Jeff Davis
Paranormal Adept
I watched a program quite a few years ago now, where someone took all of W's antics, ever captured on film- and put something like the "Benny Hill Show" music to it all. Example- the guy who took off both shoes and threw them at W's head.(W dodged both shoes with cat like reflexes) W's walking into a room and quick "back rub" to a woman who cringed like she was being groped by the devil.
There must have been a full half hour of hilarious footage, like the above mentioned.
That would be funny. They (the media) just punished W like a whippin' boy. The truth is, he and his cabinet deserved it, but not one bit more than the Prince who in my opinion, is the most inept and inexperienced president this country has ever had. The guy is living in la la land on our dime. He will do so for the rest of his natural life. Did you see how much the "people's man" and Miss Bling spent in Hawaii recently? That makes me sick.