Here is my favorite opera:
Excellent. My favorite is The Magic Flute ~~~
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Here is my favorite opera:
Ok so I write a post earlier about roswell and balloons, then we discuss spirals, I go to google and look up spirals on wikipedia and lo and behold I find a famous spiral at the International Balloon museum within a minute of looking!
Here is a 40,000 (forty thousand) year old flute! I was lucky enough to see this and many other fantastically ancient artifacts a couple of years ago, it absolutely blew my mind.
there are some other fascinating artifacts here:
The Sites of Geissenklosterle, Hohle Fels, and Middle Paleolithic sites in the Swabian Alb near the city of Ulm
I highly recommend this film if you have not already seen it:
Very interesting article ...
They also employ a rigid kin-based, cross-generational system of fact-checking stories, involving grandchildren, parents, and elders, which Mr Reid says doesn't seem to be used by other cultures.
I bet this isn't unique at all - the particular structure may be , but error correction, fact checking I bet is built into most oral traditions ... even the structure of the material as chants or involving rhythm and repetition obviously serves this purpose ... the person with the best natural ability to memorize this kind of material is selected to keep it as the "illui" in Hasidic Judaism. I imaginve this is all done in enormously sophisticated in ways that we don't have much imagination for as we are dependent on recorded information.
Another example is the Romani - the member of the Romani community, as I have heard it, that can read and write is not in an elevated position but is seen as a necessary person to interact with the outside world on mundane matters. Children are discouraged from learning to read or write as it seems to interfere with the ability to memorize information ... memorization is no longer a part of our educational process, so this seems very foreign to us - but is a basic survival skill.
In a next post I'm going to provide links to information we all need to know concerning the real conditions of life of Australian aborigines and almost all indigenous peoples on the planet as the combined result of Corporate Capitalism, Imperialism, and Colonialism. These issues are coming to a point in Australia and also in Canada, where indigenous peoples have formed an alliance with the aboriginal people of Australia calling for legal action and worldwide protest.
I look forward to seeing that.