paranormal master
yes, that is a little disturbing. But, If there were a pandemic you want anyone and everyone capable of producing it to be doing so.
I think alot of the hyp you're hearing has got to do with preparedness.
That's just the time we live in. We are pretty much dealing with everything in real time. 30 years ago if 200 died it would already be up to 1000 by the time you got the first set of numbers. Now you hear about it as it happens so the numbers don't upset you as much. (frog in the frying pan type of thing)
Ems today deals with everything as though it was the most important emergency. It doesn't matter what it is now. It's all about interoperability. Having everyone trained the same so no matter who you are working with you know what you are doing. The press picks up on the business of everyone and panics the world.
Also you are going to see alot of people using this as a training tool to be ready. Which may look frightening to some because before 911 or New Orleans, You didn't see anyone acting. Only reacting.
If we had the same senario and no did anything and no one was warned and all the different health departments didn't do every thing they are doing now, what do you suppose people would say if it did break out into a pandemic?
You would hear alot of bitching on how we could have done more and no one was prepared and no one warned us even though they all knew.
So I guess I would rather see this overzellous behavior than nothing.
I think alot of the hyp you're hearing has got to do with preparedness.
That's just the time we live in. We are pretty much dealing with everything in real time. 30 years ago if 200 died it would already be up to 1000 by the time you got the first set of numbers. Now you hear about it as it happens so the numbers don't upset you as much. (frog in the frying pan type of thing)
Ems today deals with everything as though it was the most important emergency. It doesn't matter what it is now. It's all about interoperability. Having everyone trained the same so no matter who you are working with you know what you are doing. The press picks up on the business of everyone and panics the world.
Also you are going to see alot of people using this as a training tool to be ready. Which may look frightening to some because before 911 or New Orleans, You didn't see anyone acting. Only reacting.
If we had the same senario and no did anything and no one was warned and all the different health departments didn't do every thing they are doing now, what do you suppose people would say if it did break out into a pandemic?
You would hear alot of bitching on how we could have done more and no one was prepared and no one warned us even though they all knew.
So I guess I would rather see this overzellous behavior than nothing.