Stagger Lee
Paranormal Adept
It's been my experience, lately, that my local community/govt does not have mine and those of my ilk's best interest.. Our school district is divided (literally by a train track) by an upper end(rich) and lower end(lower income) -all taxpayers, whose kids go to the same public schools.Not private industry. Your local community and your local government.
Our school board panders to the wealthy tax payers. Teachers union is protected by state laws, but the other seperate union that consists of 700 school employees have been under attack. Starting July 1st, those 700 will have employee health coverage only, cutting off dependents. This was agreed upon, only because the board wanted to outsource the lot of 'em. Bringing in a private co. that would provide transportation, cleaning, food services, teachers aids, etc. My school district was once one of the best in State. The wealthy tax payers, the ones crying over high property tax, most of whom their own kids went through the same school district and since graduated- they don't care about the quality of education, or the support staff who make it possible. They only care about lower property taxes for their McMansions over looking the river- inground swimming pools and vacation shore homes. rant over
p.s. Where has manxman been? He seemed to suddenly stop posting. Did I miss a manx fall out? Rather enjoyed his style of posting.