All I know is there is absolutely no good reason to put fluoride in the water. Dr. Wilson could be a scammer and still have some accurate info as well. I agree he's been discredited though by links you found on his site. I was going to edit this post simply because its such a negative concept and goes off topic. A much more positive approach would be to post things that people can do to stop the water fluoridation. Oh we'll. thanks for the input Han.
I have to be honest and say for me its like this:
I live in the largest city in Europe, and to survive here you need to be tough, I can not afford to invest worry in things that may or may not be detrimental to my health. The best way I can explain this is:
If we used my home as the center point, and made an imaginary cube 5x5 miles big, my fingers would fall off before I was able to list the potential hazards contained therein.
For example below my home there are "tube" (underground/metro) tunnels that could potentially cave in and make my house collapse.
Above my house there are Helicopters that could crash into my home, and I am overflown by literally hundreds of Aeroplanes daily, which even if they don't crash apparently affect the weather and definitely the air quality.
To the north, south, east and west of my home there are major roads with millions of cars spewing out pollutants constantly.
There is a "nuclear" train that travels on tracks not 2 miles from my house.
You see I could go on and on and on and on, for example I have not mentioned my fellow inhabitants, there are at least 5 "mental" hospitals within the radius I mentioned previously, and about 3 or 4 Prisons to boot.
And yet this is my city, my home and I feel safe here.
One of the ways that I cope with life here is to be constantly on the look out for the positives, which for me are things like the "wood pigeons" that frequent my garden, or the grasshoppers that have started to breed in my garden. (both of which were not here when I was a child).
When I speak to my parents about how life here has changed they tell me about "pea soupers" (green smog common until the 1970s) or the fact that there were hardly any fish in the river Thames due to the levels of pollution.
It brings me great solace to know that the fishes are returning to the Thames and that wildlife in general has greater protection than ever before. I know this has gone completely off topic so to bring it back on course less than 2 miles from my house there is a statue to Hugh Myddelton who was responsible for the building of the "New River" which still supplies some of Londons drinking water, and within 3 miles of that there is a plaque commemorating "John Snow" who was the man that discovered that cholera was a water born disease and managed to eradicate it from London totally. What makes me angry is that we have been cholera free in London for at least one hundred years, yet their are still people dying on a daily basis because of cholera in places all around the world.
My main point is that the situation in London is far from perfect, but I am glad that thanks to people like Hugh Myddleton and John Snow we have "clean" water on tap.
What I have learned is that the problems facing the developing world are the same ones faced by my forefathers and the fact that the "developed" countries do not see it as their duty to help angers me more than I can describe.
In a nutshell I would always choose a glass of fluoridated water over the water that most people around the world have to drink.
Finally whilst I may talk a good fight, I am actually a heavy smoker, even though I am only too well aware of the health consequences. Maybe that is why I am not overly concerned about fluoride.
GeoShift I feel that "DR" Wilson's site is very clever: in that it TELLS you that YOU ARE SICK and that ONLY he and his associates can FIX you. (FOR A PRICE!)
But like I said before I am in no position to question the "evidence" for and against fluoridation, because I am not qualified to do so.
However I do know that sometimes a "poison" can be used to treat diseases, for example chemotherapy.
I will at sometime in the near future see my cousin who is a qualified "toxicologist" and I will ask him what he thinks about the fluoridation of our water, I shall report what he says in this thread.