I think everyone should have some sort of comparative religion studies. Reading or studying the Bible as just pure literature can be rewarding. Certainly, if you have any religious leanings at all, you should make an effort to explore the origins and histories of various religious schools of thought from an objective viewpoint. Religious art, prose, and poetry can be appreciated for what they are, great efforts of human passion and devotion of historical significance, sans the supernaturalism. We should certainly celebrate truth, beauty, perseverance in the face of adversity, and gratitude, amongst other virtues. Preserving those ideals through an institutionalized focus seems pretty effective. Taking the mumbo jumbo seriously that is draped around those concepts by religions, theists, or spiritualists can a slippery slope though.
Have a listen to the Jordan Peterson link - worth the time. Northrop Frye has a good link on the Bible as literature. Peterson goes deeper I think - he has a number of other talks available Big Ideas and YouTube on related ideas. One thing I found very interesting is that as he warms to his topic in the link above he takes on some very familiar cadences. Peterson is Canadian and as far as I can tell "secular" (whatever the hell that means these days) but, with a few "ehs" and the accent, he begins to sound more and more like a Southern Baptist minister in terms of cadence and intonation. My wife heard it too and I'm planning to email him to see if anyone has pointed it out to him. Let me know if you listen and hear anything interesting.
Jordan Peterson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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