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September 2, 2018 — Calvin Parker

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Not nice... BUT as some of us can tell by Gene's extremely non humorous remarks and repetitious facts about subjects- no where close concerning the subjects being discussed - obviously points out that Gene is autistic, what commonly was referred to as aspergers--- which is a high functioning person on the spectrum (often very high IQ). People from his/my generation usually die without diagnosis, but a quick perusal of symptoms and his life- would be a huge eye opener and might help Gene in cutting back his aggravating and to others- incoherent banter. ( I am guilty as well)

Don't take this as a criticism, Einstein, Steve Jobs, Spielberg, and many others are after their histories have been analysed and are most likely all on the spectrum.... look it up... such dysfunctional personalities, but superhuman focus- most often in computers, sciences etc... is even actually made fun of in TV shows like the Big Bang - all those scientists show the symptoms of aspergers and is commonly just called geeks or nerds...but show the same symptoms.... the part of the brain that learns social interactions and norms does not work for those skills and is most likely used for other intellectual pursuits. (latest research has scientists realising without this condition and the insane focus it can bring, mankind might still be living in caves as discoveries like working with flint -to keeping fire was most likely attributed to autistic ancestors)

Do everyone a favor Gene, read about it and restrain your comments, no one likes, nor understands what you are even trying to say most of the time and with the massive amount of commercials on top of crazy banter, I would estimate 2/3 of the podcast is wasted. If you want I could easily do an analysis as this is the sort of stuff we are really good at.

I am also on the spectrum, do not understand social norms, but it never stopped me having a full page about me and my company- in the NYT nor Fairfield and Westchester Business Journals... BUT might explain why David Beidney stopped responding to me, or my alienation on this forum... At 63 I also lost out on the benefits of a early diagnosis (caught in elementary school nowadays so social skills can be taught early) so late stage diagnosis comes a little to late to make any huge change in my social awkwardness and interactions. Thank God, business for most of my life looked at being an asshole, mean son of a bitch was a good upper management skill- far before touchy feely -"we are the world types" took over....

Do me a favor, read slowly, do a little internet research and forgive my disability before you ban me. I use to post as victoriaufo -so anyone that cares could look up my past (most likely dysfunctional) comments in the past (I can not tell the difference either Gene). My lifetime of experiences -often with very successful - neurotypical professional people as witnesses -should not become another reason for sceptics -whom seem to be a large part in this field to discount me.

Shocking really, most people are either trying to prove how smart they are by voicing other possible reasons for other peoples experiences, or are just in the field for attention or money. I stand by my and Budd Hopkins statement, that most, by far almost all experiencers that are not mentally ill or clinically narcissistic , keep their mouths shut and suffer in silence and alone. Sane and smart people can just do a fast perusal of websites, so called researchers information and the attacks at anyone whom does come forward...and they run and hide.....

I think my disability has me come back and dip my toes into this every so often (on this forum)- is also a symptom of this condition and is right up there with other self abuse and destructive morbid tendencies.

Oh, forgot, in a correspondence I had with the lead researcher at the university of exeter in the uk -who did the first major study concerning aphantasia (people like me with NO minds eye) he admitted that yes I am right, his research also shows a definite link between people with autism and their inability to visually imagine anything... Impossible for most of us.... hell, I can not even close my eyes and see my dead mothers face, or even my son's even though he is 10 feet away from me right now. Yea, these experiences are not even possible to be imagination, we can not even enjoy the wonders of pareidolia- as discussed on the latest podcast... and as I tell my son and wife.... I envy all of you who can imagine and actually see the characters in that book they are reading (I can not) and wish I could because...wow.... I would never have to rent another movie as most of you have that in your heads anytime you want... Yea, and to me, explains a lot of people's experiences because they have that skill and some have the opposite and have extreme visual imagination- what is now medically called hyperphantasia- and they probably account for another large group of experiencers. All this shit and I understand perfectly why most people laugh at the paranormal no matter how many miliary come forward, or shit in your pants new newspaper articles which report bits and pieces to this huge puzzle.

Did I go on too long again??? I never know when t
Thanks for sharing and for your perspective. I never would have considered it before. Hopefully Gene will take it in the spirit in which it is intended.
Not nice... BUT as some of us can tell by Gene's extremely non humorous remarks and repetitious facts about subjects- no where close concerning the subjects being discussed - obviously points out that Gene is autistic, what commonly was referred to as aspergers--- which is a high functioning person on the spectrum (often very high IQ). People from his/my generation usually die without diagnosis, but a quick perusal of symptoms and his life- would be a huge eye opener and might help Gene in cutting back his aggravating and to others- incoherent banter. ( I am guilty as well)

Don't take this as a criticism, Einstein, Steve Jobs, Spielberg, and many others are after their histories have been analysed and are most likely all on the spectrum.... look it up... such dysfunctional personalities, but superhuman focus- most often in computers, sciences etc... is even actually made fun of in TV shows like the Big Bang - all those scientists show the symptoms of aspergers and is commonly just called geeks or nerds...but show the same symptoms.... the part of the brain that learns social interactions and norms does not work for those skills and is most likely used for other intellectual pursuits. (latest research has scientists realising without this condition and the insane focus it can bring, mankind might still be living in caves as discoveries like working with flint -to keeping fire was most likely attributed to autistic ancestors)

Do everyone a favor Gene, read about it and restrain your comments, no one likes, nor understands what you are even trying to say most of the time and with the massive amount of commercials on top of crazy banter, I would estimate 2/3 of the podcast is wasted. If you want I could easily do an analysis as this is the sort of stuff we are really good at.

I am also on the spectrum, do not understand social norms, but it never stopped me having a full page about me and my company- in the NYT nor Fairfield and Westchester Business Journals... BUT might explain why David Beidney stopped responding to me, or my alienation on this forum... At 63 I also lost out on the benefits of a early diagnosis (caught in elementary school nowadays so social skills can be taught early) so late stage diagnosis comes a little to late to make any huge change in my social awkwardness and interactions. Thank God, business for most of my life looked at being an asshole, mean son of a bitch was a good upper management skill- far before touchy feely -"we are the world types" took over....

Do me a favor, read slowly, do a little internet research and forgive my disability before you ban me. I use to post as victoriaufo -so anyone that cares could look up my past (most likely dysfunctional) comments in the past (I can not tell the difference either Gene). My lifetime of experiences -often with very successful - neurotypical professional people as witnesses -should not become another reason for sceptics -whom seem to be a large part in this field to discount me.

Shocking really, most people are either trying to prove how smart they are by voicing other possible reasons for other peoples experiences, or are just in the field for attention or money. I stand by my and Budd Hopkins statement, that most, by far almost all experiencers that are not mentally ill or clinically narcissistic , keep their mouths shut and suffer in silence and alone. Sane and smart people can just do a fast perusal of websites, so called researchers information and the attacks at anyone whom does come forward...and they run and hide.....

I think my disability has me come back and dip my toes into this every so often (on this forum)- is also a symptom of this condition and is right up there with other self abuse and destructive morbid tendencies.

Oh, forgot, in a correspondence I had with the lead researcher at the university of exeter in the uk -who did the first major study concerning aphantasia (people like me with NO minds eye) he admitted that yes I am right, his research also shows a definite link between people with autism and their inability to visually imagine anything... Impossible for most of us.... hell, I can not even close my eyes and see my dead mothers face, or even my son's even though he is 10 feet away from me right now. Yea, these experiences are not even possible to be imagination, we can not even enjoy the wonders of pareidolia- as discussed on the latest podcast... and as I tell my son and wife.... I envy all of you who can imagine and actually see the characters in that book they are reading (I can not) and wish I could because...wow.... I would never have to rent another movie as most of you have that in your heads anytime you want... Yea, and to me, explains a lot of people's experiences because they have that skill and some have the opposite and have extreme visual imagination- what is now medically called hyperphantasia- and they probably account for another large group of experiencers. All this shit and I understand perfectly why most people laugh at the paranormal no matter how many miliary come forward, or shit in your pants new newspaper articles which report bits and pieces to this huge puzzle.

Did I go on too long again??? I never know when t
Is that why Gene is so obsessed with talking about echo?