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Rubbing Salt on Old Wounds...

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On truth i copied those links from the original source and yes some have gone 404 on us

As for the mail online article its been carried by many other news sources and makes mention of Lord Alton who has indeed as the article says tabled a report for the house of peers.

The figure was revealed to crossbench peer Lord Alton following a Parliamentary question.

Last night he said: ‘I argued in Parliament against the creation of human- animal hybrids as a matter of principle. None of the scientists who appeared before us could give us any justification in terms of treatment

It also mentions Professor Robin Lovell-Badge again another real researcher and quoted here
No Cookies | Herald Sun

So i think we are clutching at straws here to say since it was in the mail online its cant be true.

Scientists warn of 'Planet of the Apes' scenario

Professor Thomas Baldwin, a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences working group that produced the report, said the possibility of humanised apes should be taken seriously.
"The fear is that if you start putting very large numbers of human brain cells into the brains of primates suddenly you might transform the primate into something that has some of the capacities that we regard as distinctively human.. speech, or other ways of being able to manipulate or relate to us," he told a news briefing in London.
"These possibilities that are at the moment largely explored in fiction we need to start thinking about now."

As for being on topic youve attempted to discredit jacobs by saying Hybrids are biologically improbable, ive provided links that show not only are they fairly common in the natural world, but that with technology we can not only create them but we can produce organisms with traits that were never there to begin with.

Genetic hybrids have almost certainly always existed naturally. A report by the United Kingdom Academy of Medical Sciences back in 2007 noted “there are thousands of examples of transgenic animals, mostly mice, containing human DNA”.
People and Animals Have Always Swapped DNA

genetic engineering Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about genetic engineering

There is no denying this is happening

a new scientist report, Human mouse hybrids and the mice are smarter for the upgrade

Human ‘language gene’ makes mice smarter

In recent years, scientists have started to create actual chimeras — hybrid life forms that contain genetic material from both humans and animals. That opens up the disturbing possibility of true human-animal genetic hybrids.
There have already been some early successes. In 1984, scientists at the Institute of Animal Physiology in Cambridge, England created a “geep”–a goat-sheep hybrid. In 2003, in China, human cells were fused into rabbit embryos, creating human-rabbit hybrids. (These developed for a few days before being destroyed.) In 2005, at Stanford University, scientists infused human embryonic stem cells into the brains of mouse fetuses, creating mice with human cells in their brains. (Scientists hope to tailor their research to treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s.) And in 2007, scientists at the University of Nevada created a sheep, 15% of whose cells were human

Human-Animal Hybrid Ban Goes Too Far

So can it be done, YES yes it can , we are doing it now
Why would aliens do it ?
Why do we do it ?

Because we can...... The one rule , the one essential truth. The ability to do a thing, is all you need in order to do it.
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What We Do
We manufacture custom, high-quality, synthetic DNA used by scientists to construct genes, pathways, genomes and organisms that will enable the next generation of breakthroughs in biology.

As scientists’ understanding of gene sequence data increases, their ability to design and improve genes, pathways, genomes and organisms using synthetic biology techniques is also increasing. Gen9 is helping catalyze this new revolution in biology by providing scientists with large quantities of custom, high quality, synthetic DNA constructs.

Our BioFab® technology is a unique manufacturing platform that enables the design and synthesis of high quality genetic content at an unprecedented scale. We are driving Moore’s Law for gene synthesis, bringing engineering discipline and industrial process to the construction of synthetic DNA. We produce synthetic genes for our customers in our manufacturing facility in the “Hub of Synthetic Biology,” Cambridge, Massachusetts.

As leaders in the field, we aim to ensure the constructive application of synthetic biology. As an active member of the International Gene Synthesis Consortium (IGSC), Gen9 screens all submitted sequences against databases of known pathogens and toxins from the United States, European Union and Australia.

About Us

The panel also featured George Church, key figure in HGP-write–and cofounder with Endy of a synthetic biology company.
“I love the specific projects that George and colleagues are proposing, but I also take at face value that this is going to go beyond that,” Endy said. He foresees efforts by other, less ethical, researchers to create synthetic humans.
Making synthetic people is not such a far-fetched fear. Regalado points out that Church has proposed exactly that project in his 2012 book Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. Church wants to recode the human genome to make it impossible for viruses to enter. HIV and the common cold, gone.
According to Regalado, Church’s lab has already replaced 7 out of 64 codons in E. coli, probably making the bug impervious to phage, the viruses that infect bacteria. “In an e-mail, Church agreed that the proposals described in his book could follow if genome-writing technology were developed

'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists - BBC News
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What these alleged abductees are describing is no longer far fetched fiction, WE are already doing it.
And if we can you can bet "they" can too

As to motivations and methodology, well we can only guess. But i wouldnt be surprised if the same models that motivate us apply in parallel.
Weve created synthetic DNA
We used that to created a synthetic life form
Now this

First life with 'alien' DNA
For billions of years, the history of life has been written with just four letters — A, T, C and G, the labels given to the DNA subunits contained in all organisms. That alphabet has just grown longer, researchers announce, with the creation of a living cell that has two 'foreign' DNA building blocks in its genome.

Hailed as a breakthrough by other scientists, the work is a step towards the synthesis of cells able to churn out drugs and other useful molecules. It also raises the possibility that cells could one day be engineered without any of the four DNA bases used by all organisms on Earth

So what do you think WE would do if we found life on another planet ?.....................
In the “smart mouse” model, researcher Steve Goldman cites,
“Within a year, the mouse glial cells had been completely usurped by the human interlopers. The 300,000 human cells each mouse received multiplied until they numbered 12 million, displacing the native cells. We could see the human cells taking over the whole space.” Goldman continues, “It seemed like the mouse counterparts were fleeing to the margins.”
Otherwise said, the mice became measurably smarter. The team stopped short of putting human cells into monkeys and great apes due to ethical concerns. Wolfgang Enard of Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich in Germany, who has shown that mice are better at learning if they have the human Foxp2 gene, which has been linked with human language development noted, “If you make animals more human-like, where do you stop?”

Alien Species…A Brave New World

By all means refute the abductee narrative and the works of jacobs et al. But not on the basis "hybrids" are impossible or unlikely.
Human hybrids already exist on planet earth, we made some of them ourselves
I am not well-versed in the Jacobs' abduction narrative, other than viewing a few interviews or lectures on YouTube. But I was under the impression that many female victims report actual coitus with aliens, and the same with Antonio Vilas Boas and the alien babe, which, IIRC, Jacobs recounts HERE. These reports would not be anything like the kind of "hybridization" that human scientist are carrying out in laboratories . . . but it does resemble the incubus, succubus reports through the ages.
I am not well-versed in the Jacobs' abduction narrative, other than viewing a few interviews or lectures on YouTube. But I was under the impression that many female victims report actual coitus with aliens, and the same with Antonio Vilas Boas and the alien babe, which, IIRC, Jacobs recounts HERE. These reports would not be anything like the kind of "hybridization" that human scientist are carrying out in laboratories . . . but it does resemble the incubus, succubus reports through the ages.

No, unless the goal is to create a hybrid that can breed with humans the old fasioned way.
We can speculate on reasons why that might be a desirable result of such a program

I'll give you an example, you might be breeding for fertility or sterility

In the paper published Thursday, Church and 24 others sketched their goal of constructing animal genomes, ultimately producing a synthetic version of a complete genetic blueprint of a human. In synthesizing a genome, scientists would attach the building blocks that make up DNA and combine genes in a design of their choosing.
Scientists could then swap natural genomes in human cells for the crafted genomes to study which genes promote different traits, diseases, or functions. That could help improve the drug development process, and uncover how human cells could resist viruses or cancer.
But the project raises thorny ethical questions. Although it’s not a goal of the project, in theory, brewing up a complete human genome could lead to the formation of an actual person, sans parents.

At one panel, a young member of the audience asked: If you could build humans without sperm and egg, what would stop the military from making “perfectly expendable” humans that no one would miss if they died?

Scientists Debate Building Human Genome from Scratch

You might "test" these synthetic humans to see if they could breed naturally with "us" If you are creating expendable soldiers with no biological ties to "family" you would not want them having children and creating those ties.

Alternatively if you create synthetic humans with desirable disease resistance you might want them to be able to breed with the native human genome to pass these new traits forward into the genepool.You would test to see if the synthetic genes were being passed succesfully forward via normal reproductive means ie coitus

There are reasons why sucessful/unsucessful coitus might be tested

In the case of jacobs abductee narrative it would seem that fertility is a desired trait leading him to hypothesis there might be a sort of genetic stealth invasion going on.

But it also fits my own parity hypothesis (monkey see, monkey do) ie an advanced technological species has learned the best way to make contact is on a technologically level playing field. At the very least the target species will have developed the technological lexicon themselves, which in turn enables them to properly understand comparable ET tech

An example ET uplifted our ancestors by giving us their FoxP2 gene for language and smarts. Generations later they want to meet us. Its going to be an easier conversation if we ourselves understand how to insert the FoxP2 gene into a genetic sequence thats lacks it.
Our scientists will better understand something they have themselves done to mice.
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On truth i copied those links from the original source and yes some have gone 404 on us

As for the mail online article its been carried by many other news sources and makes mention of Lord Alton who has indeed as the article says tabled a report for the house of peers.

So i think we are clutching at straws here to say since it was in the mail online its cant be true.

As for being on topic youve attempted to discredit jacobs by saying Hybrids are biologically improbable, ive provided links that show not only are they fairly common in the natural world, but that with technology we can not only create them but we can produce organisms with traits that were never there to begin with.

There is no denying this is happening.

I did not say that the Daily Mail article can't be true. I said it isn't a source that I accept as doing credible science reporting. The Herald article you cite is the nearly identical article (meaning I have the same objection to it) and I couldn't find the footnotes and sources of many of your quotes. That's all I said.

However, there were a few credible scientific resources you cited that do suggest hybridization has become more common in the past decade than I'd thought. (You do want to careful not to confuse the abundance and relative ease of plant hybridization with that of much more complex beings like mammals. But on the whole, you should be satisfied. I take your point.

However, when Jacobs and Hopkins first popularized the term, "hybrids" were rare and the researchers were not justified in asserting a breeding program of alien-human hybrids. That is my point.
If all the worlds data can fit a DNA harddrive the size of a teaspoon, then surely a whole planet would be a great place to store a galaxys worth of data or more

Some of the things you say give me the willies :eek:

So the Earth and it inhabitants could be a kind of "Data Center", and the "Aliens" (which are actually partly us in the future) are like technicians maintaining the integrity of the "system", or just making uploads and downloads?

The DNA "information" could be carried by all of us, or just a selected few?
Maybe the ET's are part Human, part biological AI from the future, and I have to concede that we (Humans) have already sent "AI" off planet, and each time we send out a new mission, the "cleverer" the
"machine" that collects the desired data, so how long before we send "Biological AI" off planet? And what will it learn when its "out there"?

I was going to say that I would have thought they would use a more predicable storage device than a Human, and suggest that they might use some kind of extremophile, but maybe our brains have some property that makes us the most suitable?

Maybe we have a kind of built in transmitter/receiver and the signals are being jammed resulting in interference (a paranormal experience)?

Maybe the "System" has a "Virus" or "Bug" resulting in a paranormal experience? Maybe we are all constantly getting "abducted" but only those with the "Virus" are "aware" (or able to perceive and recall the experience)?

Maybe social media and smart phones etc are tools employed by the ET's to "monitor" the integrity of the "system", and to get us used to being dependent on "IT"?
You could look at a smart phone as a kind of symbiotic parasite that feeds off our "information" and "connects" us in return.

Like you said it is like trying to do a Jigsaw blindfolded, and with extra pieces that don't fit.

I still find the whole "Hubrids" thing to be a bit messy, in a similar way to "alien implants" they seem a bit out of date, and a bit clumsy.
But the waters of the paranormal are muddy, or I would go as far to say the paranormal pond is mostly mud with a bit of water in it, but it is hard to argue against the feeling that someone or something is toying with us, to my mind it makes more sense if we (Humans) are partly responsible. In other words we are the "Trickster" (or at least partly).

Who knows??

I jumped at the chance to remind everyone that we are all "connected", and I will continue to do so, I think its the most important message, ET or no ET the world and its people are being pulled apart along very unscientific lines, and the more people know and understand DNA (and the ethics or implications of manipulating it) the better for our future, we are sailing into new waters, and only the "few" are making potentially world changing decisions.

Some interpret Evolution as being about differences, but it is as much about similarities.

*jumps off soap box*
Coitus, what a great word i like using it, and at my age....... Oh never mind

But as to the whys the greys might have coitus with humans.

It is apparent from the fossil record that asexual reproduction was the first form by which living organisms reproduced on the early earth. Many simple organisms, such as bacteria, and simple animals, such as protists and worms still reproduce asexually, but sexual reproduction is, by far, the most widely used method by which species maintain their presence on our planet.

If they are a clone or synthetic bioform, they might well be naturally curious about sexual reproduction. Certainly its been a big part of our biological sucess here on earth. And that factor alone might make it worth some serious interest.

Understanding the mechanism that has given most of the bioforms here such biological sucess makes sense from that pov.

Or like us they may simply enjoy it

And when we are talking Hybrids, sterlity is a common feature as in mules

Mules and hinnies have 63 chromosomes, a mixture of the horse's 64 and the donkey's 62. The different structure and number usually prevents the chromosomes from pairing up properly and creating successful embryos, rendering most mules infertile.

Top 10 Hybrid Animals - Listverse

So testing Hybrids for an ability to reproduce the good old fashioned way makes sense
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The DNA "information" could be carried by all of us, or just a selected few?

Or cataloged by genotype. We hear the word "bloodlines" in the narrative, so perhaps red haired celts store the cultural data, while asians store scientific volumes. etc etc

It would explain their fascination with genetic material and the repeated extraction/insertion that some find problematic about the story.

The repeated gynaecological examination problem some have trouble accepting makes any sense is only valid if it is a gynaecological scenario.

If its a data storage/retreval sceanrio then it makes perfect sense, and again 50 years ago it would have made no sense at all. Now however

In two recent experiments, a team of computer scientists at the University of Washington and Microsoft, and a separate group at the University of Illinois, have shown that DNA molecules can be the basis for an archival storage system potentially capable of storing all of the world’s digital information in roughly nine liters of solution, about the amount of liquid in a case of wine.
The new research demonstrates that specific digital files can be retrieved from a potentially vast pool of data. The new storage technology would also be capable of keeping immense amounts of information safely for a millennium or longer, researchers said.
It would also address a glaring Achilles’ heel at the heart of microelectronic data storage systems: Magnetic disks, tape and even optical storage systems safely store information at most for only a handful of decades.


The raw storage capacity of DNA is staggering compared with even the most advanced electronic or magnetic storage systems. It is theoretically possible to store an exabyte of information, if it were coded into DNA, in the volume of a grain of sand. An exabyte is roughly equivalent to 200 million DVDs

Computer scientists say they believe that as costs of sequencing and creating synthetic DNA continue to fall, it will soon be possible to create a new class of hybrid storage systems.
“In the last year, it suddenly hit us that this fusion of computer technology and biology will be where future advances come from
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However, when Jacobs and Hopkins first popularized the term, "hybrids" were rare and the researchers were not justified in asserting a breeding program of alien-human hybrids. That is my point.

But that can also make my point

For the sake of discussion lets just assume for a moment they greys are indeed creating hybrids (we know its possible to do this both naturally and artificially)
That the abductees narrative is true
That at the time public knowledge of such things wasnt common

Doesnt that suggest they are describing something new and novel , outside common experience and not echoing some other experience ?

I hear "you couldn't make it up!" more frequently. It describes something which is so preposterous, so unlikely that no author would dare to invent it -- and yet it is actually true

You can't make this stuff up?
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You do want to careful not to confuse the abundance and relative ease of plant hybridization with that of much more complex beings like mammals.


A "zonkey", a zebra/donkey hybrid.

A "jaglion", a jaguar/lion hybrid.

  • You can find the other genera here
A second so-called fact, which might make it seem impossible for humans to have had a hybrid origin, is the equally erroneous notion that hybrids, especially successful hybrids, do not occur in a state of nature. A third is the mistaken idea that only plants hybridize, and never animals.

In fact, however, natural, viable, fertile animal hybrids are abundant. A wide variety of such hybrids occur on an ongoing basis (read a detailed discussion documenting these facts). For example, of the more than 4,000 different types of hybrid crosses listed in my book on hybridization in birds, approximately half are known to occur in a natural setting (download a PowerPoint presentation summarizing data on hybridization in birds). My current research indicates a comparable rate for mammals.

Human origins: Are we hybrids?

Are humans actually a hybrid species? - Quora

Humans Have Long Enjoyed Nonhuman Lovers—the Proof is in Our DNA

Until the past few years, most scientists doubted that human beings had ever stooped to interbreed with Neanderthals or other archaic hominids. That view has since been routed: DNA extracted from old Neanderthal bones proves that all people of European and Asian descent have a few percent of Neanderthal DNA inside them today, equivalent to the amount they inherited from each great-great-great-grandparent.

In addition, scientists have discovered that Melanesians, the people who originally settled the islands between New Guinea and Fiji, seduced another archaic human race, the Denisovans, somewhere on the long haul from Africa to the south seas. The Melanesians still carry Denisovan DNA today. In some sense, then, neither Neanderthals nor Denisovans ever quite went extinct: Their DNA lives on in various non-African ethnic groups.

So what about ancient Africans? Did they ever have hominid paramours? Scientists had a harder time answering that question because the hot climate of Africa—unlike the cold Eurasian climate where Neanderthal and Denisovans lived—tends to destroy ancient DNA. A clever study from 2011 got around this limitation, however, and suggests that Africans did indeed indulge in inter-Homo hanky-panky.

The study’s scientists pored over the noncoding DNA of various ethnic groups in Africa, looking for funny patterns. For instance, they looked for random mutations that no other ethnic groups worldwide had. They were especially keen on finding long stretches of such funny DNA, because these stretches were probably inherited en masse from an archaic hominid. Sure enough, regions on chromosome 18, among other places, fit the bill. The study concluded that, about 35,000 years ago, some central Africans had children with an unnamed and now-extinct race of hominids.
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Hey, Mike, Your point was taken. No need to get all OCD over hybridization on my account. I'm pleased you're doing the homework.

Next, try getting a handle on the studies about recovered memory. What's new in our understanding about the use of hypnosis as a reliable tool for recovering memories?

:) its not really homework for me, those familiar with my posts here will tell you i'm pretty well read on this stuff already

Its a double edged sword

The correct term in this case is Forensic hypnosis

In certain limited cases, the use of forensic hypnosis can be an aid in the investigative process. Witnesses to crimes have been able to recall certain facets of the crime while in a hypnotic state that they had not remembered without hypnosis. The use of hypnosis, however, is subject to serious objections and thus should be used only on rare occasions. The information obtained from a person while in a hypnotic trance cannot be assumed to be accurate. Therefore, any information obtained by the use of hypnosis must be thoroughly checked as to its ultimate accuracy and corroborated. It would therefore be advisable to first consult with a board-certified forensic psychologist/ psychiatrist to ascertain if the matter in question is appropriate for the application of forensic hypnosis.

287. Use of Hypnosis—Purpose | USAM | Department of Justice

There have been some high profile cases where its been very useful though the Chowchilla case being a stand out


The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) hypnosis program was
implemented in 1980 after the committee reviewed numerous articles, training
material, books on hypnosis; and met or consulted with numerous experts in the

From July 1, 1980 through December 31, 1990, 1,187 hypnosis sessions were
conducted by DPS investigators resulting in additional information reported in
876 sessions (73.80%) and no additional information in 311 sessions (26.20%).
The additional information gained in 876 of the hypnosis interviews varied from
minimal information in some cases to additional information which led to the
identification and arrest of the perpetrator. The cases in which hypnosis was
used included a wide variety of offenses such as hit and run traffic fatalities,
rapes, assaults, robberies, kidnappings, and murders.

As i said a double edged sword: It has been used to gain evidence thats been useful, but cannot in and of itself constitute evidence in court. Chowchilla is a good example, they could not put the license plates as remembered by the driver in front of the courts as evidence. But they were able to take that information track down the vehicle and catch the crooks red handed.

The legal reasons are not as simple as it may seem either, its not simply that the recovered memories are "unreliable" clearly they are in many cases and have led to the arrest and conviction of the criminals. Its just that the defence need only show reasonable doubt, Its very easy to cast reasonable doubt on such testimony and in doing so undermine all the other evidence presented by the prosecution. Its akin to going hunting with wet shotgun cartridges, you can pretty much predict it wont end well. Better to take the dry ones even if you have less of them

So ppl are going to take that ball and run in the direction that suits them.

For me Forensic hypnosis in the abduction context can be used to build a case, but not make one.(pretty much the same as in legal matters)
For example if multiple subjects who do not know each other recount similiar experiences that cant be accounted for as common memes/knowledge that might be significant information
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Maybe we are the mice.........

Mice Used as Sperm Factories for Pigs, Goats

For the first time scientists have been able to produce viable sperm from the tissue of sexually immature mammals—and at the same time produce sperm of one species in the body of another species.

In an adult you can always save sperm, but say you have a boy child who is about to undergo chemotherapy. Using this technique you could save a little of the testis tissue to generate sperm when he is grown up. Before this, there was no option for the sexually immature individual." (Or perhaps a clone or synthetic bioform )

The technique also has applications in animal husbandry. Livestock producers could use testicular tissue of genetically very valuable animals to generate sperm and perpetuate a breed or simply the bloodlines of animals possessing valued traits like the ability to produce a lot of milk or wool.
Preserving and enhancing populations of endangered species is another potential application for the technique.

Interestingly enough this is mirrored in the abduction/hybrid narrative. That they need help propping up thier own failing biological process's
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