Oh, there's no doubt the guy is at least 99% fantasy in all areas! He basically claims that if you pay him, you can be shown how to call ufos down to interact with. I think he goes even further than that in his claims.
Don has lately just spoken of how when the Greer's lot were gonna have a press conference or something, THEY asked UFO Magazine to cover it and when the reporter called them for details, THEY WANTED HIM (UFO MAG) TO PAY 350$ FOR THE PRIVILEGE!!
I have never, ever heard of reporters paying to cover something they were invited to cover! My dad is a very experienced journalist and PR man and I've worked for him, so I am fully aware that what Greer's organisation were asking was not only very unusual, it is pretty much unethical in the world of PR/journalism.
In fact Voyager, pretty much everything I hear Steven Greer is involved with nowadays involves charging a lot of money. The guy has found the golden goose and damn the field. He has been claiming to have or know about free energy devices - as if they should be benefiting mankind - but he never offers for anyone to be able to see them.
In summary I think Greer has been involved in a few very worthwhile things - I won't deny him that, but his reputation in my eyes is irreparable due to his out and out greed. He is a modern-day snakeoil salesman and nothing more, which is a real shame for someone with intelligence.