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Not the RodentCast?The only time The Paracast should be renamed, is if Gene and David resign and allow Mouse to take over. Then, it would have to be renamed The Pratcast.
Not the RodentCast?
I have tolerated many podcasts where David Biedny insisted on making an overly long monologue..the guest was hardly able to get a word in is not just one podcast, it is creeping into almost all of them..with the guest lucky to get a word in sideways...
The most newsworthy thing in this thread, in my opinion, is the goofy coincidence that someone named Nick wrote in to say how much he enjoyed listening to the recent interview with Nick. Heh, made me chuckle.
Ooh you cynical bastard
Nick Redfern is in Texas I believe , I sent Dave and Gene that feedback , my name is also Nick, but I live in Canada and I have hair.
The only other thing that me and the most excellent Mr Redfern have in common is that we are both British.
Whoa! And the coincidences continue... I am from Canada!
.the guest was hardly able to get a word in edgewise..
I have timed the shows over the past two months..each time..David has taken over the conversation..expounding his opinions over and over..and only a fraction of the time was taken by the guest to express his opinions,
..and david could start a new podcast..a solo project where he can hear the sound of his own voice ad nauseum (if anyone cares to listen).
The high pitched "trickster" voice he uses sounds like a man who has a severe mental disability..although meaning to be humorous, it falls flat like a lead balloon.
No, No, No. Time to get your ears checked. David is always concise, focused and relevant. He is an excellent listener. I don't agree with you at all.I have tolerated many podcasts where David Biedny insisted on making an overly long monologue..the guest was hardly able to get a word in is not just one podcast, it is creeping into almost all of them..with the guest lucky to get a word in sideways. It started slowly from the first podcast, and has now become a long, boring, drawn out and painful monopolization of the guest's time. It is very frustrating to hear someone try to expound on an idea..when he is hijacked and David's rant starts for several minutes. The guest is derailed..the topic has become disjointed, and the enjoyment factor has dissipated.
We all know David's opinion on things and nothing he states is new, I realize the podcast is a platform for people to speak their minds, but must he hog the bandwidth every single week? I thought the guest was supposed to be in the spotlight with the hosts facilitatiing the process.
I have timed the shows over the past two months..each time..David has taken over the conversation..expounding his opinions over and over..and only a fraction of the time was taken by the guest to express his opinions, views and experiences..perhaps we could return to the format that makes this podcast enjoyable..and david could start a new podcast..a solo project where he can hear the sound of his own voice ad nauseum (if anyone cares to listen). The high pitched "trickster" voice he uses sounds like a man who has a severe mental disability..although meaning to be humorous, it falls flat like a lead balloon.
I hate to sound mean, but it seems David is repeating himself over and over like a broken record, or TV re-run. Let us enjoy the guests for a change. Gene on the other hand, seems to be the host with the manners, allowing a guest to have his say, regardless of what that might be. He does not monopolize the podcast and if hosting solo would allow the listeners to truly hear the full extent of the ideas the guest has to offer.
Grow up David, I don't mind give and take, and I don't mind you challenging a questionable guest. What I do mind is the David Biedny Show when I thought I was listening to THE PARACAST.
I am not a great fan of George Noory on Coast to Coast, but when I have tuned in, I find he at least allows his guest the priviledge of speaking without interruption. George rarely goes into a rant/monologue when the guest has the airtime. David might be critical of George, but George at least has manners.