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sigh the return of the birthers...

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I believe it was Hunter S Thompson, who threw a party one night many years ago. The next morning as he was doing a walk through his home, he found a young man name W Bush, passed out in his bathtub(fully clothed) If true, our former President had some wild nights during his youth.
"Thompson claimed to know a thing or two about the president’s partying past. In an interview with The Independent in 2004, Thompson said he remembered meeting Bush at Thompson’s Super Bowl party in Houston in 1974. He said that Bush was “with a guy who had come to sell . . . ” but then cut himself off. “Look, I’m not going to put this next sentence on the record. Let’s just say that ‘a friend of mine’ was buying cocaine. I have friends in Houston from all walks of life. Lawyers. Professional men. Bush was hanging around with this crowd of what you might call gilded coke dilettantes.”
What bothers me most about this faux controversy, particularly when it relates to Obama, is that there are really many legitimate issues for which he can be criticized. And that covers all sides of the political spectrum. Even hard-core liberals have found him disappointing in some respects.

Instead, certain elements of the media, aided and abetted by their political cronies, manufacture controversies, push them for what they're worth and beyond, and it diverts people from the real things that are going on.

The real problems with this country are being ignored when we fret over Benghazi, the IRS, fast and furious, etc. Closing women's health care facilities doesn't help women take care of their health, nor reduce unwanted pregnancies. None of those faux scandals helps people get jobs, or at least get fatter paychecks, so they don't have to exist on the public dole, nor does it help world peace. It has nothing to do with climate issues, whether you believe it's manmade or not.

Think about it, folks. How much airtime is devoted to the fake, and how much is devoted to the real issues (if anything), and you'll see what I mean.
What bothers me most about this faux controversy, particularly when it relates to Obama, is that there are really many legitimate issues for which he can be criticized. And that covers all sides of the political spectrum. Even hard-core liberals have found him disappointing in some respects.

Instead, certain elements of the media, aided and abetted by their political cronies, manufacture controversies, push them for what they're worth and beyond, and it diverts people from the real things that are going on.

The real problems with this country are being ignored when we fret over Benghazi, the IRS, fast and furious, etc. Closing women's health care facilities doesn't help women take care of their health, nor reduce unwanted pregnancies. None of those faux scandals helps people get jobs, or at least get fatter paychecks, so they don't have to exist on the public dole, nor does it help world peace. It has nothing to do with climate issues, whether you believe it's manmade or not.

Think about it, folks. How much airtime is devoted to the fake, and how much is devoted to the real issues (if anything), and you'll see what I mean.

The politics of division Gene. They get everyday working class people to vote against their own interests. Hot button issues, same sex marriage and birth certificates instead of the loss of privacy, personal freedom, corporations taking more money and buying power like never before, sad and ultimately destructive to this country.
McCain born in the Panama Canal area ted Cruz in canada. The only reason the birther nonsense exist. .is the president is afro American.
"We should not go to the people and say, "Here we are. We come to give you the charity of our presence, to teach you our science, to show you your errors, your lack of culture, your ignorance of elementary things." We should go instead with an inquiring mind and a humble spirit to learn at that great source of wisdom that is the people."- Ernesto Che Guevara
well this guy claims the following...

Of course the anticipation for this Case has been rising ever since it first hit the U.S. Supreme Court docket Report! Americans are definitely in tune, and tuning in more and more on this from many different angles and perspectives. Key among those for Republicans is indeed whether three declared Presidential Candidates, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, and Florida Gov. Bobby Jindal, will be forced to retire their campaigns for President, because they are indeed not eligible for the Office of the President failing the ‘natural born Citizen‘ test of “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents“; again quite different than the qualifications in the Constitution set for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators which is “Citizen.
so bye bye cruz

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