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It was on the news there about a hour ago, That some girl in India had committed suicide because she thought the world was going to end.How many more of those incidents will occur before this is all over. I think they should have just done the experiment in full , fear sometimes can be a disease for certain people.
It was on the news there about a hour ago, That some girl in India had committed suicide because she thought the world was going to end.How many more of those incidents will occur before this is all over. I think they should have just done the experiment in full , fear sometimes can be a disease for certain people.
How so? The money is spent, CERN is ready to go. What value is there in asking whether or not the money should have been spent after it's spent?
To me the only issue is, Should we turn something on that has one one millionth of a chance of creating a black hole that doesn't collapse then swallows the earth?
It might be a similar scenario to "The HitchHikers Guide to the Universe" 42 ?
I think we need 10 billion pumped into ufology. This could lead to capturing a little grey booger. Then we shock his nipples and ask him about physics.
That assumes he has nipples...
You assume it would be a he.
Then we shock his nipples and ask him about physics.
So did you...
How do we know that the experiment didn't catapult us into an alternate reality?
Well if it did I want my money back, because this reality sucks.
and you never know, the ability to make mini black holes /gravity wells might come in handy one day.