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Star Trek Discovery

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"You hold up a mirror"

"No, you hold up a mirror"

Anyway, politics aside the Klingon ships were crap, the technology will be limited to existing universe as it's a prequel (boring) and apart from the first officer (Michael the lady) the performance of the cast was average at best and terrible in the case of the captain. CGI was low grade and cartoon esque.

When is stranger things back?
We recognize "Ensign Mary Sue", even disguised...
"The Orville" is like Star Trek, done with real people instead of Intrepid Space Heroes. And they cheaped out and PC'd the writing on the latest one- why not stick your neck out and let the bad guys be the secular ones?
Ensign Mary Sue, in many guises, has been around since Trek fanfic was invented. She is generally a "projection", a stand-in for the author, which explains why Mary Sue fanfics are invariably *bad*, since genuine prodigies don't need to write wish-fulfillment fanfics...
That episode being?

I'm wondering whether it just makes sense to wait till the season is over, take the free trial of CBS All Access, and binge watch. No, it's not that I don't want CBS to make money, but I am very concerned over this business plan, that each streaming service will have a handful of exclusive programming. It means that to watch all or most of them, you will be subscribing to a bunch plus, of course, your cable or satellite provider if you want their programming too.

At one time, I thought the idea "on the cheap" setup was to set up a regular antenna and listen to off-the-air stations, plus perhaps Netflix to flesh things out. You see, there are DVRs for broadcast TV that'll let you time shift. Problem is that I live a little far to get decent reception from the local stations, and the apartment management doesn't let its tenants put antennas outside of the dwelling. Well, that's understandable.

But when you add all the streaming services up, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, CBS All Access, HBO, Showtime, etc. — confusing isn't it? In 2019, Disney will be removing its content from Netflix and setting up its own streaming service for which you'll pay yet another subscription fee. I'm not at all sure if that includes the Marvel Comics shows, such as Daredevil and The Defenders.
Seems it's on Sci-Fi topic and the ongoing theory of the Movie Matrix with some highly advanced computer simulation world. Interesting article by Cosmos on their website
Physicists find we’re not living in a computer simulation | Cosmos and the only issues with this theory is the fact its coming from a human persective which maybe under estimates the abitlity of a highly advance bilogical or electrical beings? billions of years in advancement as Dr Michio Kaku suggest type 3 civilisation or higher not taken into account in the scientist debate.
A much better option is star trek continues, done by professional actors and in fact James Doohan's son Chris plays Scotty, Give it a watch it aims to finish the original 5 year mission, very, very watchable and available on you tube.
Seems it's on Sci-Fi topic and the ongoing theory of the Movie Matrix with some highly advanced computer simulation world. Interesting article by Cosmos on their website
Physicists find we’re not living in a computer simulation | Cosmos and the only issues with this theory is the fact its coming from a human persective which maybe under estimates the abitlity of a highly advance bilogical or electrical beings? billions of years in advancement as Dr Michio Kaku suggest type 3 civilisation or higher not taken into account in the scientist debate.

Fabulous article. But there seems to be a loophole in their argument, which basically says that modelling the number of possibilities with respect to the properties and behavior of individual particles increases the processing load with each additional particle so dramatically that before long any simulation would require more processing power than would be theoretically available in the known universe. Therefore we cannot be living in a computational construct.

This is certainly a fair statement given their approach, which is deterministic. However the universe isn't necessarily deterministic. In other words, it doesn't need to deal with all the possibilities before making a decision and may not know or care exactly what happens next. It only needs to assign values. Therefore dealing with all the probabilities may not be relevant to the system. It's only relevant to those inside the construct who are trying to reverse engineer it with a method that uses probabilities in an attempt to get values that are useful in making future predictions.

The solution to this problem is to use quantization that makes the simulation workable and forget about it being deterministic.
I have to say that the most recent episode was pretty good.

Warning. Spoiler alerts!

I like Trek so I'm prepared to put-up with a lot, but was as that actually a Klingon tiptoeing out and shushing the away team before being eaten by a space monster? And at the start the shuttle captain steps out to dust off the bugs and presto! One problem solved, except that they're rescued by a tractor beam ( again ), which means the Discovery was on its way anyway ( as we find out later ), so the shuttle captain didn't have to go outside, which makes that whole scene pointless.

Also not a fan of the bio-transport thing or the quasi-rogue captain who thinks man-eating pets are a good idea for weapons. And is it going to be a policy that all the men are more character flawed than the women on this show? And why torpedo the damaged ship? Has nobody ever heard of spare parts? At least ram it down the throat of a planet killing cornucopia and save a few star systems!
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That episode being?

I'm wondering whether it just makes sense to wait till the season is over, take the free trial of CBS All Access, and binge watch. No, it's not that I don't want CBS to make money, but I am very concerned over this business plan, that each streaming service will have a handful of exclusive programming. It means that to watch all or most of them, you will be subscribing to a bunch plus, of course, your cable or satellite provider if you want their programming too.

At one time, I thought the idea "on the cheap" setup was to set up a regular antenna and listen to off-the-air stations, plus perhaps Netflix to flesh things out. You see, there are DVRs for broadcast TV that'll let you time shift. Problem is that I live a little far to get decent reception from the local stations, and the apartment management doesn't let its tenants put antennas outside of the dwelling. Well, that's understandable.

But when you add all the streaming services up, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, CBS All Access, HBO, Showtime, etc. — confusing isn't it? In 2019, Disney will be removing its content from Netflix and setting up its own streaming service for which you'll pay yet another subscription fee. I'm not at all sure if that includes the Marvel Comics shows, such as Daredevil and The Defenders.
The one where they board the Glenn.
The ship was infested- it could neither be safely used, nor abandoned for the "Klingons" to probe. Even a real Klingon would shush someone noisily attracting a lethal attack to his own vicinity. Or, it was "Be vewwy vewwy qwiett- I'm hunting space monstahs!"
If her new Captain isn't Section 31, he should be.
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Fabulous article. But there seems to be a loophole in their argument, which basically says that modelling the number of possibilities with respect to the properties and behavior of individual particles increases the processing load with each additional particle so dramatically that before long any simulation would require more processing power than would be theoretically available in the known universe. Therefore we cannot be living in a computational construct.

That's what I was clumsily trying to get at in that other thread. Computation = energy at a fundamental informational level.

This is certainly a fair statement given their approach, which is deterministic. However the universe isn't necessarily deterministic. In other words, it doesn't need to deal with all the possibilities before making a decision and may not know or care exactly what happens next. It only needs to assign values. Therefore dealing with all the probabilities may not be relevant to the system. It's only relevant to those inside the construct who are trying to reverse engineer it with a method that uses probabilities in an attempt to get values that are useful in making future predictions.
The universe is deterministic at large scales, and non-deterministic at small scales. The line seems to be very blurred.

I'd err on the non-deterministic side right now.

The solution to this problem is to use quantization that makes the simulation workable and forget about it being deterministic.

That's what compression is, and that's what I would look for if we want to find out if we're in a simulation.

Lossy compression - Wikipedia


Digital physics - Wikipedia
Warning. Spoiler alerts!

I like Trek so I'm prepared to put-up with a lot, but was as that actually a Klingon tiptoeing out and shushing the away team before being eaten by a space monster?

I loved that scene. I think the Klingon was hunting the monster, and the stupid humans were making noise. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' and all that.

And at the start the shuttle captain steps out to dust off the bugs and presto! One problem solved, except that they're rescued by a tractor beam ( again ), which means the Discovery was on its way anyway ( as we find out later ), so the shuttle captain didn't have to go outside, which makes that whole scene pointless.

I think that was a set-up. The whole thing felt fake. I think that was Captain Lorca's attempt to gauge Micheal's response to a crisis.

Also not a fan of the bio-transport thing or the quasi-rogue captain who thinks man-eating pets are a good idea for weapons. And is it going to be a policy that all the men are more character flawed than the women on this show?

Lorca appears to be a scientist who's in a hurry to end the war because it frustrates his attempt to be a scientist. So he's dancing with the devil and using science to end the war. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I was waiting for him to feed the tribble to the monster.

I like Lorca a lot. Section 31 all the way, baby.

And why torpedo the damaged ship? Has nobody ever heard of spare parts? At least ram it down the throat of a planet killing cornucopia and save a few star systems!

They scuttle ships quite a bit in Star Trek - and it was a science vessel full of Federation secrets, close to the border, and had already almost been lost to the Klingons once.

Besides, I think that whole distortion that spagettified the crew probably played hell with the superstructure, too.
The worst thing about PC on TV is that the writers think us regular foke are all dimwits who need to be educated on social issues by the morally superior Hollywood elite.
They use insultingly bad analogies to explain to us with baby language that racism is bad while they themselves live in almost exclusively white areas. They try to teach us that xenophobia is bad even though they live in gated communities and so on and so on. Its the holier than thou hypocricy of the wealthy entertainment industry that rubs me the wrong way.
Just imagine them when they concucted the idea that Klingons = Trump supporters. They probably thought they were geniuses
The worst thing about PC on TV is that the writers think us regular foke are all dimwits who need to be educated on social issues by the morally superior Hollywood elite.
They use insultingly bad analogies to explain to us with baby language that racism is bad while they themselves live in almost exclusively white areas. They try to teach us that xenophobia is bad even though they live in gated communities and so on and so on. Its the holier than thou hypocricy of the wealthy entertainment industry that rubs me the wrong way.
Just imagine them when they concucted the idea that Klingons = Trump supporters. They probably thought they were geniuses
Goo goo ga ga.
I see many are discussing if there should be moral lessons in Star Trek, well there always has been,but my comments were about a love of a TV show plain and simple, I will leave the discussion about issues within the show to those who don't have time to have fun.

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