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Take Two and DON'T call me in the mourning...

Free episodes:

Don't try to grown your own.

GW Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. filed a patent on cannabinoids in 2009.

The patent is close to being approved.

Soon they will be able to prosecute for patent infringement anyone who attempts to grow their intellectual property on their back patio.


The patent: Patent CA2726258A1 - Anti-tumoural effects of cannabinoid combinations - Google Patents

GW Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. stock price: GWPH: Summary for GW Pharmaceuticals Plc- Yahoo! Finance

No free weed for you, Citizen.

Here in little old New Zealand I am sad to say it is a class C drug still and it is not legal to grow or obtain it.. however the act of smoking it is legal ...?????... work that one out if you can.

But anyway growing it here is sort of a tradition if you get my meaning.
Amazing stats to say the least people are making a lot of money no doubt, people are abusing the drugs no doubt, they are being over prescribed no doubt, BUT there is also no doubt that some peoples quality of life is drastically improved by taking these drugs, I found myself in a situation where it boiled down to which was the lesser of two evils take them or don't, pain won I swallowed the pills. People really need to realize that just because the doctor prescribed the meds does not mean that they have to take them, i research what's given to me and make that choice. Not all doctors have your best intentions in mind, be wary of what your given and take some responsibility and do the research on whats in it and what it does and how it does it!!!

Yes. Some people really do need the medication. As you said thought there is a lot of abuse going on with the patients and the doctors.
once you do finally regain some sanity, and allow consenting informed adults to modify their consciousnesses in whatever way they deem fit, so long as they interfere with no one else.
They say tone is everything. Reading between the lines helps too. I was talking specifically about how alcohol does interfere with great portions of society not Sunday school.

Look, if consenting adults knew how to consent without having alcohol, nicotine and caffeine pushed on them by their corporate dealers we might be able to have a reasonable conversation about how substances work to define society and culture. The fact is the choices are limited. So instead of berating me about prohibition, lol as if i cared about such things, please meditate on what North America would have looked like if we had decided to orient our spiritual philosophies around a carefully constructed hallucinogenic empire that identified healing as the primary motivation behind our consumptions.

Alcohol is mostly about violence, dude. That was my point - it hasn't done abusive families any favours. You think kids consent to get the crap kicked out of them after mom and dad polished off the 26er? You are missing my bigger picture altogether.

They say tone is everything.

Anyone who said that would be ascribing no importance to substance.

Look, if consenting adults knew how to consent without having alcohol, nicotine and caffeine pushed on them by their corporate dealers we might be able to have a reasonable conversation about how substances work to define society and culture.

I can't parse this as a sentence. What do you mean "consent without having alcohol"? What does that mean?

berating me about prohibition

What? Who's berating anyone?

as if i cared about such things

You don't care about prohibition, but you're advocating for it?

Alcohol is mostly about violence, dude.

It's not often that I read a statement that silly, so hats off, but go on then, let's do the drill: please substantiate your claim that "alcohol is mostly about violence".

That was my point - it hasn't done abusive families any favours. You think kids consent to get the crap kicked out of them after mom and dad polished off the 26er?

You understand that legalizing a substance and legalizing physical abuse aren't the same thing, right? In the same way that the telephone book isn't a banned item, but beating someone to death with it is still against the law? It remains illegal to beat up your kids - you understand that, right?
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Anyone who said that would be ascribing no importance to substance.

I can't parse this as a sentence.
Well, try this then:
“My war brought me many things; let yours bring you as much. Life is not to be told, call it as loud as you like, it will not tell itself. No one will be much or little except in someone else's mind, so be careful of the minds you get into, and remember Lady Macbeth, who had her mind in her hand. We can't all be as safe as that.” / Djuna Barnes

As for alcohol and violence we know that 40% of all crime in the US involves alcohol, alcohol is the number one date rape drug, global studies on intimate partner violence feature alcohol prominently, in some nations with abysmally high percentages, and "Published studies suggest that as many as 86% of homicide offenders, 37% of assault offenders, 60% of sexual offenders, up to 57% of men and 27% of women involved in marital violence, and 13% of child abusers were drinking at the time of the offense. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1997."

But a more important question, Duncan, what exactly are you trying to prove, that Macbeth was right to listen to his Lady?

Is there really anything here to win?

Meanwhile, belly up to the bar folks, they've been open since 7am in Toronto so we good watch the olympic hockey finals double fisted - good on us I say! (please note sarcasm as previous tonal elements evaporated in the pot)
Well, try this then:
“My war brought me many things; let yours bring you as much. Life is not to be told, call it as loud as you like, it will not tell itself. No one will be much or little except in someone else's mind, so be careful of the minds you get into, and remember Lady Macbeth, who had her mind in her hand. We can't all be as safe as that.” / Djuna Barnes

Tried it, still not sure what you mean. Probably have better results if you just speak in a straight forward manner.

As for alcohol and violence we know that 40% of all crime in the US involves alcohol [and the rest of your stats]

There are so many problems with this:

1. Do we? I don't know that. You might think you do, but unless you actually supply a source that shows this to be true in a reliable and convincing manner, let's leave this out of the discussion, since unsubstantiated claims are worthless.

2. 100% of crimes "involved" a person. 100% of crimes "involved" oxygen. 100% of crimes "involved" the space-time continuum. Therefore each is of these three things is "mostly about violence, dude." Hopefully it's enough to just state this for you to realize how flawed the logic is.

3. It's irrelevant how many crimes involved alcohol, if you're trying to prove what alcohol is "mostly" about. Show how many drunk people committed a crime, not how many criminals are drunks.

4. Not all crime is violent.

5. Even if we granted that alcohol mainly causes violence, and most violence is caused by alcohol, it still wouldn't make any sense to ban alcohol, since violence is *already* illegal.

There are more problems with your logic, I'm sure, but hopefully these will do.

But a more important question, Duncan, what exactly are you trying to prove, that Macbeth was right to listen to his Lady?

Nothing. Yours was the claim, I only asked about it. The onus of proof is on you.

Is there really anything here to win?

A great deal. When someone has a wildly crazy view, and I ask them about it, I either get to find out that their view isn't wildly cazy at all, or I get to be even more sure that it's wildly crazy by having them try to support it. This is a win-win.
the newbie, trying to convince us alcohol is gooood, it isnt, you have to be a special kind of bonehead to believe society does not suffer overall due to excessive alcohol consumption, just sayin duncan.
Duncan, logic in a paranormal discussion forum has its place I suppose, but I'm more of a liminal demon and think the same. If you want logic you should check out the Consciousness and Paranormal thread as it's had some really wonderful intersections with logic & philosophical discourse that you might enjoy more. If you do basic research on alcohol you will see that 40% stat is the accepted norm across America.

Now, I like singe malt scotches, strong ales, rums and whiskies of many flavours and a good pilsner on occasion. Let's not get into wine as it's a pricey conversation. All good things in moderation though. The pusher, is the point of this thread, and the pusher is a corporate, profit oriented maniac who lusts after human experimentation and has created the ADHD epidemic and is constantly asking desperate people late at night to ask their doctors to get more of those pills to pop (now the most popular drug of choice for suburban teens after ransacking the grandparents' medicine cabinet).

As a contributor to human culture alcohol has offered us little. I don't believe in banning, censoring or prohibiting anything; free will, free choice and all that sort of thing. Nicotine as a sacred herb - agreed, but as something pushed onto teens, along with alcohol and caffeine that the body can't metabolize? That's what doesn't make any sense at all.

Try this new baby aid, now with 65 mg of morphine in every ounce!
This is tantamount to saying you're wrong.
Ya know I put a lot of effort into dialogue with you and this is all? You could at least comment on the pro-rape booze ad from Belvedere, or are we narrowing this discussion into a corner?
It's such a prevelant statistic that you can't even cite it, it seems.
Such laziness should not be rewarded: http://www.ph.ucla.edu/sciprc/pdf/ALCOHOL_AND_VIOLENCE.pdf

But here's something else to parse from The US Department of Justice:
Crime and Alcohol Statistics

Now would you also like me to mix you a G&T to go with that! Let me guess, with a lime twist right? Remind me to take two, next time before I decide to call you back.
Burnt, I like to drink and am not violent (unless I see Bayern München 'fans.'...). I feel I'm too young at 33 to take alll of in...
Burnt, I like to drink and am not violent (unless I see Bayern München 'fans.'...). I feel I'm too young at 33 to take alll of in...
Please, let's keep violence and fandom in the hockey camp. Soccer/football has already suffered too much from those "hooligans." I hope at least you are not throwing darts or road flares at the Bayern Munchens.. I was thinking of your love of the drink as I was posting on this thread and was feeling guilty each step of the way.