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SW-HS or "Clown Fest" as I like to call it should have been never made, it nearly shattered my childhood memories.
mike - this ones for you mate. It's just one of those fan vids where they mess with the real stuff but I actually quite liked this one. Luke's eyes are pretty funny and we've all been in a lift with shit music.
Which reminds me of a funny story as told to me by a crew member and sometimes extra in ESB.
They were filming the meditation chamber scene as per the video below, when david prowse decided to improvise.
Instead of saying asteroids to not concern me commander i want that ship, he said haemorrhoids do not concern me commander i want a shit.......
Everyone cracked up, and despite the directors mounting rage, were unable to film the scene without either prowse or someone else breaking into a giggle. It was put off till the next day
Holy Sh*t mike I love your library!!! it is indeed bigger than mine was before the quake here.. I am very jealous
Now sad to say my book cases are smashed and most of my books are now in boxes for storage until I can get new cases made.
mike - hadn't heard that story but I can picture it pretty well. 'Corpsing' as I'm sure you know is as infectious as yawning! For a man behind a mask the whole time and not supplying the voice, I've always thought Dave Prowse was excellent as Vader.
@Stoneheart - yeah for sure Mike's library looks really nice but it's the Stormtrooper that patrols the place at night that's the real treasure!
I have a few friends who never, ever got into Star Wars. Despite this large character flaw, most of them are ok people. Now, I can get people maybe not liking Star Trek on TV or the movies but not liking Star Wars? There isn't really a rational explanation for that in any normal bloke IMO.
Wow Mike, it just get's better and better. Really liking the first Judge Dredd - I heard a new movie is gonna be made in which we do not see his face. That's better than the Stallone one - I used to collect 200AD but alas about 100 issues from the 80's are long gone.......![]()
Yeah im a lucky guy alrightYou lucky SOB Mike that's so very cool!
Theres only two sorts of music i dont like, country and western.....
So i have a little heavy metal set between gregorian chant and instrumentals.
Havent heard that one though i'll have to check it out ,thanks