate how we treat each other, it's a message to us, for us from them about THEM... and possibly the earth but (as David mentioned) only the sense of how it relates to their needs as a resource. They're happy to let us strut about and pretend we own the place and beat each other up all day long, so long as we don't mess things up too badly but not above reminding us of our actual place in the pecking order...
I've only listened to the first 40 mins, but I'm really enjoying this episode and hearing some new tidbits I haven't heard anywhere else.

I have never heard about a UFO actually initiating a launch sequence, that's pretty fucked up! Wow. I also enjoyed the corraboration on Blanchard regarding Roswell and how Hasting's contact on that was followed up by some intelligence dudes after their conversation, which is surprising since the guy seemed like he was pretty old.

The men in black need to chill out man! The effort to push UFO's to the fringe is a self perpetuating cycle that is on autopilot, there's no need to intimadate old witnesses. If a UFO over a major airport or ex-astranauts aren't gonna do much, then they are better off intimidating the drivers of the UFO's who are ultimately in control of this issue :)
I've always got the sense that there's a sense of theatre and playfulness about sightings and encounters. Almost a "trickster" quality. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickster). The thing is, we can knock down missles from freakin' orbit. They need to fly a saucer right up to the thing to down it? If they're so advanced, you'd think they could disable them from their easy chair in Zeta Reticuli. Sounds like they are putting on a show for us.

My feeling is that there are at least three basic alternatives:
1. Demonstrate superiority in a silverback-gorilla kind of way.
2. Testing their ability to down our stuff. Who knows? Maybe their defensive systems need trial runs just like ours do.
3. Maybe they're just f***ing with us to see how we respond. Kind of like kicking an anthill to see that ants swarm out.
I'm not sure you can use human reasoning for the reason behind these happenings if they did indeed really happen.
The Aliens, if thats what UFO's are don't seem to have followed any of things we would expect them to do using our human reasoning e.g. land, make themselves known, start killing us and taking over the planet etc.
The fact is there could be hundreds of reasons why they might do it, depending on how whacky the scenario really is.
Here are some examples:

1. The wanted to de-activate the nukes whilst they had something of importance in the area (perhaps a cloaked mothership) and it was simply a precautionary measure.
2. They wanted to give out the message of world peace.
3. They were just fooling around with the mechanisms to see how they worked.
4. It was an accidental side effect of the UFO being in the area.
5. The Aliens have a great sense of humour and were just having a laugh (why do we always presume aliens to be these numb beings who never laugh or joke around)

As to why they always seem to hang about nuclear depots... maybe the radiation effects either them or their method of travel in some possible way, be it negative or positive.

You know, its kind of a different subject, but why is it that since the dawn of UFO's, the first thing anyone has done after a UFO report is rush hastily out to the scene with the nearest geiger counter they could find?

Have we just assumed since the 50's that because at the time radioactive materials were one of the most powerful things we knew about, that the aliens would run their ships on it? Or am i just missing something? :confused:
I forgot to add, that if the aliens really did want to give us a warning, or stop us from nuking ourselves to kingdom come.... wouldnt there have been some more effective methods like maybe destroying the firing mechanisms altogether or something?
Hastings shines as a chronicler. We need people who are willing to get into the nitty gritty and document this stuff solidly. When Hastings sticks to his points and the subject matter which he has researched extensively, i.e.: The nuke/ufo connection, I think he really does an excellent job. I think he kind of lost his edge when he started talking about advanced physics, where he really is as much a layperson as most of us, and when he deviated from his own area of expertise and got into alien races. But you could really hear his excitement when he started talking about the UFO circling the missle--a great case with lots of detail. Good show. Thank you.
I think you guys are being to hard on him for his physics knowledge. He never claims to be a physicist but that's not the point anyway. His argument is that despite the perception that this is sci-fi, there are real physicists who take this subject quite seriously and do alot of research into what could be a big part of the whole UFO/Alien enigma AND he names them and even interviews them.
I think you guys are being to hard on him for his physics knowledge. He never claims to be a physicist but that's not the point anyway. His argument is that despite the perception that this is sci-fi, there are real physicists who take this subject quite seriously and do alot of research into what could be a big part of the whole UFO/Alien enigma AND he names them and even interviews them.

Totally agree with you CapnG (hey that rhymes :p ... schtick is easily pleased :D). But I have to add to this that I think sometimes even so called scientists (physicists etc) don't know what they're talking about either it seems ...

Anyway, enjoyed this episode more than the last 2 or 3. Hastings seems to be one of the good guys ... and I'll reiterate that we need more like him. To actually spend how many years?? (35 or so??) digging around, sourcing information, interviewing people, putting in the hard yards, I don't think he can be criticised (although I know some people will since they're infantile and pedantic) on what he has added to the field of UFO research.

Oh, and if the pilots of the UFOs really thought that this planet was incredibly important re: genetic bank-wise, don't you think they would have stopped us from buggering up the planet by now??? They must see how much of the Amazon rain forest is disappearing each year, the stocks of fish in the North Sea that are being depleted etc ... surely???

Oh maybe it was the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional creatures that live on the planet with us that David was talking about??? 8)
great guest, great show. really enjoyed it, heard some new things to. hastings seems really level headed and down to earth, something the field needs more of.
I think its quite possible that they aren't even interested in us and that they are here for another reason all together. Its mans arrogance to just assume that they are here for us. They may consider us no different from a cow or caterpillar.

Maybe the nuke stuff was the equivalent of Messing with Sasquatch. :D
while i agree that genes seem important to them, i dont see mans continued extinction of the species that surround us as anything aliens might consider negative.

the fossil records are replete with extinct species whos demise had nothing to do with man. its part of the process.
if the universe is teeming with life albiet over vast distances, then individual species will come and go, i think creativity would be more interesting a thing to study.
just as we are fascinated by animals that use tools, the use of tools will prob be the first thing we look for when we explore other planets.

The speed at which our tools have developed recently is also interesting,
i watched one of my favourite TV shows recently Time Team, and they were digging up a viking burial and building from about 1400 years ago. now we have the hubble space telescope in orbit.
if i were an alien species watching earth and not directly involved with tweaking the earth natives, id be wondering who is.