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Wow Ward!! Like ... Right On Dude .... Right On Man ... Fricken' A my Man .... Like Totally Fricken Cool Man ...
Had to with the million plus Apple users on this forum.
Hilarious video.
Sorry Gene.
absolutely brilliant find ward, i actually have used both platforms and am partial to neither BUT the absolute fanaticism/idolization in see in the apple drones is worthy of being lambasted. i especially liked the second video, secs :52 to 1:14, that summed up everything.
i think within the next couple of weeks i'll get up at 3 in the morning drive down to the nearest apple store and sell the apple lemmings some cups of coffee at a apple-like price of $10.00 per cup, cream and sugar extra. i'll probably get it too, especially if i put an apple logo on the cups
Now your thinking like apple .. good good your greed has made you powerful
steve jobs, isn't looking so good nowadays, or is that a little over the top?...nah, it's valid.![]()
"in a world without walls and doors, who needs windows and gates"
windows is for pussies and bill gates is a eugenicist. that is a valid statement.![]()
As much as I love my Mac, I am pissed at Apple right now for making a computer that lasts too long. My PPC system works great, is very reliable and plenty fast. The problem is it is not compatible with Lion or iCloud or any newer software.
I have run a couple of the betas of Windows 8 in a virtual machine. Even those who favor Windows among tech commentators have trouble with Windows 8. I find it rather useless. The tiled interface, formerly known as Metro, comes across as something resembling a 1980's children's computer. There is a traditional Windows desktop, but the movement from one to the other and back again is downright screwy. Note that in downgrading their guidance, Intel, who builds 80% of the chips used on PCs (and all of those used on Macs) said it didn't expect Windows 8 to boost the PC's fortunes any.
If you believe in an afterlife,
And I do,
Then I would say he looks
A heck of a lot better than you.![]()
30+ years of paranormal research and experience dealing with parasites, interdimensional beings, mediumship