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Stanton Friedman to Research Billy Meier??

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"Lying" or "mistaken" are always workable explanations that require no aliens. Occam's Razor, you know. And that goes double for "traces". Branches can break, and Floridians get burned hats, by conventional means.
"Lying" or "mistaken" are always workable explanations that require no aliens.

It's noteworthy that after "inexplicably, inexcusably mistaking" a mogul ballon for something exotic (which caused an awful ruckus) Col. Blanchard and subordinates incurred no censure, but were promoted.

Occam's Razor, you know. And that goes double for "traces". Branches can break, and Floridians get burned hats, by conventional means.

But traces seen in association with unusual flying craft and with strange effects like no grass growing there etc.
Debris from a classified project IS exotic, and I don't know if the MOGUL incident hastened or slowed their promotions. And since no traces are known to be related to unusual craft, I decline to worry about them. Plenty of things prevent grass growing. To blame it on aliens is putting the cart before the horse. Until they are proven, you can't honestly use them as an explanation for something *else*.
Debris from a classified project IS exotic

This is patently absurd. MOGUL consisted of ordinary junk such as balloons, easily recognizable to a base intel officer and not displaying the extraordinary properties reported by witnesses. As has been pointed out many times, MOGUL may have been classified but not the materials used in it.

and I don't know if the MOGUL incident hastened or slowed their promotions.
Had Roswell involved just MOGIUL junk, and they failed to to recognize it, but instead precipitated a big, necessary ruckus, they probably would've been DEmoted if not dishonorably discharged.

And since no traces are known to be related to unusual craft,

In fact unusual traces have been reported in precisely the locations where unusual craft were seen.

Plenty of things prevent grass growing.
But in the specific cases no cause other than an unusual sighting is known and it's a stretch to say it's pure coincidence grass wouldn't grow at precisely the place where an unearthly thing was sighted.

Until they are proven, you can't honestly use them as an explanation for something *else*.
Unusual traces associated with unearthly craft are evidence for ET.
Rotted rubber and shredded RAWINs are exotic, if you've never seen either before.
NO material of unusual properties was recorded at the time, or discovered since. Just tabloid yarns, forty years after the fact.
No unusual CRAFT are proven to exist; using them as an explanation for ANYTHING is putting the cart before the horse. Ditto UNEARTHLY things.
You're assuming what you want to prove.
Rotted rubber and shredded RAWINs are exotic, if you've never seen either before.

So you think a base intel officer couldn't identify either, nor Blanchard and his whole staff?? Not that a MOGUL balloon is possible in any event as #4 was cancelled.

NO material of unusual properties was recorded at the time, or discovered since. Just tabloid yarns, forty years after the fact.

This is absurd. Several first hand witnesses described highly unusual material, including of course the Marcels.

No unusual CRAFT are proven to exist; using them as an explanation for ANYTHING is putting the cart before the horse. Ditto UNEARTHLY things.
You're assuming what you want to prove.
Unusual craft have been seen many times, and you can't assume the government has no proof, especially in light of a number of cases in which material was confiscated.
#4 may have been cancelled by cutting loose the gear and letting the balloon train go.

Where were all these witnesses in 1947? Not reporting anything odd. In any case, a witness is not extraordinary proof.

ZERO craft are known and proven to have been seen; and of COURSE until this happens, I can logically assume the government has none. There are NO, count 'em, ZERO cases in which the government is known to have captured alien materials.
#4 may have been cancelled by cutting loose the gear and letting the balloon train go.

Exactly, as sources indicate #4 was canceled, and the others are accounted for. Scratch MOGUL.

Where were all these witnesses in 1947? Not reporting anything odd.
They were silenced as their later testimony indicates. Edwards mentioned the caee in his '66 book but noted people weren't talking---yet.

In any case, a witness is not extraordinary proof.
But still evidence, especially if a witness is deemed credible.

ZERO craft are known and proven to have been seen; and of COURSE until this happens, I can logically assume the government has none. There are NO, count 'em, ZERO cases in which the government is known to have captured alien materials.
As I've said before, there are good grounds for thinking the government has craft or material, as witnesses have reported confiscations and not just at Roswell. (Note I didn't say PROOF, but still evidence so people shouldn't make categorical statements like that.) There is ample evidence for the existence of strange craft as witness testimony, radar sightings, landing traces etc indicate.
Exactly, as sources indicate #4 was canceled, and the others are accounted for. Scratch MOGUL.

They were silenced as their later testimony indicates. Edwards mentioned the caee in his '66 book but noted people weren't talking---yet.

But still evidence, especially if a witness is deemed credible.

As I've said before, there are good grounds for thinking the government has craft or material, as witnesses have reported confiscations and not just at Roswell. (Note I didn't say PROOF, but still evidence so people shouldn't make categorical statements like that.) There is ample evidence for the existence of strange craft as witness testimony, radar sightings, landing traces etc indicate.
No sonobuoy was reported found at Roswell; just the balloon train. MOGUL is clearly its source.
What yarns people spin after decades is of no interest to me.
Credible witnesses don't spin incredible tales.
There is ZERO evidence of "craft", made things. Just yarns.
Transistors of sorts existed in the Twenties... "biased detectors". Handmade by hobbyists. Amplifying with tubes was easier, so... And I used to own a Thirties Reader's Digest that mentioned Dupont Lucite strands that conducted light along their length. Fiber Optics, a decade before Roswell...
Supposedly Corso listed night-vision goggles as a reverse engineered technology. It all strains logic beyond belief.

You and I seem to have areas of agreement outside of politics. Take care.
Did he ever say anything of interest, proven true? I am pleased we agree on something; with you, I see little point in repeating myself. With others, the plural of "anecdote" is "proof".
Have you ever seen Science Fiction Theatre's "Bulletproof"? Unusual materials and an I-beam are recovered from a damaged saucer... I suspect that this 1956 TV show was conflated into the Yarn.
The problem with Roswell was that the story came out 31 years later, with multiple versions. If it wasn't for Charles Berlitz, William Moore and lots of help from Stanton Friedman, we wouldn't be talking about it now.
But think of all the bank accounts that would be impacted. Remember Berlitz also did the Bermuda Triangle and Philadelphia Experiment books. He was having fun, telling stories, rich but making lots of bucks.