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Steve Broadbent is an idiot!

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I need to talk to the aliens
:mad:I listen to your show with Steven Broadbent I cannot believe how clueless this guy is. I was very disappointed in his lack of knowledge about the UFO field. I could not stop crinching each time his his voice screached with uninformed, Klasslike comments. If Phil Klass was reincarnated he would be Steve Broadbent what an idiot:mad:
:mad:I listen to your show with Steven Broadbent I cannot believe how clueless this guy is. I was very disappointed in his lack of knowledge about the UFO field. I could not stop crinching each time his his voice screached with uninformed, Klasslike comments. If Phil Klass was reincarnated he would be Steve Broadbent what an idiot:mad:

Did you go to their website and read their investigation? By your remarks I would say not.

They did one hell of an investigation and nailed this "Source A" clown to the wall. Stephen Broadbent is not about UFOs, he is about the concept of REALITY. These people like the Exopolitics crowd purvey some outlandish claims (like very outlandish) and expect the "herd" to just accept it. Well, Broadbent doesn't. If that makes him an idiot then I suppose I am one also because I admire the investigation they ran. Bull shit is simply that ... bull shit. Stephen Broadbent and his guys proved that with no questions left in my mind.

Mr. Decker,

Can you explain how to listen to shows i n your archive.--this show in particular For the life of me, I can't find a download or listen button anywhere on the page.



Okay, go here .... http://www.dqrm.com/showlist/donx2.htm and scroll down to Tuesday and there is the Stephen Broadbent show that you can download. If you don't see his name listed, make sure you refresh the page. It is there.

I listen to your show with Steven Broadbent I cannot believe how clueless this guy is.

What? Broadbent is a freaking hero. We need more people who will investigate and call B.S. on these pathetic hoaxes. I think it is becoming (or should be) more and more obvious that many of these people involved in "exopolitics" require some particular scrutiny.
My problem with Broadbent is he is a religous debunker. He thinks nothing is going on paranormal at all. Despite astronauts, presidents, ex-CIA director's. Steven Broadbent thinks its all imagination and hallucination.

Also my problem with Steve Broadbent is they rely on hacking computers and snooping email accounts in order to get their information. This is not the right way to go about it.
My problem with Broadbent is he is a religous debunker. He thinks nothing is going on paranormal at all. Despite astronauts, presidents, ex-CIA director's. Steven Broadbent thinks its all imagination and hallucination.

Also my problem with Steve Broadbent is they rely on hacking computers and snooping email accounts in order to get their information. This is not the right way to go about it.

I was fine with the interview until the 9/11 stuff came up. Linking 9/11 truthers with exopolitics ... warrghh ... I got rather angry to tell you the truth. And to believe a government who has lied about getting into Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc etc ... yeah ... had nothing to do with 9/11? Sorry thats a lot of bull.

And what about WTC7? A number of demolition experts themselves have said that that was a controlled demolition. Warrghh ... I won't go on ... but I really quite detest those smug people who say that all 9/11 truthers are spoiling the memory of those who died. Utter bull biscuits.

Still apart from that crap :eek::cool:, Broadbent and co have done us a good service in showing how the Source A story is nonsense ... which of course the thinkers amongst us have probably guessed from the beginning.
My problem with Broadbent is he is a religous debunker. He thinks nothing is going on paranormal at all. Despite astronauts, presidents, ex-CIA director's. Steven Broadbent thinks its all imagination and hallucination.

Also my problem with Steve Broadbent is they rely on hacking computers and snooping email accounts in order to get their information. This is not the right way to go about it.

I'm curious. Which ex-CIA director has come out in support of the paranormal? Which ex-President?

In terms of astronauts, yes, there's Edgar Mitchell, and... well, how many others, exactly? And what percentage do they represent of all astronauts?
Great interview. The comments on their website were positive as well, except for one which sounds a lot like the comments of the OP.

With regards to the 9/11 stuff - why is it okay for some people to believe eyewitness testimony with regards to alien abductions, but not with 9/11? That's pretty selective. Like Broadbent pointed out, we have tons of evidence (not only eyewitnesses, which alone are not useful as physical evidence) that supports the official report. I share Decker's and Broadbent's sentiments. I get as angry as them when I hear 9/11 conspiracy theories
I'm curious. Which ex-CIA director has come out in support of the paranormal? Which ex-President?

In terms of astronauts, yes, there's Edgar Mitchell, and... well, how many others, exactly? And what percentage do they represent of all astronauts?

While I agree with a lot of your findings Paul please allow me to disagree a little bit with one statement. The fact that Edgar Mitchell has come out is interesting. the fact that he does not represent a "majority" or a high percentage does not (by itself) make his statements any less interesting or provacative. Not that ya said it did...just sayin...;)
In regards to Edgar Mitchell. He has never seen a UFO (ever) and he admits himself he grew up in Roswell, and Edgar has said previously, The Roswell event was talked back then among local folks. So his revelations in the last ten years are not that startling or mind blowing or even world shattering. Edgar constantly refer's to this phenomenon as being Extraterrestrial "Extraterrestrial? How those he know that? Well,.he has claimed he talked to people over the years behind the scenes who knew something. Who? Greer? It murky waters when you don't know who he is referring to.

I also believe he has been somewhat influenced into believing a particular viewpoint by friends and colleagues and by People here associated with the UFO field Like Greer and Bassett. But in saying all that.
Being the 12TH man on the moon is no mean feat and we have to respect him for that alone, but i just have a feeling his knowledge does not exceed what the rest of us here already know., He has just heard the same stories and rumours we have. Those are my feelings on it.

Also 24 men have gone to the moon. Edgar is just 1 astronaut out of 24 astronauts who went to the moon and has openly supported the UFO hypothesis. That we can prove. We have lot of stories about other Astronauts having seeing UFO'S on there way to the Moon (Aldrin and Armstrong) But nothing that has ever been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt and they certainly haven't supported the idea the Earth has ever been visited in the past or now. Cryptic statements from them, though interesting, that doesn't constitute an acknowledgement of an Alien presence here or on the moon. How many astronauts have gone into space and returned home.. not sure. But i am aware that Gordon Cooper, before he died supported the idea of visitation by Aliens and he has alleged he saw an Aerial vehicle land that has been also been alleged to have been alien craft. There might also be interesting stories from Cosmonauts from the Former USSR that night be worthy of further investigation here?

As for US Presidents. Truman, Ford, Carter, Clinton, Reagan have talked in public forums about the UFO phenomenon in the past. Carter never dismissed his Sighting Lance, He said, he doesn't know what it was, he said it was a UFO,... I can't explain it, he said. Venus was the explanation for his sighting, totally inaccurate on your behalf Lance.

Truman and Reagan's statements and Comments about the UFO phenomenon, are the most puzzling for people, yet they have never publicly ever supported the idea we have been visited, but they have made usual statement's to this regard, that do, make you wonder. There comments are worthy of exploring further, if nothing else.

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------

Stephen and others should be applauded for busting the Pickering Brother's scam here. However Source A does seem to be a real person. It's the information provided by the Pickering brothers that has been proven to have had many inaccuracies or falsehoods. Many questions still remain however ;; like was Source A providing the False information to them as a Joke and using them to spread disinformation and if wasn't a joke, why was he providing this information to them (motive)?.. or did the Pickering brothers create this illusion themselves and used Source A as a back up to their story and he knew nothing of the story that the Pickering brothers have being spreading on the Internet ?

As for Stephen, has never studied the UFO subject. When he brought up the dreaded swamp gas explanation to explain the 1952 UFO's over Washington case, I said he has no clue LOL, Yet i accept. He was not on Don's show to talk about UFO'S or the reality of this phenomenon.