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sigh the return of the birthers...

Free episodes:

Friends don't let friends do windows.
Once you go Mac you never go back.
Macs Rule, PC's drool.
etc etc...
Macs are great, my dad (a journalist) uses nothing else. they happen to be expensive too and right now i cannot justify the expense....though i've had my eye on one for a while.
but still, on a pc, for those of us who have to use one, and me being someone who posts of forums, uses email and youtube, downloads podcasts, what will be the benefit of using another browser?
Macs are great, my dad (a journalist) uses nothing else. they happen to be expensive too and right now i cannot justify the expense....though i've had my eye on one for a while.
but still, on a pc, for those of us who have to use one, and me being someone who posts of forums, uses email and youtube, downloads podcasts, what will be the benefit of using another browser?

people will no longer point and laugh at you.
Jeez, it's like someone saying 'i have all the proof about UFO's........but you cannot see it'.
Still waiting for someone to tell me the benefits of firefox over IE!!
Someone help?
Macs are great, my dad (a journalist) uses nothing else. they happen to be expensive too and right now i cannot justify the expense....though i've had my eye on one for a while.
but still, on a pc, for those of us who have to use one, and me being someone who posts of forums, uses email and youtube, downloads podcasts, what will be the benefit of using another browser?
Actually, a desktop Mac (using your existing display, keyboard and mouse) can be had for $599 US, the Mac mini. The MacBook Air is $999, which is identical to or cheaper than equivalent thin and light notebook computers.

Yes, there are cheaper PCs, but you get what you pay for, and if you are remitting that $50 per year or so for an anti-malware software license, any minor differences will vanish in a few years. Apple is very competitive if you actually compare the hardware and software bundles precisely. On the PC side, they frequently give you a lesser feature-limited version of Windows 7, and charge you $100 or so more for the Ultimate.
@Gene - thanks for the info. i have been sold on macs for ages now, coveting a friends with utter envy. it will come in time.

now, for the umpteenth time, someone please humour me and explain what is so good about firefox compared to internet explorer?
(this is not a challenge, merely a genuine request of facts, opinions etc so i may make an informed choice. this is about the 5th time this thread i have asked for someone to explain this to me, so far no takers! why the secrecy?)
i realise many of you are quite 'tech oriented' and maybe use your macs day to day, for me at work i have to use a dedicated unix system for data aquisition software etc and unix systems are so robust ! but what will be the benefit for the time being if i start using firefox for a browser? (bearing in mind that for the time being, it will be used on a laptop with XP)
what is so good about firefox is that it is not internet explorer.
is there some reason you are unable to do a search for firefox vs internet explorer? go to startpage.com and try it.
i feel i am being made out to look silly for not having a mac lan using IE. i am very sorry i cannot afford to buy a better computer. us poor stupid people should probably leave all the clever stuff to others i suppose.
glad i found out where not to go for help in the future. i got something out of this then.
Don't let it bother you. I honestly think they were being light hearted but just went a little to far. I know I run a over heating laptop at home with Windows and I did download Google Chrome and Firefox but I actually liked IE and used it until my wife convinced me to switch to Firefox. I would love to have a Mac with all the bells and whistles but I am more than likely going to settle for a Kindle Fire ;) Anyway, don't let the silliness get you down. I think they meant well. I would be glad to offer good advice but when it comes to a pc I'm not very computer literate myself. Except for surfing the internet and having my wife come up behind me from time to time and catching me with "What are you looking at?" :eek: :oops:
Opera, you should be running Opera. If you aren't using Opera on a homegrown one-off Apple/PC hybrid you built from parts you found laying about and running an open source operating system you've had to modify to run on your rig, you're too far behind to catch up. Go back to reading the paper and using the phone to make actual phone calls. Hrrmmph! Hey, I didn't a Hrrmmph out of that guy! Hrrmmph! Hrrmmph!

It's all about what you want to do and what you have available to you. I choose a browser by what plug-ins it supports and my needs. I use IE, Firefox, and Chrome! IE is for test purposes. So many places only allow IE or use IE. Then it just gets down to a matter of which interface you like and what plugins you want to run. Push comes to shove, I like the Firefox interface better.

As an old mainframe hardware guy I always viewed the PC/Apple fanboy stuff a little silly. After all these things were just damn toys until just a few years ago. Now it's a little different in that regard of course. It gets down to what you want or need to do and what is available to you. Sometimes its one thing, sometimes it is another, but if you want a universal machine the PC seems to fit the bill for me. I know I like the ability to run multiple operating systems and modify my hardware however I please.

Here is a picture 0f a kludged up machine ... I wanted to put a picture of Donald Gelman's laptop in this message but couldn't find one. So there ... you get this thing.

I am not in the least upset anyone was taking the piss - I'd never be against ribbing and taking the piss, especially when it may indeed be deserved to a degree, I was just disappointed that was all I was getting.
I can look up what people have said about X against Y, I can try X and see what happens, but sometimes people just look for that personal recommendation (or I do). I really thought what better place to get such info than the paracast forums, where there are many like-minded people.
Instead, after making an intial request for info, there were 8 direct replies, none whatsoever actually offering any help, despite my asking a further 5 times. I remember at school maybe some kid didn't have the right sneakers or jeans and usually they would have the piss taken out of them, of course probably back home, the kid had a single parent trying to make ends meet and worrying about being able to buy another pair of shoes when the old ones got too small, not having the luxury of worrying whether they would be cool shoes.
I detest snobbery and I detest intellectual snobbery.
I play the guitar myself and I have in the past spent good money on a really good guitar. I think it is worth it. When I go round someone's house and see some beat up old thing I think one of a couple of things -they don't know the difference between good and bad ones, they cannot afford a good one, or they are just not that into it to care. I do not make repeated jokes at their expense because I happen to know more about it.
1, 2 or 3 replies in that vein makes a funny joke. 8 replies just looks like elitism, looks like I am way beneath deserving a straight answer cos...........ah, whatever.

Tyder001, T.O - thanks as always.

p.s I accept this may be or look like an over-reaction but I did not expect this here on the forums. I will know to keep anything personal to myself now.
@ T.O - that thing may be huge, but it is tiny compared to the Colossus of Enigma-breaking fame! I am old enough to remember when companies and universities had huge rooms to house their mainframes in. I remember the Commodore Amiga/ Atari ST rivallry too, there were far more games and programs for the Amiga but the ST was already standard for graphics-intensive operations and desktop publishing etc.
It was the fact my dad was a journalist that got me exposed to macs and I really don't think I can remember any of them crashing. Not once. Whereas I have had the blue screen of death countless times esp from company laptops I used to take to oil platforms to play with my logging data and sending it ashore.
I wonder if sometime in the future all computers will run all and any software? You will be aware that at the start of steam locomotion on the railways, there were even competing track guages until a standard was agreed on!
I wonder if sometime in the future all computers will run all and any software? You will be aware that at the start of steam locomotion on the railways, there were even competing track guages until a standard was agreed on!

Yes, its called a virtual machine and the future is now. I was surprised to learn some months ago that someone created a vitalization of a supercomputer architecture from the 80s. Smack!
Dear goggsmackay Im a bit late on this one but here is my advice downlaod Firefox and install it, you wont have to get rid of Internet explorer and if you dont like Firefox un-install it.
The question you ask: "explain what is so good about firefox compared to internet explorer?" is very hard to answer and depends on the individual.
I think what the others where trying to say is: just give it a try. (Firefox is totally free) ((Get More From Your Firefox — Mobile, Add-ons & Other Stuff)).
Yes, I would download Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera and play with them all. If you don't have the time or desire to do such a thing, Firefox is probably one of the better alternatives simply for the amount plug-ins and what not that are available. However, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." If you like IE, just hang in there with it until it won't do something you need, and try one of the others.

The differences that exist under the hood of these various browsers can cause them to display webpages differently. One browser may handle a pages code well and another not so much. There is also a concern about vulnerability and some browsers are considered more secure than others. Often the main reason is they are lesser targets and not some bullet-proof code. Choices in browsers are also greatly influenced by the User Interface and how easy it is to use.
I downloaded Google Chrome but haven't really used it yet. I did get some apps that look interesting and some that look like time wasters. ;) I downloaded a 60 Minutes app that I'm going to take a look at this weekend. I don't know the advantage (if any) of a browser offering apps but I'll take a better look in the next day or two.
trainedobserver has the right idea. download a bunch. i have 4 different browsers i use.