I remember the few times I experienced sleep paralysis, I was sleeping on my back. I didn't have any imagry or a sense of a presence in my bedroon though. But the paralysis was so disturbing to me that I made the effort to retrain myself to sleep on my sides. Since then, absolutely no sleep paralysis.
About Sleep Apnea - anyone who thinks they might have it (and sleep paralysis can sort of mimic it) - please ask your health care provider to have you tested for sleep apnea. I have two friends who were diagnosed with it and now wear the C-pap machine (a pain the the a**, but a life saver). And these friends were not overweight either (there's a misconception that only overweight people are prone to sleep apnea).
About Sleep Apnea - anyone who thinks they might have it (and sleep paralysis can sort of mimic it) - please ask your health care provider to have you tested for sleep apnea. I have two friends who were diagnosed with it and now wear the C-pap machine (a pain the the a**, but a life saver). And these friends were not overweight either (there's a misconception that only overweight people are prone to sleep apnea).