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Sleep paralysis - who else has experienced this?

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This phenomena whatever it is, throws up so many different experiences each unique in its own way but with a hint of the similar running through it.
Yeah, I'm sure it's all the same phenomenon. I've witnessed glowing balls of light in 'haunted' locations that behave exactly the same way as Foo Fighters are described to. They behave as if there is something sentient behind them, they can be threatening, curious or totally nonchalant. I've seen these things flitter around in several places and they've varied in size from that of a marble to that of a half sized football (soccer ball, for U.S. Friends).
I don't see why these things are associated anymore with ghosts than the larger ones are associated with E.T.
We've plenty of first hand witness accounts of them, but where is the evidence that they are spirits of the dead or alien.
Back to Sleep Paralysis... Why is it deemed a less real experience than driving a car? I can tell you all I've woken with a jolt wondering where I am and how I got there after both.:D
Yeah, I'm sure it's all the same phenomenon. I've witnessed glowing balls of light in 'haunted' locations that behave exactly the same way as Foo Fighters are described to. They behave as if there is something sentient behind them, they can be threatening, curious or totally nonchalant. I've seen these things flitter around in several places and they've varied in size from that of a marble to that of a half sized football (soccer ball, for U.S. Friends).
I don't see why these things are associated anymore with ghosts than the larger ones are associated with E.T.
We've plenty of first hand witness accounts of them, but where is the evidence that they are spirits of the dead or alien.
Back to Sleep Paralysis... Why is it deemed a less real experience than driving a car? I can tell you all I've woken with a jolt wondering where I am and how I got there after both.:D
Remind me not to get a lift from you.There doesn't seem to be any trigger to the sleep paralysis episodes ive experienced.I don't drink or do drugs and im not on any medication.I have been both sleeping alone and with a girlfriend when these things have happened.
This still sounds like sleep paralysis to me, to be honest. Having said that though, the light she saw is something that I can relate to. When I was at University in the mid 90's I had a similar occurrence with a light. I awoke in the early hours with a bolt and the entire room was lit up fluorescent pink. My then girlfriend slept through it. It lasted for around 15 seconds at the most and then switched off. My room was at the back of the house and in a row of houses in an English terraced street. Park Grove in Hull, as it happens. There were no neon lights anywhere in the area and all that was out the back of the house was a typical, ramshackle yard in a student rent. Behind this was an alleyway (gannel). I suppose someone could have been shining a neon light into the room from outside, but who or why they would do that is a mystery in itself.
So I woke my girlfriend and told her, but these things didn't interest her much. She had her beliefs and was very staunchly into a Catholic philosophy, so she considered much of these things as devilish. In fact it was my paranormal experiences and research into it, in an attempt to find out why I've always been a magnet for strange phenomenon, that contributed to us breaking up.
We had a number of strange experiences together of a ghostly kind and we had an equal interest in UFO's at one point. I have to admit that we had both used LSD together within the last year. We weren't regular users of drugs, but I did occasionally take magic mushrooms and LSD (Well I was studying art and it was the 90's). Of course this could be a contributing factor. She's an internationally well known artist now and some of her work is still totally trippy.
I know that I experienced paranormal phenomenon long before I ever used psychedelics, but I can't count out that it may have been a flashback. I've experienced a similar thing a few times with my expartner in her house in Loscoe, Derbyshire. We lived at the side of a dam and one night a blue ball of plasma suddenly appeared over the dam and exploded. It made everything seem like daylight. We were in the garden at the time, enjoying the summer night. The fisherman around the dam were all stirred by it and freaked out too. My ex's daughter and her boyfriend also came outside to find out what it was, they'd seen the sky light up from inside. Unfortunately all I witnessed was the sky light up as I was facing the wrong direction. My ex saw it all and claimed it was like a bright white diamond shape, surrounded by blue light. The diamond then exploded into rays. She just sat there open mouthed. So, the same thing happened several more times over the next month or so and would wake us up. On one occasion we both told each other that we had witnessed the light again during the night and had gone to the window to see if it was something outside. This led to real confusion as she was asleep when I investigated it and Vice versa. The only conclusion that we could come too was that it had happened twice in the same night. Not long after my ex and her daughter both watched a light during day light come down in a diagonal movement over the fields behind the dam. They called me but I was too late to see it.
That house was full off odd phenomena. The cats used to vanish and turn up on the other side of locked doors. We'd get fragrances around us all the time, some times perfume and some time very musty fragrances. Things were always vanishing and reappearing too, not just the cats. It was regular to hear voices in the house. Her daughter used to tell us that she would frequently hear us come in from shopping and when she went to the door to help us bring bags in, the house was still empty and the doors locked. This came to our attention when, after the first time, she asked why we'd come in and gone out again so quickly without saying hello to her. I took it with a pinch of salt until the day I was in the house alone and heard the exact same thing. Obviously this time I heard myself come into the house from shopping... I actually heard myself laughing and talking in the kitchen. I went to investigate and again the house was empty. I have no explanation for this at all.
My ex is a medium on one of the Sky TV channels so I was used to odd stuff going on. She was very much into all that Stargate stuff. I'm not wholly convinced by it all, but I did regularly have dreams that I was aboard a mothership, in a plush lounge with a lot of other people just chatting, playing games and socialising. I could easily have just been influenced by her waffling on about Star Gate. The aliens in my dreams would wander about the people and observe them. They were very stoic and aloof. Occasionally they could be engaged in conversation but I don't recall any words of wisdom. They were never scary, weren't grays and were more like large, very tall men (7/8 ft) with bald heads dressed in long gowns. Honestly, it was more like Star Trek: TNG than Communion. I can't say that these were ever anything more than dreams but they were regular enough to be worth mentioning. We never did find out what the blue flash was. I know it wasn't lightening as there was no sound. With it being within 25 metres of us, surely it would be thunderous. It wasn't a flare as nothing dropped into the water from it. It wasn't a firework as the light was too bright. So it was either ball lightening, a giant 'orb', a ball of plasma, a teleporting giant diamond or the kind of plasma consciousness that Andrew Collins has written about (I've seen plenty of those but much smaller).
No, I don't believe I've been abducted by the way or that I am contactee. We suspected there had been missing time but it was an afterthought and we certainly didn't check the time, when it happened. It just seemed very late when we came in from outside. I should add that we didn't watch local news much or get local newspapers, so I have no idea if any of the fisherman reported it. In all there must have been between 10 and 15 witnesses. We didn't know them or chat to the fisherman ever. So many of them used the dam that it would be impossible to know which were present.
Anyway there you go. My second contribution to the thread, sorry I diverted from the topic, but I just felt the need to share my experiences of light flashes too. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

Its definetly a strange world we live in i forgot to mention that there was a UFO reported in the area at the time of her experience and the next night at the same time she had a horrible feeling that she was being observed she said she prayed that it would go away eventually the feeling of being watched did subside. i was in contact with Derrel Sims about this case i was unfortunate to use black light on her at the time she was to scared and did not want to know.
im not here to discount peoples stories but I'm intrigued by the whole phenomenon your story is fascinating and like many others in the field know one will truly know whats going on. i do believe the mind is much more powerful then we give it credit for i to experimented with hallucinogenic's when younger and had experiences before and after but maybe on some cases (not all)they can open the mind for people to see whats going on in the sky above them, i was also looking at perspective's not every person sees the same UFO on occasion this could also be attributed to how the mind digest's the information on the unknown.
Remind me not to get a lift from you.There doesn't seem to be any trigger to the sleep paralysis episodes ive experienced.I don't drink or do drugs and im not on any medication.I have been both sleeping alone and with a girlfriend when these things have happened.

Me neither anymore, I quit smoking cigarettes several years back too. I'm on prescription pain relief meds for M.E and that's it.

Sleep paralysis is often connected to stress by the way. So that's something to take into account.

The driving things weird. You just go into automatic driving. It's really common.
Its definetly a strange world we live in i forgot to mention that there was a UFO reported in the area at the time of her experience and the next night at the same time she had a horrible feeling that she was being observed she said she prayed that it would go away eventually the feeling of being watched did subside. i was in contact with Derrel Sims about this case i was unfortunate to use black light on her at the time she was to scared and did not want to know.
im not here to discount peoples stories but I'm intrigued by the whole phenomenon your story is fascinating and like many others in the field know one will truly know whats going on. i do believe the mind is much more powerful then we give it credit for i to experimented with hallucinogenic's when younger and had experiences before and after but maybe on some cases (not all)they can open the mind for people to see whats going on in the sky above them, i was also looking at perspective's not every person sees the same UFO on occasion this could also be attributed to how the mind digest's the information on the unknown.

Azz, what was the black light about?
I've never heard of this. What does it do?

I've only just gone and looked at who Derrel Sims is. I'd not heard of him. Is he reputable?

No disrespect intended towards him, I just don't know anything about him.
Azz, what was the black light about?
I've never heard of this. What does it do?

I've only just gone and looked at who Derrel Sims is. I'd not heard of him. Is he reputable?

No disrespect intended towards him, I just don't know anything about him.

Well according to derrels research that he's used on abductees a strong UV light revels (if that person has had contact with an Alien entity) that they leave a finger print called Flouesence on the body just google it Derrel has a long reputation in the field he's ex CIA and helps a lot of people both for investigating and abductees he's helped me out a few times, he's had a podcast episode with Alejandro Rojas on open minds .tv
I'm sure gene and chris have had him on the show too chris knows him better than me.
hope this helps mate
Yeah thanks Azz,

That's really fascinating. If it's accurate it kills the sleep paralysis argument for abduction. Unless, for no logical reason sleep paralysis makes people's glow, like this green face. :D
yes thats very true. could possibly mean aswel that depending on your sleep state you could shifting dimensionally as well
It's a damned if you do and broke if you don't scenario, though isn't it? :D
People consider free to be lacking in quality and so expect to pay. I know mediums who have said that if they don't pay, people don't believe they're gaining anything. A convenience of the fraudulent?
No one complains that a preacher or a doctor or a shrink gets paid, although they are probably just as likely to be in it for the money. If a lawyer was free, people would think he was rubbish.
It's so odd what people are prepared to pay for, with no cynicism, and ask no questions. The amount of work for 'exposure' that I get offered for my illustrations is crazy, no one wants to pay... But they'll not even question paying someone from another trade. I've a mate who once put his hand in a microwave oven and jammed the catch with a knife so it thought the door was shut... He then proceeded to cook his hand for 30 seconds to see what happened. He went on to be an electrician at the Sellafield Nuclear Energy Plant. Nobody ever questioned if he was good enough or even mad enough to cook his own digits... They just presumed he was responsible and paid him. I shudder to think what he was up to there. To this day I have visions of him jamming the reactors open with a knife and putting his face in, just to see what happened. :confused:
It's a damned if you do and broke if you don't scenario, though isn't it? :D
People consider free to be lacking in quality and so expect to pay. I know mediums who have said that if they don't pay, people don't believe they're gaining anything. A convenience of the fraudulent?
No one complains that a preacher or a doctor or a shrink gets paid, although they are probably just as likely to be in it for the money. If a lawyer was free, people would think he was rubbish.
It's so odd what people are prepared to pay for, with no cynicism, and ask no questions. The amount of work for 'exposure' that I get offered for my illustrations is crazy, no one wants to pay... But they'll not even question paying someone from another trade. I've a mate who once put his hand in a microwave oven and jammed the catch with a knife so it thought the door was shut... He then proceeded to cook his hand for 30 seconds to see what happened. He went on to be an electrician at the Sellafield Nuclear Energy Plant. Nobody ever questioned if he was good enough or even mad enough to cook his own digits... They just presumed he was responsible and paid him. I shudder to think what he was up to there. To this day I have visions of him jamming the reactors open with a knife and putting his face in, just to see what happened. :confused:
I have no choice but to pay doctors with my national insurance contributions.I have no need for preachers or shrinks.At least I can see tangible results with a doctor.
After reading the accounts in this thread I think it’s worth mentioning that it was only after 1975 that the idea of dark matter was widely accepted, after red-shift observations on spiral galaxy arms were published. In other words, pre-1975-physics (and all that depends on it, e.g. chemistry and biology) was essentially unaware of a massive amount of physical substance that actually makes up the universe, substance that no one has seen. One can suppose, then, that in a similar way, empirical science is simply unequipped to grasp a realm where sentient agents interact with us on the fringe of our perception.

When I was about thirteen, a basketball-sized white luminescent sphere simply appeared on the living room floor between me and my little sister, who was sitting on the floor about six feet away. After about a two count, seemingly to make sure I’d seen it, the sphere moved to my left about six feet and passed under a wooden bureau with a four inch clearance, and then disappeared through metal floor ventilation grating under the bureau. No physical traces.

Then, about sixteen, I was cleaning my dad’s 1911 .45 pistol. He’d taught us kids gun safety and though we weren’t nuts about weapons, Midwest farming folk usually have a few. I popped out the loaded magazine, pulled the slide back to make sure the pistol was unloaded, broke it down, cleaned it, reassembled it and fiddled with it for a couple more minutes. I popped the magazine out again. At that moment I perceived clear articulate words, internally: “Put it to your head and pull the trigger” (as a joke). I was disturbed about that thought because I was not a prankster, nor was I suffering from depression, nor was I on legal or illegal drugs. Perplexed, I pulled the slide back and . . . out popped a round. I was stunned. I’d chambered a round by mistake. If I’d played along with this malicious “trickster” suggestion mom’s kitchen would have been a freaking 45-to-the-head bloody mess. I had no idea what this meant at the time but it was disquieting.

About eight years later, in around 1978, I had about seven of the so-called sleep paralysis experiences. I was 24 and in the USMC where I was a fire-control radar tech for F-4 Phantoms. In those days I’d not heard of “sleep paralysis” or of “abduction” or of anything like what I experienced. About two years prior to these experiences I’d started questioning my materialistic worldview and I had begun exploring a theistic worldview, and for about a year I’d been reading the Bible to see what it said, since I had no idea. The seven SP experiences were all similar. I’d wake from sound sleep at around 03:00 (give or take) paralyzed, sensing intense strangulation around my neck, and sensing a malevolent presence, though nothing was visible. I was highly agitated because of the strangulation, and I had no idea at all of what was going on. The only thing that came to my mind was to call to Jesus Christ for aid. So I struggled against the paralysis, trying to move my tongue. The moment I could form “Je” (as in Jesus) I’d instantly be released and I’d gulp in air, as if I’d been held underwater too long. Following that first episode I figured this must be some kind of of “spiritual” attack, as in biblical conceptualization.

Around that same time I had an unforgettable and very unpleasant vivid dream involving an ominous, extremely ugly old lady. Total downer of a dream experience. I was unaware of “Old Hag” reports for another twenty years, but, surprisingly enough, my first thought about the experience when it happened was that this repulsive figure was literally some kind of Old Hag. Again around that same time another vivid dream in which I was alone with a stunning brunette who resembled Elizabeth Taylor in her prime (woohoo!). The instant my lips touched her skin in a kiss, my entire vision field turned completely into reptilian scales, like those of a black snake, and I also sensed a repulsive, nauseating, overpowering reptilian presence that was really beyond description. I awoke instantly, totally grossed out. (Talk about bait and switch!) I sensed a subtle communication just at the verbal threshold, to the effect: “Ha, ha, ha! Got you, you stupid bastage!” My construal has been that this experience was satanic reptilian, not extra-terrestrial alien reptilian. Also, since then, as a theist I’ve had some wonderfully positive experiences on the other side of the sensation spectrum, which coincide with biblical reports.

May all who are tormented find relief.
Thanks for sharing. I've had a few experiences over the years that might, in a limited way, be regarded as sleep paralysis. But I never took them seriously nor went around claiming ET had abducted me and did horrible things to my sphincter.
Thanks for sharing. I've had a few experiences over the years that might, in a limited way, be regarded as sleep paralysis. But I never took them seriously nor went around claiming ET had abducted me and did horrible things to my sphincter.
I too experienced being taken from my bed and taken out of the house via a sky light.I never saw a craft and I don't recall being interfered with in any way.I'm sure there's a logical reason for this that doesn't involve intruders.Our minds are remarkable things.