Again, the question still stands: what outlet/venue/reputable institution would you suggest he approach to publish his "UFO" research/evidence? Simple question... Your answer?
UFOs are light years away from dinosaurs when it comes to academia (in case you didn't realize this) Why do you act as if I'm stooopid, and play naive w/ me?
Did you bother to read my post? I am not asking Ray to publish anything, rather just submit his evidence to a real university with educated people from a variety of backgrounds to examine it against his supposed claims!
Steven Greer had no problem getting his desert alien mummy analyzed by Stanford University. Not only did they examine it they also participated in his documentary. So this idea that academia is turned off to this topic isn't honest, rather it is the lackluster evidence that has done little to inspire academia! However, Stanford is claiming some pretty remarkable evidence, evidence he claims will pass scientific muster. Ray claims he has film of a flying saucer that shoots a "plasma beam" at him in broad daylight! Certainly this would inspire academia beyond your average blurry lantern in the sky video. I am suggesting the self-proclaimed remarkable nature of Ray's evidence would easily open the doors to any academic institution. In the world today, there are probably thousands, I could list dozens of them, but I am sure you know how e-mail, google, and a telephone work.
So again, Ray could first have his film and photos authenticated, i.e., have them independently verified to be of real objects in the sky. There are probably hundreds of academic departments with curious optical physicists who would love to examine a daylight film of a flying saucer shooting a plasma beam at poor Ray Stanford. Simply having an accredited, reputable, and unbiased scientist say, "this is real unaltered footage" is a massive first step. For all we know he could be showing you all recaptured footage from some old sci-fi movie, so the film first needs to be examined and plenty of forensic places offer this kind of service, again, all easily re-searchable. Unfortunately Chris, it will take this first step. You and your fellow devotees can't determine the true authenticity of the film by merely watching them in his dirty living room. They need to be in a lab. Secondly, Ray makes some pretty detailed claims about the types of propulsion these saucers exhibit in his videos, again, there are countless Ph.D and department chairs in Universities all over the world who would love to get their hands on daylight footage of a flying saucer shooting beams. They could also weigh in on whether or not Ray's claims about the propulsion are accurate, again massive steps from where we are at now. Also, as I stated before, Ray says these crafts shoot plasma beams at him, I would be curious to see a real plasma physicist examine characteristics of the beam in Ray's film and see if they too agree the beam is "plasma." Again, I could list hundreds of Universities with various science departments, all of whom would love to see something as remarkable as the footage Ray brags he has.
Now if Ray does want to self-publish a detailed paper of his work and submit it along with his evidence to a multitude of places, .i.e., MIT, RIT, Stanford, etc...that would probably work too. It would be better than hiding this evidence in his basement.
I guarantee you, if Ray drove to his nearest University, walked into their physics department, asked to speak with a professor and properly presented his evidence, and...and...the evidence is as earth shattering as Ray claims, eyebrows would be raised, phone calls would be made, and you would see very interested people, with real academic backgrounds lining up to examine his work. In short, the ball would be rolling. Do you really find any of this arguable or even controversial? Honestly, put you devotee part of you aside, is anything I am suggesting here impossible? Did Stanford University not seriously examine Greer's alien? Could professors in that same University also examine Ray's films? I will sign a NDA and submit it for him!
Regardless, that is how research is done. Unfortunately, insulating evidence from knowledgeable unbiased 3rd parties, while trumping it up on fringe UFO message boards and niche podcasts is not going to get you anywhere. I would have thought you would have known that, but I guess you can now consider yourself educated on the subject.
Here is a good start:
A list of all United State's Universities, most of which have robust science departments
U.S. Universities, Alphabetic