Audio of the television program is available in this thread from November 2013 together with follow up shows (Keyhoe did read content that was cutted off from television program in John Long Nebel program. Also Irve Tunick, writer of the Armstrong Circle Theater, was also interviewed and he gave his perspective of the incident - track 13 from 10:10 min.):
Index & Description
Wendy Connors 'Faded Discs' - journeys through audio UFO history - available in public domain!!! | The Paracast Community Forums
Album index:
Wendy Connors - UFOLOGY A PRIMER in AUDIO 1947 â 1964 Volume 1 (2nd edit.) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Tracks in question:
09: ARMSTRONG CIRCLE THEATER: UFO, the Enigma of the Skies
Date of Broadcast: 01.22.1958
Running Time: 00:52:00
Synopsis: Hosted by Douglas Edwards. Guests were: Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC Ret.,
Col. Spencer Whedon, USAF and Dr. Donald Menzel. This is the program that allegedly
censored Keyhoe, causing hard feelings between both himself and the United States Air
Force over their secrecy regarding the UFO phenomenon. Kenneth Arnold declined to
appear at the last minute and his explanation can be heard on the 03.26.1958 Long John
Nebel Party Line recording listed further down in this guide. Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, first
and former Director of the USAF Project Blue Book was also scheduled to appear on the
program, but could not get a leave of absence from his employer to attend the program.
Tracks 09, 10 and 13 relate to this infamous controversy.
Date of Broadcast: 03:25:1958
Running Time: 00:25:30
Synopsis: Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC, Ret. Is interviewed regarding the alleged
censorship on the Armstrong Circle Theater and his / NICAP's position regarding UFOs and
the Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis (ETH).
Date of Broadcast: 03.26.1958
Running Time: 04:06:22
Synopsis: Guests: Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC Ret., Cortland Hastings, Charles
Ledham, Jules B. St. Germaine, Ben Isquith and Dave Fields. Historically important
recording covering the rise of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena
(NICAP), alleged Keyhoe censorship and the influence of the Contactee Movement on
legitimate UFO investigations. Commercials edited out during the Keyhoe visit. Ben Isquith
joins the group after Keyhoe departs. Nebel goes too great lengths to promote NICAP and
every one of the guests were members. This aspect, however, did not give Keyhoe any
leniency as far as tough questions asked of him by the other guests. For all intents and
purposes, Keyhoe and the U.S. Air Force had become enemies over the censorship issue.
Last twenty minutes of this program is missing.