Raevenskye said:
Tom, I've noticed that lucid dreaming/meditation/visiting another realm/whatever is easier on one side vs. the other, too! For me, it's also the right side! I thought the same thing about blood flow to the brain, stimulation of the brain inside the skull, etc. Now I'm really curious! I just thought I was most likely insane-o....hehe. I wonder what side I was sleeping on when I had the hamster dream

Hey, that's really cool that we both had the same observation! It's been a while, but I think the um, right side of the brain has more creative-cognitive function, versus the left side which is more analytical? Or, I might have that mixed up. In any event, perhaps sleeping on one side does in fact excite activity in one hemisphere versus the other. Hmmm. Perhaps there is something to that.
Rick Deckard said:
If I've been awake for more than 24 hours, my brain will sometimes introduce 'movement' to static objects....
That, and LSD...
Rick Deckard said:
...That's right - squares A and B are *exactly the same* shade of grey.....
...And one other example, is extremely high fevers. Ever have one of those, like up around 104? I had a very high fever when I was younger, and totally halucinated. It's fair to say that I was absolutely insane. I had to go to the emergency room. When the fever broke, everything was normal again. It's a wonder our minds keep equilibrium as well as it does, over the years.
Oh, but I'm perfectly fine now
A.LeClair said:
I've either had lucid dreams I was having sleep paralysis, or have had SP many times. It happened when I was digging into many abduction cases and theories etc..
I think that makes complete sense. The Doctor that wrote that book on Lucid Dreams back when (can't remember his name, don't feel like rummaging through the bookcase, anyway...), indicated that one method would be to write down the suggestion that you will have a lucid dream, 2 or 3 times, throughout the day, for 30 days, practically guaranteeing success with Lucid Dreaming. The "suggestion" method is reworded in multiple ways by many different people of course. The point is that I think, psychologically, it goes back to Freud's subconscious, and it's inability to communicate well, directly with the conscious. So, through suggestion, one can advise it on what you would like it to do, using its own language, readers digest version. It is no wonder, in that context, that serious investigation into the abduction phenomenon, would result in "SP" and other related states of mind.
Rick Deckard said:
Actually, if you remember, later on in the game...
You guys lost me on the Q-bert thing. I was more a pinball machine guy.
Freewheelin dialog at it's best, eh?!