My intent was strong and I began to see shadow people walking through my house and standing on my porch looking inside for short periods. I didn't get creeped out because I still don't think they are real, at least in the sense that they aren't creative aspects of our psyches.
Our ability to create is powerful, imo, but it probably takes a collective effort or suggestion to manifest from meme to myth. Once I came to that conclusion, they quit hanging around so maybe my dismissal canceled them out in my personal experience. Don't know.
You know, you tossed off several very good ideas in there. I can imagine you follow some of the same writers I do.
As far as shadow people, I've seen them on occassion, but I never could decide if they are ghosts, or tulpas that have taken on existence of their own, or diminsional beings, or even demons. None of this sound quite right to me.
I have the long standing habit of noticing small shadow entities moving around, and my usual first reaction is that it's a cat. When I try to focus in on them consciously, I usually don't see them anymore. I never gave these things much thought, though, until I heard some of Jeff Ritzmann's stories. I still don't know what these little guys are, or their big brother Shadow People, but i've never had one attack me or send me any sort of heavy duty vibes. I've never spoken with one, or initiated contact, but something tells me that it wouldn't work anyway.
I've seen ghost all my life, but I've only seen one full form mist entity, and that was a broad daylight sighting. Honestly, I wasn't scared, but rather felt sort of honored, because many people go through their lives without seeing one of these. Hard to explain my feeling on this, really.