I havent seen it
And i have a full sized stormtrooper in my library (every library should have a suit of armour)
I have models from 1977 and all sorts of other really old star wars stuff
I have 60 plus of the novels the comic adaptions and the making of novels
I couldnt go see this because i was looking after my 94 year old mother in law, and then 2 days before she was due to go home, i broke my heel in a gazillion places.
So i will miss out.
But i am philosophical about it, i have a 3D TV and blue ray player so i can watch it at home eventually though i would have prefered to see it at the cinema like i did the original in 1977.
But im too steeped in the canon, too much of a neckbeard to enjoy it i just know it.
I think many of us forget that to adults in 1977, virtually everything about SW seemed ridiculous; Lucas has said numerous times the movies are for kids first and foremost.
Most of us were kids when the original 3 came out but had we been 40 we might have viewed them very differently. Even Ep IV has plenty of pretty crap aliens etc, especially in the cantina. Greedo is pretty crap on his own but great cos of him being in an scene with Han.
I didn't find the prequels as bad as many other fans, though they were not as exciting to me as the first 3 movies.
I think people who were kids when The Phantom Menace came out just loved them and didn't even think JarJar was ridiculous. Those of us lucky enough to live through the experience of actually waiting for Empire and then Jedi to come out - well we were so, so lucky - nothing after that as an adult would ever compare, nothing.
By the way, despite any shortcomings of J.J Abrams, does anyone here think Lucas would have made a better episode VII? I doubt it, not if he couldn't make a decent prequel having a full 3 chances to do so!
I agree that J.J finds endings difficult, I was hugely into Lost but let down by last couple of seasons and certainly the actual ending. But to be fair to the production team, when the first season was commissioned, because nobody could have predicted its popularity, they obviously were not looking a full 5 more seasons ahead - maybe they were constantly forced to artificially continue and stretch out what might have been 3 acts only initially and ended up writing by the seat of their pants so to speak, being forced away from the original conceived ending?
I don't think there has been any issues with the endings of the Star Trek movies J.J has done IMO.
BTW folks, to date I have not yet seen The Force Awakens so please continue to respect the no-spoilers rule present in this thread thanks very much!