Devil's Advocate
You seriously never heard of Debbie Downer? Funny SNL skit from a few years ago. But, I digress....
I gave up on SNL years ago, sorry.
What is your issue with Libertarians? I don't understand your comment. What is wrong with smaller government? Their primary issue is that. I don't understand your comments.
Libertarianism might work if the world were populated by intelligent, responsible adults but it isn't. Like it's polar opposite communism, it sounds great in theory but doesn't work in reality. What really irks me is the "me, mine, my" attitude that tends to go along with it, ie selfishness. It's like they can't understand the difference between society and socialism or between community and communism. Then there's the whole "free market" thing, it demonstrably doesn't work because greed breaks it instantly. "Every man for himself" is a fine strategy for escaping a disaster but it's a lousy way to run a society.