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Syvia Browne Local Apperance

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
I have learned a local venue has booked an apperance by so called pychic SYVIA BROWNE
we all know she is a fraud soo im looking for help here
what should I do about it?
should I
A. do nothing and allow ppl to waste there hard eaned cash?
B.Call the venue to let them know she is a known FRAUD so they can at least KNOW who they got coming?
C.Go to the venue persoanly with a lap top to show mangement of her fraud?
D.orginze a protest of the venue for having a known fraud?
I wont post the name of the place show times or the places contact unless given the ok by Gene or a fourms moderator.
P.S any ideas would be helpful!
treat her like a pro wrestling event, entertainment for simple minded people.
seems like the thoughts here and with my family are the same...Just let her do her thing and let ppl waste their money!
although it hurts me to pass up an oppertunity to stop such a fake from collecting more from the gullible!
I did nothing when she was at a bookstore downtown. The people who think she's for real, love her for some reason. Not much you can do about it.
i almost forgot about it but the event is this weekend. my wife bought 2 tickets and paid extra for a reading this should be fun ill keep you guys in the loop!
My wife and I decided that for my "reading" ill ask syvia for "peace in knowing how my great grandfather died." if she nials it eather she is better then I thought or the real deal... we will have to see,But im sure she is a FRAUD! ill post the results sat night after the event!
I kind of envy you. I understand it's not a scientific experiement but to actually be able to see for yourself is still pretty cool. I honestly don't think Sylvia Browne is the real deal. However, she could be senseitive and simply exageratting or lying about the depth of her ....a.."gift." She could be a complete charlatan. I do understand there is evil and injustice and there are bad folks in this world. However, in my expereince there is much more grey area when it comes to a human than most of us are comfortable with. I know from my expereince there was this lady who was a "phropet" in the church I used to go to. Now, she was in all honesty a wise and nice and sincere lady. She lived what she preached and agree or disagree with her theology she wasn't a phony. But, I noticed that when she was doing her prophecy it was to the same few folks and the same kind of "insight." I would try to get close during those times so I could get a little more insight. But, she never seemed to have a "prophecy" just for me. Although, she was pretty sure I was decieved by the new age because of my interest in reincarnation. But, still she was a good and honest person and thought honestly that she was "of God." Ya know what? For the most part she was (imo) just not always in the way she thought she was. Of course she didn't "charge" money or live in a mansion or wear costume jewlry everywhere she went either. So, maybe it's not quite the same thing. :cool: Anyway, I digress, and I look forward to your report.
upon our arival my reading card was taken by one of her "handlers". he asked me for basic info on my great grandfather and i provided him with.
A; he was a doctor
B;he was quite wealthy
C; he died around the turn of the 20th centry.
we went into the hall and after a bit Syvia was brought out. She looked and sounded OLD and reminded me of my grandma in her manner of speaking.
her leture was on sprits and karma. most of it I heard before from other sources. then she begain her "readings I was 5th.
SB;I see you wish peace about your great grandfathers death?
SB; I see he was a doctor.
she closed her eyes for a moment.
SB; I sense you have a great respect for him (true)
Me;yes I do
SB; I sense he died a hero (TRUE)
me; (a little more energy) yes
SB;he died so others may live (TRUE)
me;yes I feel that to
I pictured his death in my mind the true nature of of it I pushed it right at her...
SB; its clear to me now i see grey mud and a flag..
SB;yes I see a tent many tables...
SB; i beleve your great grandfather died in servce, he died in a war the 1st great war.(FALSE)
my wife pulled on my arm I looked down she nodded no..
Me;thank you miss Brown ill look in that direction im sure i can find his service records.
SB;in the end all his money could not save his life. But take peace in knowing he is safe in the light.
Me;you have any other feelings on the manner of his death so I can look closer?
SB; yes I see 2 flags american and france he died in the trenchs helping others.(FALSE)
me; thank you miss Brown
she then moved on...
on my way out the handler stoped me
"I hope you found some level of peace about his death"
I looked at him I was about to go off.But again my wife gave me pause.
I said;
My great grandfather died a hero
he died so others can live...
he died..
I raised my voice a bit.. ON THE TITANIC!
my wife pulled me away. Slvia had failed.
and in the parking lot she said...WHAT DID YOU EXPECT FROM A CIRCUS ACT?
my final thoughts on what transpired;
she took the info from the card....she then read into my reactions...she came up with a (to her )resonable "reading".AoI is right she is at best a cold reader...BUT i gave her ONE clue in my basic info on him. the fact that he was rich and died around the turn of the 20th century...
so my final thoughts on SB...
a cold reader...
a circus act...
a fraud...
my final thoughts on what transpired;
she took the info from the card....she then read into my reactions...she came up with a (to her )resonable "reading".AoI is right she is at best a cold reader...BUT i gave her ONE clue in my basic info on him. the fact that he was rich and died around the turn of the 20th century...
so my final thoughts on SB...
a cold reader...
a circus act...
a fraud...

I'm glad to know that there's someone out there that did exactly what I would have done. Well played. She took some good guesses. If she would have taken a leap of faith and said Titanic though, you would have been pretty amazed, I know I would have.
The people that believe in psychics without fail are those that have had that happen to them - a psychic getting an amazing hit.
If my wife was not there things would have gone south fast...She is my pillar my rock...It pays to be married to a woman who skates roller derby :)

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