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Robert Hastings...

Free episodes:

Good show again guys. I appreciate more when these older guys talk about events in the past, than for example when Nick Pope came on, and said absolutely nothing.

Just a minor remark: TASS was, and still is a Russian news agency, like AP in the States, not a news paper. See ITAR-TASS for info.
Finally listened to this one. Excellent show. Top shelf guest who needs to become a regular. Hastings has a ready and authoritative command of the material he personally deals with and seems to maturely decline to involve himself in that which he does not deal with directly. I especially appreciate how much info was jammed into this episode. Hastings and the hosts did not waste any airtime re-introducing and setting up well known cases and got right into the interesting details that are not well known. I probably learned at least five new details about otherwise well known cases and I consider myself to be fairly well read on the subject.

Absolutely on target with this episode guys and I just purchased his book because of his appearance on the show.