At last, a purpose in existence.
Lol ... I know ...
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At last, a purpose in existence.
Isn't this essentially what religious folk do?"This might entail several things. Assuming that we don’t want the simulation to be turned off (as this would cause us to cease to exist), we should do everything in our power to keep whoever is simulating us interested in the simulation. This might cause us to pursue actions that are more likely to cause very dramatic events to happen. Also, if we believe that our simulators are willing to punish/reward people for certain behavior within the simulation, we should try to figure out what behavior they are going to reward and act on that. Thus, knowing that we are very probably living in a computer simulation should have a profound effect on the way we lead our lives."
Isn't this essentially what religious folk do?
And it's fun to consider some paranormal phenomena in this context: reincarnation, NDEs, OBEs, synchronicity, consciousness, ghosts/poltergeist, UFOs, etc. And I don't mean in the sense that these are all just tricks that are played on us, but in the sense that these may be phenomena that are possible because reality is a manufactured pattern of information.
Jacques Valle has talked about this a little bit, but not in this context per se. But he's speculated — and I'm paraphrasing — about all of reality being an interconnected information structure and some of our paranormal experiences — such as synchronicites — being a result of this interconnectedness of information, an interconnectedness not bound by time and space.
And while our bodies do seem to be bound by time and space, our minds — information, if you will — don't seem to be.
Yes. And what I'm saying -- and perhaps you are as well -- is what if the situations aren't just similar, but identical. That is, maybe the gods are the programmers, and maybe reality is the program. There are some who literally believe this to be the case. One intellectual in particular, Vox Day, has articulated this many times.It's essentially "Pascal's Wager".
@ufology, I don't disagree with your argument, but there is a subtle distinction I think the authors make that I want to highlight.To clarify my position further, there is a profound difference between a star simulated by a computer, and a human brain simulated by a computer. A human brain simulated by a computer is essentially an electronic brain configured to process signals like a human brain, while a star is something else altogether. A "computer simulation of a giant star will not bend spacetime around the machine". However a computer simulation of a human brain might very well see the space around itself if hooked up to a camera.
Yes. And what I'm saying -- and perhaps you are as well -- is what if the situations aren't just similar, but identical. That is, maybe the gods are the programmers, and maybe reality is the program. There are some who literally believe this to be the case. One intellectual in particular, Vox Day, has articulated this many times.
God is essentially a "video game designer" and reality is a big game He is playing. That narrative is already there, but when you add the "computer simulation" element, it becomes "scientific." I think what we're learning is that information and computation are substrate independent. So the "computer simulation" idea isn't really novel, it just gets more attention because it sounds more scientific. It's not a new question: Is reality a result of the work of gods/designers/creators/programmers or not? If it is, then there is intrinsic meaning built into our reality, if it isn't, then there is no intrinsic meaning.
I've got to look up this Vox Day cat ... is that his human name? From now on I wish to be called:
Pronounced "sephen"
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Sounds like a Star Wars character....or a a variant of the bird flu.![]()
Who programs our programmers?
If they don't have intrinsic meaning how do they insert it into our simulation?
Not scientific in that it can't be tested ... falsified ... unless we find red pills.
But. "sciencey" yes or sciencesque
@ufology, I don't disagree with your argument, but there is a subtle distinction I think the authors make that I want to highlight.
What I am understanding -- I think -- is that information while conceptually distinct from the neurons, is not physically distinct. That is, for every "bit" of information, there will be a physical neuron in a physical state "embodying" this information.
So we can talk of information in the abstract, but we mustn't forget that for every single bit of information, there is a physical correlate.
So, while a physical, organic brain with physical, organic neurons would be the same as a physical, silicone brain with physical, silicone neurons; it would not be the same as a non-physical, digital brain with non-physical, digital neurons.
Now, having said that, I don't really understand what a digital simulation of a brain would be. What does that mean? What is it to say that something is a digital simulation? What is a digital neuron? It wouldn't seem to be a physical neuron in any case, and that seems to be important to the authors.
A physical neuron would have real causal effect whereas as a digital neuron would not have real causal effect. This seems to be crucial, but I'll admit I'm not sure why or how. Is it that a physical neuron is responding to physical, causal laws, while a digital neuron is responding to programmed instructions, insulated from physical, causal laws? This might be the rub.
The authors speak of integrated information and one is tempted to think of this in the abstract, but this integrated information is correlated with and embodied by real, physical neurons with real, causal effect. But, I'm tempted to believe that so long as information is integrated, it shouldn't matter if it is integrated via physical or digital neurons, but the authors seem to disagree. However, I agree with you that they haven't made a strong enough case as to why.
We could say that there is of course a difference between, say, smoke coming from a real locomotive and smoke coming from a digital simulation of a locomotive. Even though we could create a working simulation of a locomotive that produced simulated smoke that behaved exactly like real, physical smoke, we would still say that simulated smoke was not like real smoke. (Real smoke is interacting with the causal effects of the physical universe; simulated smoke is interacting with programmed effects of a simulation.)
The problem is that the authors are saying consciousness is information. Unlike smoke, information is substrate independent. Smoke is physical molecules; information is not physical, but does require physical embodiment to exist. In my admittedly primitive understanding of such things, even digital information is physically embodied.
Hm, I'm not sure that's right. I think we can have:[The initial argument] was framed in the context of a computer ( an electronic brain ) vs. a human biological brain, and in both cases we're dealing with physical structures. ...
In an electronic simulation of a human brain, the neurons, which are a biological brain's micro-switches, are in fact made of material micro-switches ( transistors ). So while the materials are different, their essential nature is still the same. We're still talking brains to brains...
Hm, I'm not sure that's right. I think we can have:
(1) A physical, biological brain,
(2) A physical, non-biological brain, or
(3) A digital simulation of a brain
The authors of IIT seem to suggest that (1) and (2) can generate consciousness while (3) cannot.
One could argue that (2) and (3) are not really different; they are both computers processing information. However, I think we can say that these computers would process information differently, and that seems to be the key difference (at least to the authors). Moreover, we can see that (1) and (2) would process information in the same way, and the authors admit that both could thus generate consciousness.
Rightly or wrongly, IIT suggests that consciousness arises from information processed/organized/integrated in a particular manner.
IIT 3.0 is discussed on the linked Wikipedia talk page, linked to three disciplines that are all implicated in the IIT theory and demonstrating the ambiguity presented so far in the theory. Perhaps this discussion will help us to focus our discussion better. I'll be gone this afternoon but will return later.
Talk:Integrated information theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IIT 3.0 is discussed on the linked Wikipedia talk page, linked to three disciplines that are all implicated in the IIT theory and demonstrating the ambiguity presented so far in the theory. Perhaps this discussion will help us to focus our discussion better. I'll be gone this afternoon but will return later.
Talk:Integrated information theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia