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I thought the show was excellent. I hope you guys have him back to talk about how some people are affected after a UFO encounter where they do not talk about the incident.
I don't get the purpose behind either disabling or enabling nuclear missles. I'm sure it happened, but why do it?
Why show off for the natives, "Hey look what we can do to your little rockets!"?
I would argue that they have scanning/sensor devices that may have had an unintended and unfortunate side effect of making the systems "appear" to be in shutdown or launch. Could be wrong, probably am, yet it begs the question of why impress the earthlings? They fly around our skies, over major cities (Phoenix for one) without a care of who sees what, So, if they don't care who sees them, why would they care what we thought?
Why show off for the natives, "Hey look what we can do to your little rockets!"?
its a definate interaction with us, but what can we do, we cant disarm and hope the nice aliens will make sure no one drops one on us.
I think you guys are being to hard on him for his physics knowledge. He never claims to be a physicist but that's not the point anyway. His argument is that despite the perception that this is sci-fi, there are real physicists who take this subject quite seriously and do alot of research into what could be a big part of the whole UFO/Alien enigma AND he names them and even interviews them.