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Strange Symbols Upon Awakening

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My train of thought goes like this. When sufficient pressure is applied to the eyes your cones and or rods are stimulated and you see "light". It's not "photonic light" it's just your brains reaction to the stimulation. I've seen what I would call "luminescent phenomenon" that seems to be a complex version of this happening to the point of actually clearly looking like things. Picture an old 16 bit video game to get a basic sense of it. I would speculate that maybe some apparitions and/or U.F.O.s might be the result of something stimulating the cones and rods directly. It doesn't have to be paranormal in nature or even some kind of intentional manipulation.

I have no clue how to test that without actually doing harm to someone's eyes.
The brain is capable of spontaneously producing all manner of images, from simple geometric shapes to full blown color cinema. I sometimes wonder how it is that I sometimes internally (the default assumption) experience scenes and landscapes in my dreams much more vividly than I can when awake. I will throw a WAG that the brain has a filtering mechanism that operates when awake to suppress its own ability to generate virtual reality. This presumably keeps us "sane" and responding primarily to external stimuli.

Prolonged sensory deprivation will also result in visual hallucinations. Even long distance solo sailors have been known to see things that are probably not real.
My train of thought goes like this. When sufficient pressure is applied to the eyes your cones and or rods are stimulated and you see "light". It's not "photonic light" it's just your brains reaction to the stimulation. I've seen what I would call "luminescent phenomenon" that seems to be a complex version of this happening to the point of actually clearly looking like things. Picture an old 16 bit video game to get a basic sense of it. I would speculate that maybe some apparitions and/or U.F.O.s might be the result of something stimulating the cones and rods directly. It doesn't have to be paranormal in nature or even some kind of intentional manipulation.

I have no clue how to test that without actually doing harm to someone's eyes.

Well, science must exact a price.....
My train of thought goes like this. When sufficient pressure is applied to the eyes your cones and or rods are stimulated and you see "light". It's not "photonic light" it's just your brains reaction to the stimulation. I've seen what I would call "luminescent phenomenon" that seems to be a complex version of this happening to the point of actually clearly looking like things. Picture an old 16 bit video game to get a basic sense of it. I would speculate that maybe some apparitions and/or U.F.O.s might be the result of something stimulating the cones and rods directly. It doesn't have to be paranormal in nature or even some kind of intentional manipulation.

I have no clue how to test that without actually doing harm to someone's eyes.

good call.

There are cases in UFO lore where MIB type government suits were messing with portable hertz emitting devices.......
good call.

There are cases in UFO lore where MIB type government suits were messing with portable hertz emitting devices.......

Thanks Nameless.

To be honest I don't know enough about UFOs or special military projects to make statements about exotic weaponry or tech that may be involved. I just see things, speculate and seek out possible explanations.
Thanks for the cites. I have seen patterns that are more generalized grids, but am presently wondering (and have been wondering for some time) about these individual somewhat curly symbols that I have seen. One time it was as though they were written around a frame of a mirror or blank picture.

Could it be dream material seeping into your waking state? If you're experiencing this phenomenon at the end of your sleep, you 're likely to be waking up during REM sleep. There seems to be something about light that tends to make dreams evaporate more quickly, so the fact that you have your eyes closed may allow the dream content to persist. If it was me, I would try to draw or write the symbols as soon as possible after waking up. Or, if you are able to make a rough sketch on paper without opening your eyes, that would be interesting as well.

But even if you don't remember them, you might try taking a guess at writing/drawing them. We forget so much of what we dream, but I suspect that much of it lingers on in concealed form. Another experiment could be to draw a symbol before going to sleep with the intent of trying to see it in dream or upon awakening as described. I read that we spend about 10% of our lives dreaming, and I think it's a process worth exploring.

[I remember one cinematic dream I had where someone had one of those creepy child-size dolls, and the person would use ink and a sort of little bundle of reeds as a brush to draw a symbol on paper. The symbol would activate the doll, and he would send it out to kill his enemies. It was such an intense dream that when I woke up I chose to not draw the symbol, though I remembered it upon awakening. All right, so you might not want to have that kind of dream, ha ha.]
i think ive experienced the same phenomenon as the original poster. its definately not a dream or a one trick pony. ive seen and observed it multiple times at least 20x over several years. the trick is when you awake...immediately focus on the surface of your eyes..its helpful if you are close sighted. its basically random symbols overlaying each other. strangely its not familiar symbols. i have a feeling all of us have this. just gotta focus and catch it when you awake and its dark. only lasts a few seconds. its on the surface of the eye because if i move my eyeballs, the symbols move too. the symbols morph quickly about 1/2 of a second...then they are all gone after a few seconds. im pretty sure its not alien or paranormal...just something biological that most folks dont catch.... my initial thoughts were that they are sugar crystals os or pollysacharide crystals forming random shapes...but the symbols are too well formed and distinct to be random.... if.this thread is active...someone please test and tell us your experience.
I'm just curious...does anyone else occasionally see strange symbols upon waking up in the morning before your eyes are open? This happens to me off and on. They are very plain, but only last for maybe 15 seconds or so and then dissolve. I seem to remember in college psych class that it was mentioned that 15 or 20 percent (?) of people sometimes see geometric figures before their eyes upon awakening, but these were described as more like geometric grids or patterns. The symbols I see are more like letters.
I'm just curious...does anyone else occasionally see strange symbols upon waking up in the morning before your eyes are open? This happens to me off and on. They are very plain, but only last for maybe 15 seconds or so and then dissolve. I seem to remember in college psych class that it was mentioned that 15 or 20 percent (?) of people sometimes see geometric figures before their eyes upon awakening, but these were described as more like geometric grids or patterns. The symbols I see are more like letters.
I see them when waking and falling asleep there are many symbols all distinctive but flash so fast
Far too fast to register
They certainly look mathematical and are fine lined symmetrical objects
It's likely that its some sort of matrix up or download
From whats been happening in my life last few years
I would conclude that we most definitely live in a matrix
We require the lord of the universe to upload some £€$ into our banks for which we would all be grateful ❤ putting it to good use for the benefit of all creation
Peace on Earth and an end to wars suffering and death of all humans and creatures
I'm just curious...does anyone else occasionally see strange symbols upon waking up in the morning before your eyes are open? This happens to me off and on. They are very plain, but only last for maybe 15 seconds or so and then dissolve. I seem to remember in college psych class that it was mentioned that 15 or 20 percent (?) of people sometimes see geometric figures before their eyes upon awakening, but these were described as more like geometric grids or patterns. The symbols I see are more like letters.
Far too fast to register

The brain can register information much faster than you think.

For example subliminal images or messages.

And check out the total recall of this Chimpanzee:

It would be interesting to see if a Chimpanzee could be trained to do this with music and musical notes.
I think I got it. This thread juggled my brain about the aforementioned phenomenon thats been puzzling me for decades. I now believe the symbols are merely edges of visual images that are imprints on the rods and cones of the eye. The reason they look like symbols is because of the absence of color. And the further one is towards sleep, the symbols are reduced in size and then standardized in size. Initially they may appear as gridlines within minutes of closing eyes . The gridlines eventually reduce in size and become what seem to be symbols. When the eye sees the symbol in dream state, they are decoded back to the actual images which you see in dreams. Its difficult to recall the symbols because as one is waking up, the symbols start to coalesce in the center of the eye ànd become jumbled to a blob which will become a dot and then disappear as one becomes totally awake. Again, I dont think this is paranormal but a phenomenon that hasnt been thoroughly studied. Ive done some testing. I have a wierd problem, i think compounded by diabetes, which enables me, though rarely, to remain conscious while falling asleep into dream state. One of the things I noticed was focusing on one of the symbols while entering dream state, the symbol brightened until it became an actual image in the dream....and the dream starts... I would like to further discuss the thread with those who have experiences this as there are some tests that would be awesome to try out and figure out this phenomena. One of the tests is closing one eye, then open and close the other. Does the symbol/s remain the same or change? Trying to rule out if the images are directly on the surface of the eye or at a nerve ending closer to the brain.
Hey Goggs, I have been lurking in the forums but life sort of took over for a while there and my interest in the paranormal became kind of ambivalent... So many questions and no answers only more questions. :)
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I'm just curious...does anyone else occasionally see strange symbols upon waking up in the morning before your eyes are open? This happens to me off and on. They are very plain, but only last for maybe 15 seconds or so and then dissolve. I seem to remember in college psych class that it was mentioned that 15 or 20 percent (?) of people sometimes see geometric figures before their eyes upon awakening, but these were described as more like geometric grids or patterns. The
Uh ... I dunno ... I don't do that to my eyes and would advise you to avoid the habit. However another pattern happens in the morning. If I keep my eyes closed but relaxed or stay in the near dark until I can switch a light on or open a curtain to the daylight, and then face toward the light so it seems bright but not intolerable with my eyes still closed, I can see a complex honeycomb like network of bright lines against a red background that disintegrates into a smooth red liquid visual space. I imagine this phenomenon as the vaporization of the old retinal layer that we shed every night. Coincidentally or otherwise, I find that if my vision is a little foggy in the morning and I perform this procedure, it clears up the fog and I can see better.

I have been searching everywhere for a situation like mines and your are the first that has my EXACT symptoms!! It happens when i am exiting ram sleep and entering consciousness.. They seem to be seen from the inside of my eyes to the outside world. And their floating with grace.. The change and look like their ancient in some fashion. I really need answers.. I am able to do weird things and i beleive these have some connection...