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Sighting over nuclear power plant in Slovenia, January 2013

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Very interesting. It must have been moving much faster than your car then too ( I presume ), which would seem to rule out any normal life form. Did you get the impression it was something natural like a big ball lightning or Earthlight phenomenon, or that it seemed to be under intelligent control? What year was your sighting?

It was about five years ago. Yes it moved much faster than my car (I was driving very slowly, about five miles an hour) so that Annie could try to identify her friend's parents house in the dark, up on the hill). This thing rushed past the car, very close to the car, its near side about four or five feet from the car. There were no storms in the area, just a quiet winter night. It didn't merely float or meander along; it rushed past at great speed. My feeling was that it had a goal, someplace to get to. Maybe a year later I was watching videos obtained by a woman in one of the middle eastern states (maybe Pennsylvania) who repeatedly captured and posted BOLs/orbs in the forest near her deck looking out over the forest. I wrote to her and asked her if she had seen anything like what I witnessed in south Georgia. She or her boyfriend wrote back to me that he had seen the same phenomenon while he was driving in that forested area. So maybe these larger plasmas are related to the orbs/bols increasingly seen in our time. (I have not witnessed any of those, though, including that night in Georgia.)
It was about five years ago. Yes it moved much faster than my car (I was driving very slowly, about five miles an hour) so that Annie could try to identify her friend's parents house in the dark, up on the hill). This thing rushed past the car, very close to the car, its near side about four or five feet from the car. There were no storms in the area, just a quiet winter night. It didn't merely float or meander along; it rushed past at great speed. My feeling was that it had a goal, someplace to get to. Maybe a year later I was watching videos obtained by a woman in one of the middle eastern states (maybe Pennsylvania) who repeatedly captured and posted BOLs/orbs in the forest near her deck looking out over the forest. I wrote to her and asked her if she had seen anything like what I witnessed in south Georgia. She or her boyfriend wrote back to me that he had seen the same phenomenon while he was driving in that forested area. So maybe these larger plasmas are related to the orbs/bols increasingly seen in our time. (I have not witnessed any of those, though, including that night in Georgia.)

Very Interesting indeed. Thank you so much again for sharing your story :) .