Tommy Allison
The piece is actually done, with the skin. Haven't decided on hair or anything else, as I gravitated towards a progerian aesthetic.
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Tommy Allison said:The piece is actually done, with the skin. Haven't decided on hair or anything else, as I gravitated towards a progerian aesthetic.
mikepc said:Your work is really intriguing, Tommy, and of benefit to us all.
I did have some questions of your.. Motivations.
When you were "commissioned" to perform this task, Pye offered to pay you for your work, which you declined based on the claim that payment would cloud the issue and you were only concerned about getting the job done and the truth out there. You could have licensed Pye to use your work, or asked for compensation and in effect sold him the work, rather than giving it to him for free.
This is incorrect. Lloyd didn't "Commission" me at all. There was no payment. This statment is totally fraudulent. I approached Lloyd to do the sculpt for free. There was no talk of compensation from him, as it would have biased me. If you want to talk about licensing, then yes, Lloyd should have paid me for the fair use of my work. He didn't. He had no intention of paying me anything. In fact, he wanted me to buy a copy of his book.
It is beyond question that you should be compensated for your time and effort, but why then did your compensation become an issue when Pye began making money with your work? Is this Naivety or did you believe it wouldn't come of anything, and now change your mind saying "hey, I CAN make some money with that!".
Basically you've completely done a 180 on the topic of compensation and your work with the aberrant skull. You were offered compensation, you refused, and now you want to go back and find some way of making a buck.
Again, your notion of compensation is fraudulent. I was never offered ANY compensation by Lloyd or anyone else for that matter.
You were right in the beginning. The world deserved an honest assessment of the skull and you are talented enough to do that. However, from my point of view, if you wanted to profit from your work, you should have established the parameters of compensation from the start of the project, not "chasing after" your own work. There are many people who hold ill feelings of Pye, and I am by no means a fan of his work or his avarice.
The issue of profiting from my work wasn't something I intended to do. It was after being flooded with e-mails about producing product from my work that put the idea in my head. I mentioned this to Lloyd that I would happily give them some stuff to sell in order to generate revenues for their testing and what not. Would I make a lot of money on the deal, No. Because I'd be doing all the production, and would be bearing all the costs of such. I sincerely doubt I'd profit it at all.
When a programmer writes software under contract, that software is then owned by entity who commissioned its authorship, and this is a fairly close situation. You just chose not to be compensated for it. Intellectual property is just that... and you gave it away. You can't go back to the company you "wrote software" for and say hey, I get to use that program too because I want to make money for it too! It's theirs! They bought it! In your case they just bought it for $0.00.
They never bought anything. They never offered any money. I offered to do the work. When they started shopping my art around, and put it in their book, and were using my art all over the place where money would be made, there should never have been an issue of me wanting to make money for myself. If they can be in it for a buck, then I should be allowed to do the same thing. Seeing as how your analogy is again totally fraudulent, I shouldn't even be responding to it.
This will unfortunately be an issue for the lawyers, and is tragic for both of you. I just wish you would have stood by your own morals and held fast to "I am in this for the science, and the truth." Not for the buck.