Angel of Ioren
Friendly Skeptic
I love Macs, but I have to agree about gaming, which is why I have two Macs and a PC. I do most of my gaming on Xbox 360 and PS3 though.
Praise Jobs.
Praise Jobs.
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Sorry but it must be said. Would this be an issue at all if the pres was WHITE? This is a race issue pure and simple.
Sorry but it must be said. Would this be an issue at all if the pres was WHITE? This is a race issue pure and simple.
I love Macs, but I have to agree about gaming, which is why I have two Macs and a PC. I do most of my gaming on Xbox 360 and PS3 though.
Praise Jobs.
Sorry but it must be said. Would this be an issue at all if the pres was WHITE? This is a race issue pure and simple.
his mom is white for sure! all over. no wonder he is secretive about his parents.Am I missing something here or is he not just as white as he is black?
This is what happens when you question the entrenched left in this country - especially when you target their new illegal voting bloc.And sceptical investigator...I mean sheriff... arpaio is going on the stand starting today. It's a good place for him.
Joe Arpaio Trial: Arizona Sheriff Faces Racial Profiling Allegations
This is what happens when you question the entrenched left in this country - especially when you target their new illegal voting bloc.
Lmao. Right wingers make me laugh so hard with this crap. Illegal voting bloc? What? Oh, is that why you right wingers are out there passing voter ID laws left and right? You mean it's not to keep minorities and the poor from voting? All this crap from the right about rampant voter fraud, yet when their own RNLA investigated these claims they found less than 400 cases of voter fraud in the last 10 years. Talk about a complete and utter non issue, you're more likely to get hit by lightning then encounter a case of voter fraud. Anything to get your awful, laughable candidate in there though, right?
Uneducated voters like yourself are accounted for in the strategy-making process. It's all good.I fully agree, careful though, you might get accused of "drinking the kool aid" because you call a non issue a non issue. No matter what these birther morons do, nothing is going to change the fact that Obama was the legally elected first black president of the United States, and hopefully, he'll be in there for a second term. I'm definitely not Obama's biggest fan but I'd vote for just about anyone before I cast a ballot for Mitt "Robber Baron" Romney.
Uneducated voters like yourself are accounted for in the strategy-making process. It's all good.
If you're an illegal alien and you vote or attempt to vote, then yes, it is a problem. This is an emerging problem with the influx of illegals over the past few years, so your cherry-picked "data" (which about six people put significant stock into) is irrelevant. Look, there's one reason and one reason alone ACORN existed. Get back on your meds.
Uneducated voters like yourself are accounted for in the strategy-making process. It's all good.