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Strange reappearances

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Skilled Investigator
I didnt know quite how to head this but was drawn to write briefly about things that have happened around me. A friend and I share a house and are often perplexed about the disappearance and reappearance of objects. For instance when we moved in 5 years ago my friend lost a precious brooch of hers which she always kept in her jewelry box. Of course she searched everywhere and decided she'd just lost it. Then, 2 weeks ago we were chatting in the kitchen while my friend was busily frying her tea, all of a sudden there was a huge clatter and her brooch reappeared in the frying pan! Things like this seem to happen randomly and we have no explanation for any of them.
Any ideas or has anything like this happened to others?
Happens around here all time. My girlfriend calls it "the guy in attic." I actually did a search of the attic to make sure there wasn't a vagrant living up there. The most recent disappearance is the box that houses my "Lord of the Rings" dvd series. A few months back a bag with a dozen bagels went missing from the fridge. 3 days later it was returned with only 2 bagels left in the bag. I also had a souvenir mug from from Sweden mysteriously appear in the dishwasher.
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Happens around here all time. My girlfriend calls it "the guy in attic." I actually did a search of the attic to make sure there wasn't a vagrant living up there. The most recent disappearance is the box that houses my "Lord of the Rings" dvd series. A few months back a bag with a dozen bagels went missing from the fridge. 3 days later it was returned with only 2 bagels left in the bag. I also had a souvenir mug from from Sweden mysteriously appear in the dishwasher.
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It reminds me of an article I read awhile back..
Woman arrested after living undetected in man's closet

Is this a new place you moved into or you've been there a while and these thing that are happening just started?
I've had a lot of these types of experiences but I am often pretty absent minded at times... so I tend not to put too much stock in my own cases.
It reminds me of an article I read awhile back..
Woman arrested after living undetected in man's closet

Is this a new place you moved into or you've been there a while and these thing that are happening just started?
I've been in this house for about 5 years now. I seriously doubt a stranger could be secretly holing up here. I have two dogs that alert me to anything that moves. The wierdness kind of comes and goes in waves. The house I grew up in had a lot of ghostly activity, too. I had a poultergeist type experience there when I was a kid that scared the crap out of me. I wonder sometimes if ghosts follow me around, or if I am somehow causing these things to happen.
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My house was built in the 50's and I know has housed one or two troubled souls that lived here before us. But it feels more mischievous rather than scarey, or maybe thats my interpretation. I know the area goes back to Roman times and some round here say its covered in ley lines. I personally hadnt experienced anything like this before. But the phenomena has just become part of the norm in this house. More annoying than anything.
I had some things 'borrowed' at different times and they always seem to appear a few days to a couple of weeks later in almost the same spot with no one in the house. To have things return in different locations and the items altered at times from its original condition is a little more then strange. It almost sound like something is conducting a type of test, to see or monitor a persons reaction to the items returned.
My house was built in the 50's and I know has housed one or two troubled souls that lived here before us. But it feels more mischievous rather than scarey, or maybe thats my interpretation.
The house I grew up in was built in the 20's and is next to the oldest, and largest cemetery in the area. The view from the front lawn was hundreds of graves. It should be no surprise that ghostly activity would occur. I have suspected that it was more of a psychic effect caused by all the intense emotions occurring in a focused area than actual spirits of dead people. Who knows? Some of the activity seemed mischeivous. There was one that liked to turn the thermostat all the way down when someone was there alone, for example. The one that really scared me seemed like an invisible, angry child walked around the room knocking off everything hanging on the walls...framed photos, paintings, the 3-d Jesus, the old pendulum clock that drove me batty with its' tic-tocking, all just dropped off the wall in linear sequence. I ran outside, shaking in my boots, and noticed that there was a funeral going on across the street.
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seemed like an invisible, angry child walked around the room knocking off everything hanging on the walls...framed photos, paintings, the 3-d Jesus, the old pendulum clock that drove me batty with its' tic-tocking, all just dropped off the wall in linear sequence. I ran outside, shaking in my boots, and noticed that there was a funeral going on across the street.
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holy crap... I think I would have beat you to the door... :eek:
Oo, this reminds me of an article that appeared in Fortean Times a few years ago regarding this very subject. From what I can remember, people recommended asking the room, (in a respectful manner!), if the object could be returned ASAP. Most claimed that their lost property did indeed get returned...eventually. When I mentioned the subject to my grounded, scientifically-trained friend, he claimed that this sort of thing has happened to him and that the missing objects eventually reappeared after he asked for them politely!
And why is it, I wonder, during poltergeist cases, apporting objects are often reported as being warm to the touch and sometimes don't even belong to the person the polt has targeted. All very strange.

Time to ask my room to return that winning lottery ticket I like totally bought last week.
Im surprised the most interesting part of this story seems to have been overlooked by everyone...

The broach just materialised out of this air into the frying pan? I find that to be quite an extreme claim.

Im surprised this isnt the focus of the story. Things going missing then turning up years later in a drawer or something is one thing.... but for an item to drop into a frying pan out of thin air is quite something.
All my Swiss Army knives have disappeared.......
I've still got the same one I had in the Cub Scouts. It almost seems like I couldn't lose the thing if I tried.
Speaking of things that go missing...My house should be ankle-deep in guitar picks by now.
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DianaDee13 wrote:

"we were chatting in the kitchen while my friend was busily frying her tea"


Please, you MUST explain...
I've still got the same one I had in the Cub Scouts. It almost seems like I couldn't lose the thing if I tried.
Speaking of things that go missing...My house should be ankle-deep in guitar picks by now.
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Ask the universe for you guitar picks back, and see what turns up over the next month?
Im surprised the most interesting part of this story seems to have been overlooked by everyone...

The broach just materialised out of this air into the frying pan? I find that to be quite an extreme claim.

Im surprised this isnt the focus of the story. Things going missing then turning up years later in a drawer or something is one thing.... but for an item to drop into a frying pan out of thin air is quite something.

I'm with you Gareth.


Please, you MUST explain...

Dinner (slang in England). I think.
Yep. Tea is slang for dinner in Australia too.

Ive never used the word. Its one of those slang words that really irks me for some reason. (Im pretty sure we all have words that annoy us / make us cringe)

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