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Stan Friedman Retires

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Paul Kimball

Paranormal Adept

The Other Side of Truth: Stan Friedman Retires

Stan Friedman is retiring.

Stan is the person who most shaped the course of modern ufology over the past fifty years, for both good and ill. While I didn't always agree with him (or even often agree with him), Stan remains one of my favourite people, and I wish him a long and happy ride off into the sunset. He's earned it.

The Daily Gleaner, the local newspaper in Stan's hometown of Fredericton, New Brunswick, reported the news on the weekend.

The article is behind a paywall, but here is the text:


Longtime UFO researcher Stanton Friedman of Fredericton is retiring.

"I'm turning 84 in July," Friedman said in an interview. "I'll look at the Internet, but enough is enough."

Friedman said he gave his first lecture on unidentified flying objects in 1967.

"That's a long time."

The author and former nuclear physicist began lecturing about UFOs while doing engineering consulting work, and his family moved to Fredericton in 1980 because his wife, Marilyn, was born in New Brunswick, he said.

He's travelled the world speaking about his belief in the existence of alien life, his views widely publicized at home and abroad through lectures, writings and his monthly column in the MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) journal.

"One of my last events will be the Roswell International UFO Museum Festival in July in Roswell, New Mexico," he said.

Many believe a UFO crashed in the area in mid-1947, and that the United States military has covered it up ever since.

"I'm the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident. I've been invited. I accepted."​

Friedman said he will be giving several lectures at the event, which last year attracted 9,000 visitors for the weekend festival.​

Retirement doesn't mean he won't be thinking about UFOs, he said.​

Friedman said he has never doubted the existence of life beyond Earth, and the evidence of alien life visiting our planet has never been stronger.

"I came at it as someone who worked on far-out stuff. We now know that there are planets all over the place. In our own galaxy, they are in the billions."

The odds are very good that we're not alone in the universe, he maintains.​
I've always liked Stanton. Many of us in the community refer to him as "Uncle Stan" in a positive way, even though we're not related or don't even really know him personally. He's a UFO Hall of Famer for sure, and FWIW, I'm still with him on the idea that alien craft have come here from other worlds, and I'll be carrying that forward until I retire too. It's not the least bit boring for me. It's just as :cool: as it's ever been !
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why not just take sound bites out of every interview he ever did on the Paracast (hell just the last 2 would work) and cut and paste and you have a new show. No difference. I can not imagine anyone quitting a job in physics to tour the USA universities to give lectures about UFO's... for the reason he states... he had a family and needed to support them.. He's just a nice Canadian (we are known to be nice) whom saw you could make a living being a ufoologist and not have to work full time. Had to be a much bigger reason to give up on a masters degree in the sciences at such a young age? think about of it...especially when he could have been a physics teacher and earn about $80,000 year only working 10 months out of the year with a fantastic pension at retirement.... as they have here in Canada. (teaching pays extremely well here).... Sounds suspicious.... maybe he had a big problem with a big mouth even back then and was let go and was told you'll never work in this field again. More reasonable then the crazy college speaker story

Hey, honey I am quitting my job as a nuclear physicist to make speeches about fairies and dragons at Universities campuses .... seems highly unlikely

Before everyone jumps around like a homeless crack addict during withdrawal ... I am just trying on the attitude of most in this field with wild theories and possible explanations.... Hey, this is fun...
Rats. Did I miss an opportunity? I would have taken the discussion of Doty in a different direction.
So Stan F. is coming on. Consider -- i.e., DO - ask him to listen to the Doty interview and comment at least on Doty's Roswell (please, not more and more and more about Benowitz) and perhaps about any ancillary comments Doty made about MJ-12.
Disappointed you didn't set up a panel to grill Stan on his books.
Paul, in your interview please confirm (or otherwise inform us) id Stan will still be selling his books via on-line orders (and with autographs?).
why not just take sound bites out of every interview he ever did on the Paracast (hell just the last 2 would work) and cut and paste and you have a new show. No difference. I can not imagine anyone quitting a job in physics to tour the USA universities to give lectures about UFO's... for the reason he states... he had a family and needed to support them.. He's just a nice Canadian (we are known to be nice) whom saw you could make a living being a ufoologist and not have to work full time. Had to be a much bigger reason to give up on a masters degree in the sciences at such a young age? think about of it...especially when he could have been a physics teacher and earn about $80,000 year only working 10 months out of the year with a fantastic pension at retirement.... as they have here in Canada. (teaching pays extremely well here).... Sounds suspicious.... maybe he had a big problem with a big mouth even back then and was let go and was told you'll never work in this field again. More reasonable then the crazy college speaker story

Hey, honey I am quitting my job as a nuclear physicist to make speeches about fairies and dragons at Universities campuses .... seems highly unlikely

Before everyone jumps around like a homeless crack addict during withdrawal ... I am just trying on the attitude of most in this field with wild theories and possible explanations.... Hey, this is fun...

I heard him say - maybe on this show - that he got tired of going from one contract to the next for employment and lecturing was something that he just came in to sideways. We should all be so lucky. Best of luck to him.
why not just take sound bites out of every interview he ever did on the Paracast (hell just the last 2 would work) and cut and paste and you have a new show. No difference. I can not imagine anyone quitting a job in physics to tour the USA universities to give lectures about UFO's... for the reason he states... he had a family and needed to support them.. He's just a nice Canadian (we are known to be nice) whom saw you could make a living being a ufoologist and not have to work full time. Had to be a much bigger reason to give up on a masters degree in the sciences at such a young age? think about of it...especially when he could have been a physics teacher and earn about $80,000 year only working 10 months out of the year with a fantastic pension at retirement.... as they have here in Canada. (teaching pays extremely well here).... Sounds suspicious.... maybe he had a big problem with a big mouth even back then and was let go and was told you'll never work in this field again. More reasonable then the crazy college speaker story Hey, honey I am quitting my job as a nuclear physicist to make speeches about fairies and dragons at Universities campuses .... seems highly unlikely Before everyone jumps around like a homeless crack addict during withdrawal ... I am just trying on the attitude of most in this field with wild theories and possible explanations.... Hey, this is fun...

Yes Stan has a shtick he's been doing for a long time, and for those of us familiar with it, I empathize with your sentiment. But at the same time, I do believe he is a genuine retired physicist with a genuine interest in the ufo phenomenon, and IMO, if he made a living as a ufologist, then he's done better with it than most of the rest of us and I won't begrudge him that. On this latest interview I made an attempt to introduce a couple of different angles to his monologue and get a lot of listener questions in. So it's not just Stan doing his usual uninterrupted journey.
Yes Stan has a shtick he's been doing for a long time, and for those of us familiar with it, I empathize with your sentiment. But at the same time, I do believe he is a genuine retired physicist with a genuine interest in the ufo phenomenon, and IMO, if he made a living as a ufologist, then he's done better with it than most of the rest of us and I won't begrudge him that. On this latest interview I made an attempt to introduce a couple of different angles to his monologue and get a lot of listener questions in. So it's not just Stan doing his usual uninterrupted journey.

Are you sure he has the back ground he says he has...

So did this guy who authored lots of books - like Hudson Valley UFO sightings he co-authored with J. Allen Hynek.”

The information provided by Imbrogo on his web site claimed, “"Imbrogno holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in physics, astronomy and chemistry from the University of Texas and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2010 he was awarded a Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry from MIT. He is a staff member of the McCarthy Observatory in New Milford, Connecticut, and is a founder and former director of the Astronomical Society Of Greenwich, and former director of the Bowman Observatory."

Wow, it is very common to lie about one's back ground to gain respect that other wise would never be gained. Claiming to be a scientist is common in Ufoology as well as military and secret spy agency backgrounds.

Has anyone checked his degrees. I will pay the fees if some one wants the honor of finding out .